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Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist) Retail Foundation

Basic Security Procedures
Study the appearance and actions of the robbers:
Pay attention to security and money  Height, weight, age, eye, hair, skin coloring, clothes
procedures 

Foreign or regional accents
Knowledge of Outlets layout
 Use of Fashion related terminology
□ Authorized personnel only  Possession of Store keys
 Try to observe the robber’s method and direction of
Why are only on-duty staff allowed in the work area? escape

Extra people cause confusion, distract employees, and give □ What features to check in a note/bill?
criminals opportunity. Don’t go behind the counter if you’re not
working, and don’t invite friends back there. How can you identify a counterfeit bill?

Electrotype Watermark

Anti-scanning & photocopy features

Optical variable ink.

Window security
Ask for a badge. If someone you don’t recognize wants to enter thread Optical variable ink.
the behind counter or Manager’s room, ask to see a company
picture ID badge. If the person can’t show you one, get your Enlarge
manager. Watermark

□ Don’t give Articles or information away

Is giving articles away really considered as theft?

Never give away anything to friends or people you know.

Intentionally/Unintentionally giving away an articles is considered Identification Mark (for Blind)
theft and will result in disciplinary action up to and including
termination. Stamp Faisal Mosque

Security procedures and money procedures are

confidential. For example, if someone asks you when your
manager makes drop-offs at the bank, say that you don’t know.
Then tell your manager what happened. To beat con attempt to use counterfeit bill with you, lay any bill you
receive upside down on the register. The large value written in the
□ Stay calm middle & Top which can’t be faked.

What should you do during a robbery? If you get a bill over Rs.5000, check it with your
manager. If you do receive a counterfeit bill, notify
Don’t panic or argue during a robbery your manager immediately.
If you are held up:
 Try to remain calm
 Do exactly what you are told
 Don’t argue or hesitate
 Give the robbers what they want
 Don’t do anything that would put you or anyone else in
Staggered Open Procedures

Know the rules 3 Assign a lookout

It is very important to follow security procedures

when opening and closing the store to ensure the
safety of yourself and other Staff members.

Even if you are never responsible for these directly,

you should be aware that Ideas Outlets has these

One crew member should remain in the car as lookout as other

□ No loitering members enter the restaurant together.
Why is loitering not allowed?
If anyone approaches your manager and crew
Who’s hanging around? members, the lookout leaves and immediately calls
People lingering in the outside or suspiciously hanging out around 999.
the store may be “casing” the store – observing the store’s
procedures to determine the best time to commit a crime. Don’t be a hero! If you are approached by someone who
threatens you, listen to and follow what that person says.

4 Your manager locks the door and

turns on the lights
If you see anyone suspicious, write down the person’s license plate
and description, then notify your manger.

□ Staggered open
Describe a staggered opening.

Enter as a team
If everything is ok, your manager signals the lookout that it is safe
to come in.
1 Arrive at work together
One crew member stays by the phone while the manager
lets the lookout in. The door is locked again.
Meet your manager and other crew members off-site. Travel
together to the Store.
No one should enter or leave the restaurant until it is
open for business.
2 Drive all the way around the building
Never open the door for anyone.

Check for anything unusual, such as broken windows,

open doors, or cars outside the store or in the parking

If anything looks suspicious, leave and call 15.

December 2007 3
Staggered Close Procedures and Handling Special Situations
If anyone is approached by someone suspicious, the second
□ Staggered close lookout drives off and calls 15.

Describe a staggered closing. If anyone approaches the second lookout employee, the person by
the phone should call 15 immediately. Everyone else should move
away from the glass doors.
Leave as a team
If someone is picking you up, you should leave after the employees
driving their own cars/bikes.
1 In preparing to leave, all employees except
one should go to the exit door You should never remain in the store alone after
The remaining employee stays by the phone, ready to dial 15 or.
Everyone checks the parking lot from inside the store.
Special situations
2 A second lookout employee leaves first
□ Bomb threats
What should you do if you receive a bomb threat?
Write down everything about a bomb threat.

If everything appears normal, one employee leaves and goes to his

or her car. Relock the door immediately.

Take good notes. If you receive a bomb threat, it’s important

3 The second lookout employee gets into the
that you write down all the pertinent information you get and tell
car your manager immediately.

When and where. Ask for the location of the bomb and the time it
will go off.

Listen closely to the voice. Is the caller male or female, calm or

excited? Does the caller have any accent or speech impediment?

Make notes of any background noises you hear (motors, music,

laughing and joking).

The more information you write down, the better the chance of
preventing injury to everyone in the store, and the better the
investigation will go afterward. The more you write down at the
The employee drives through the parking lot, and waits by the exit. time, the less you have to try to remember later.

4 The second lookout watches as all other □ Natural disasters

employees leave
Describe your store’s procedures for common natural

Write down your store’s policies for dealing with natural disasters
common in your area.


All employees other than the second lookout should leave to store _____________________________________________________
and go to their cars.
Anti-Theft & Shop lifting procedures
□ Anti-Shop lifting
To steal merchandise from a store that is open for business.
Remember you are responsible to secure your articles, so anything
missing from that area would also make you responsible.

How to spot a Shoplifter

Observe body language, would be very slow, and watch hands. Do

approach them by asking “how can I help you?” this would let them
know you are observing them.

Spend more time watching the cashier or sales staff than actually

Heavy clothing during off season or carrying bags.

Take several items in the trial room and return with one

Seems nervous or display unusual body language

Keep an eye on large juveniles groups and at the same time

member of group causes disturbance to distract.

How to react when you spot check

shoplifter actually performing Shop

1 Inform your Manager, Do not engage them


Remember since you are not qualified to handle potentially risky

situation therefore you would be better off immediately informing
you Manager.

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