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1. Read the following text.


Subaru Kakahashi was only 14 years old when he set out on an amazing
adventure. His goal was to sail from Tokyo to San Francisco alone. Subaru
grew up near the sea and loved sailing. His parents thought he was old
enough to sail alone, and they helped him buy a boat. He left on July 22. At
first, the trip was easy. Then after three weeks, his engine broke down, so
didn’t have any lights. He had to watch out for big ships at night, because it
was too dark to see his boat. Five days later, his radio stopped working.
Subaru was really alone then, but he didn’t give up. His progress was very
slow, but he kept on sailing. He almost ran out of food, and he was not fast
enough to catch a fish. He put up with hot sun and strong wind. On
September 13, Subaru sailed into San Francisco. He was the youngest
person ever to sail alone across the Pacifica Ocean.

1.1. Answer the following questions:

A. What is the purpose of this reading?
The text is about a boy who likes to sail and who was born near the sea,
he began to navigate the world early
B. What kind of people may be interested in this type of topics?
people whose tastes travel, cruises and challenges

1.2. Record a 3 minute-video of you talking about any adventure experience

you have lived. (include name, age, a detailed description of the adventure
and how everything ended.)

2. Watch the following video about top 10 weirdest sports in the world and then
write down a brief description of the sport you have been assigned. In your
description include and explanation of the sport and the rules by the
expressions: have/has to, don’t/doesn’t have to, your writing must have about
10-12 sentences.

Speak Takraw, Shin Kicking, Caber Tossing, Quidditch, Wife Carrying, Chess
Boxing, Dog Surfing, Unicycle Football, Blind Soccer, Carboard Tube Dueling.
Write your paragraph below.
Chess boxing is about there are two rivals who face each other in a ring. It all starts with a
chess board and the players face to face. Chess is played for 4 minutes, after that time the
two fighters get up, fight for 2 minutes and then sit down again to play again. Every time
there is a game change it is passed to the next round, until a maximum of 12 is completed.
Players have 12 minutes to win their game, even if a checkmate a KO or the judges'decision
over time can decant victory from one side or the other. In some countries the playing time
and duration of each round varies, but there is always a short break between them so that
fighters can change, take off or put on gloves
There are two rivals who have to face each other in a ring. It all starts with a chess board
and the players face to face. Chess is played for 4 minutes, after that time the two wrestlers
get up, fight for 2 minutes and then sit down to play again. Every time there is a game
change, you have to go to a next round, until you complete a maximum of 12.
Players do not have to hit the other when he is defenseless because he will be penalized,
they do not have to fight without boxing gloves, they do not have to kick the opponent

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