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Review 1 Objectives: . Oy” Students should be able to: nv + name some land animals and sea animals. ~ . stenoses onan an aint + describe a person and an animal. Words and expressions: of Previously learnt: — Height — short, tall © Build — plump, slim Eye colour wan dark Hair colour ae Hajesyi Jong, short Reps as ersonality — clever, cheerful, friendly, funny, hard-working, loud, nice, quiet Is — buffalo, eat, cock, cow, dog, duck, horse, pig, rat, turkey, ox, sheep, goose, fish, deer S Land animals — bear, elephant, leopard, lion, monkey, snake brown, grey ‘Sea animals — dolphin, octopus, seahorse, shark, starfish, turtle Colour — black, blue, brown, green, grey, pink, while Speed — fast, slow Size — big, small HelShe is... He/She has hair. He/She has ... eyes. The colour is .. Resources and preparation: picture cards of Bo Bo, Min Min, Thuzar, Nilar and May Thu, picture cards of animals (from Unit 2) ‘Teaching procedure for Period 1 Warm up G minutes) + Revise some vocabulary of animals using the flashcards provided or things inthe classroom, + _ Check their understanding of the words and tell them to spell them group by group and then individually. QB 1A. Listen and circle the words you hear. +7 minutes) + Play the recording or read the words aloud. Students listen and circle the words they hear. + Play the recording or say the words again and tll students to check their answers, IF necessary, ‘wo or three times. «Putte cect answers onthe Horan tl students to check hia in pais ono + Ask the class how many words they could circle correctly. 1B, Put the words in 1A under the correct columns. QO (10 minutes) + Tell students to draw the table from 1B in their exercise books and to put S from 1A under their correct column, + Tell some students to come to the front of the class and say a word xe hi 1d then have hinvher write the words under the correct column. Confirm the answers with the class we uel @ 1C. Look at the picture and practise the di: + Play the recording or read the dialogue aloud to the st ey tell them to listen carefully. + Put students in pairs, Name each pair'A' and ‘ to practise the dialogue while looking atthe picture (10 minutes) from IC. + Next, tell student A to ask the questions. o. covers the sentences but can see the picture. Student B answers the questions by looking at the picture. When they have finished, ask them to change roles. ‘+ Monitor the class and encourage nenlovcnn participate in the activity. 1D, Look at the picture agai itch the questions and the answers. (7 minutes) + Tell students to look at vette ind match the questions and answers individually. They should write their answers in their exercise bool + Have students fke pait®and check their answers by asking and answering the questions on the left hand side in sume we) . Patented nen som aback mina) + PointYeséme ofthe people and animals in the picture from IC and make sure that students can give simple descriptions of the people and animals. ‘Teaching procedure for Period 2 ‘Warm up (5 minutes) + Tell the class to look at page I and 2 and tell them to read silently. ‘+ Putthe pictures of Bo Bo, Min Min, Thuzar, Nilar and May Thu on the board and call some students to give descriptions of these pictures. 2A, Underline the correct word in each sentence. (7 minutes) + Tell the class to draw a line under the correct word in each sentence. + Do item 1 with the class in order to demonstrate how to do the activity. + Tell them to check their answers in pairs. ‘+ Tell some students to say their answers and ask them why they chose them. (cncfisneges srnefainGogogSc8 oGancyS GercrrainG§S oG¥Ectone5i) *+ Confirm their answers with the class 2B. Complete the sentences. Qe ne J ‘+ Tell them that the first letters are given for them to complete the sentences. g + Do the first question with the class in order to demonstrate how to do the activity gy + Tel emo check hei anes in pats “S ne ros emintey§GS ome (QB 2. Read the passage and answer the questions. (15 minutes) ‘+ Tell the class to look at the picture in 2C and ask them to guess what ‘he Hassaee about. After some students have sven hi answers llth asso read he passage nil. XY + Make groups of 5 and have each group read one sentence “ee in turns. + Play the recording or read the passage aloud and have stu + Call on individual students to stand up and read the pas + Ask some questions to check students! understan he slim or plump? Does he have long or sl + Tell each group to read the questions below sage and answer them in their exercise books, Tell them to underline the answers in the passage. + Confirm the answers by calling on groups to give their answers to the class. ‘Summary and feedback G minutes) + Revise any weak “eS hen to use 'am, is, ae’, and the appropriate use of adjectives to describe people, or animals, Q) S

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