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Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How

To Draw Realistic Pencil Portraits Like A Master

Finally! You Can Now Draw Like A Master...

Let Me Show You How You Too Can Draw Realistic Pencil Portraits Like A
Master With My "Truly" Step-by-Step Guide... And Help You To Achieve
Your Dream To Become A Master Pencil Artist-- Without Wasting Your
Precious Time Going Through Years Of Trials And Errors...

From The Desk Of Christopher Sia

Date: 3 May 2011

Dear Artist,

My name is Christopher Sia and for the past 4 years, I've been drawing pencil portraits and
teaching hundreds of my students to draw as well.

I was a struggling so-called artist trying to learn how to draw realistic pencil portraits.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Obviously, I failed many times.

I couldn't even draw a decent pencil portrait because I wasn't gifted in drawing.

I spent my hard-earned money from my part time job to attend drawing courses, but didn't learn
what I needed to achieve the realism of a masterful human pencil portrait.

I can still remember the first pencil portrait that I drew back in 2006, when I didn't really
understand how to attain my potential.

I thought it was nice so I shared it with all of my friends-but they laughed at my portrait drawing.

Looking at their drawings, I felt that I was not as skillful, couldn't draw as well as they could.

Until today, I still keep my first pencil portrait drawing on my drawing table...
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

After years of trials and errors, I'm now able to draw a pencil portrait like this...
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

This is not from overnight success. I've been practicing and learning for almost every single day
to attain a higher level of pencil portrait drawing.

The truth is... there was this one year period that I did not improve my pencil drawing techniques
at all.

After achieving the results that I wanted, I concentrated on teaching others, at the expense of

Because of teaching others, I lack of practice time and stopped learning in drawing for
almost a year! My pencil drawing techniques became stuck at the same level without

Deep down in my heart, I know that I've been satisfied for where I am in my pencil portrait
drawing techniques and skills. I've been satisfied that I stopped improving my pencil portrait
drawing skill.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Then, one day, everything changed...

I was invited to join an event that is organized for every pencil portrait artist to share their art with

I suddenly did not feel so satisfied anymore. I had thought I was good enough to master the art
of pencil portrait drawing... until I met many masters of pencil artists who were far better than me.

Suddenly, I felt like a small fry on the floor compared to them.

And while I was inspired by them, being with these masters made me totally dissatisfied.

It was time to do some soul searching...

I sat at my drawing table looking at all of my previous pencil portrait drawings... and eventually
thought of a different way to draw, to conceive. A different way to make portraits more realistic
and lifelike.

I begin practicing and drawing every day again to crack the code of going to the next level of
pencil portrait drawing...

The word "practice makes perfect" is so true!

After months of practicing...

And I'm going to share it with you in this letter...

The new level which I called it- the " real master level."
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

When I teach my students what I discovered, they are often able to achieve the same results in
a very short period of time- 2 to 3 months.

This is really amazing, my students learnt even faster than I did!

Not only that, some of my students began to teach my method on their own.

And what amazed me more is that, some of them even earning commission from their clients for
drawing pencil portraits.

Now, ask yourself these questions:

Have you ever felt stuck? That you weren't fulfilling your artistic potential?

How long have you been trying to learn to draw portraits like a master, but couldn't
breakthrough your current level of pencil portrait drawing?

Have you been spending most of your time practicing without attaining the results you

Have you been looking at some pencil portraits over and over again, wondering how can I
draw like that?

Have you kept searching for the right pencil drawing techniques everywhere, but ended
up just reading a lot of descriptions that did not help?

Have you thought that the only way to reach a "master level" was with natural talent? Or
that only people with an art degree from a university or art school can be artists?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you've came to the right place!

ANYONE can learn to draw a realistic pencil portrait regardless of their current talent, skills, and

And now, read this very carefully...

I believe that you too... will be ABLE to create your own stunning pencil portraits at a "real
master level" just like these...
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Yes, I'm talking about YOU, creating realistic pencil portraits like a master...and impressing
everyone around you, your friends and your family.

In fact, drawing realistic pencil portraits is not as hard as you think once you've cracked the code.

Let me explain ...

I've uncovered three secrets that will let you go on to the next level-the "real master level"-of
pencil portrait drawing...

And I'm revealing these secrets to you right now...

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

The first secret is... Focus on mastering the depiction of every facial feature individually.

The second secret is... Observe the small details in every facial feature.

And lastly, the third secret is...

Learn how to see what others cannot see.

I realized during my long trial-and-error period trying to master pencil portrait drawing that...

Too many people are too busy trying to learn EVERYTHING and not focusing on the few
important techniques that you only need for drawing realistic pencil portrait.

I don't want you to be one of them.

In fact, I want you to be among the few artists who know about these "real master level" secrets.

And now, it's your turn to go on to the next level of pencil portrait drawing...

The "real master level."


"Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery"

Home-Study Course
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Get Started Now!

I've decided to compile everything that I know about the "real master level" of pencil portrait
drawing into one comprehensive resource.

Not only that, with the "Realistic Pencil Portrait Drawing Mastery Home-Study Course", you will
see how I draw every facial feature with a "truly" step-by-step guide, and useful descriptions on
achieving a particular outcome.

And I'm very sure this will help you to achieve mastery in a very short period of time.

All of these break down into 5 lessons of realistic facial features drawing.

Lesson #1: How To Draw A Realistic Eye Like A Master

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

To draw a realistic eye, it is important to observe it very closely. Consequently it's imperative that
they are drawn correctly and in such a way to convey the feeling of your subject.

Let's look at what you're going to learn in this lesson:

Learn how you can avoid the BIGGEST mistake for people in drawing
eyeball, eyelids, and iris
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Discover my SECRET method for overcoming the complicated problem of

observing the eyebrows that most people failed to know.

Discover how to draw the iris in a whole new way without just filling in
with darkness and makes it more realistic.

Discover the method of drawing small details on eyes without using a

kneaded eraser.

An easier way of drawing an area that looks extremely complicated with

highlights, shadows, and eyebrows without frustation.

Learn the correct way of drawing eyelashes so you won't spoil your entire
realistic eye drawing.

Learn how I draw the skin around the eye so you can also "copy"
exactly the same and enhance the realistic effect of your eye drawing.

A total of 55 pages, 127 illustrations and images to show you exactly how I
draw a realistic eye with step-by-step well explained descriptions.

Get Instant Access To Student Area Now!

Lesson #2: How To Draw A Realistic Nose Like A Master

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

The nose is one of the most noticeable features in pencil portrait drawing. Its central location
makes it impossible to hide your mistakes.

I've compiled some very important methods for you to learn in this lesson:
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

A quick basic explanation about nose drawing before you begin to draw
a realistic nose like a master.

Discover one of the most IMPORTANT keys to draw a realistic nose. By

knowing this, you can avoid the mistake made by most artists

Discover my secret method of drawing nose details that look complicated in

an easier way without asking yourself where you should start.

Discover a simple way of how to identify the direction of the light

source so you know what part of your drawing should be darker.

Learn the correct way of drawing the hole of the nostrils in front view. Be
careful if you don't know about this, one tiny detail of this can literally spoil the
realism of your nose drawing.

Discover the secret of drawing tiny little details that will make your nose
drawing look extremely realistic and learn the correct way of drawing
the tiny little details.

A total of 49 pages, 163 illustrations, close-ups, and images to show you

exactly how I draw a realistic nose with step-by-step well explained

Lesson #3: How To Draw A Realistic Mouth And Teeth Like A Master
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

When you know how to draw a realistic mouth, you add so much expressive impact to your
subjects. The mouth isn't just an afterthought, but rather an expressive part of the face.

Let's look at what you will learn in this lesson:

Learn the direction of how the lips flow. Knowing this will help you to achieve
realistic effect in every of your mouth drawing.

Learn how to avoid the 3 common mistakes beginners make when it

comes to drawing mouth and teeth. You can literally spoil the realism of
your mouth drawing even if you make just any one of these mistakes.

Discover the way how I draw lips vertically and horizontally to create the
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

complicated texture effect of human lips.

An example of drawing lips to create the bumpy effect that makes the
mouth realistic.

Learn how to prevent from over-drawing teeth that will be almost

IMPOSSIBLE to erase when you're drawing darker areas around teeth.

Discover my easy way of rendering the complexity of the lips in the

highlight area of the drawing, helping the mouth become three

A total of 24 pages, 61 illustrations, close-ups, and images to show you

exactly how I draw a realistic mouth and teeth like a master with step-by-step
well explained descriptions

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Lesson #4: How To Draw A Realistic Ear Like A Master

Ears can be drawn with varying degrees of complexity. Although there are many types of ears,
most have the same common shape.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Let me show you how to draw a realistic ear. In this lesson, you'll learn:

A quick explanation that you need to know for better understanding of

drawing ear before you begin this lesson.

Discover the most important ear parts that you MUST keep in mind
when you're drawing a realistic ear.

Discover how you can memorize the inner parts of ear in an easier way within

Learn how to draw the outline so that shading and detail for the rest of
your realistic ear drawing will be easier.

Discover my personal method of drawing the details for ear so you can avoid

A total of 35 pages, 126 illustrations, close-ups, and images to show

you exactly how I draw a realistic ear like a master with step-by-step
well explained descriptions.

Lesson #5: How To Draw Realistic Hair Like A Master

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

I often hear my students say that they hate drawing hair. I love drawing hair and making my
pencil portrait drawing look realistic. And I have been trying to find a whole new way of drawing
realistic hair.

Check out what you will learn in this lesson:

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Discover the faster and easier way of drawing realistic hair that will save
a lot of your time. Not only that, your hair drawing will look even better
than that of other artists who spent hours on it.

Learn the "two strokes method" that I discovered to add more realism to your
hair drawing which will save your precious time without spending hours to
draw exactly like the reference picture.

Learn how you can add more realism to your hair drawing in just 2
minutes without any hard work involved.

Clear explanation of dealing with hair by "drawing" with kneaded eraser. If

this is your first time learning this, prepare to get excited about it.

A total of 45 pages, 128 illustrations, close-ups, and images to show

you exactly how I draw realistic hair like a master with step-by-step well
explained descriptions.

Get Instant Access To Student Area Now!

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

'Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home-Study Course' is available via instant download!

You can be learning this home course at the comfort of your home and be well on your way to
go for the next "real master level" and begin to create stunning pencil portraits from now.

There are total of 208 pages, 605 of illustrations, and images-- to guide you step-by-step with
descriptions through the entire home-study course.

As you can see, I'm giving away everything that you need to know in order to create realistic
pencil portraits.

Here's What Our Students Are Saying About

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery

"I feel that my work has improved a great deal since I started this course"
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

(Miriam's drawing)

(Miriam's drawing)

I have bought this course because I wanted to be able to draw realistic portraits
and I felt that I did not have the skills to produce a beautiful realistic portrait.

This course has been a great help, although I still need loads of practice I feel that I
have learned so much through following this course in techniques and observation.
The lessons are so easy to follow especially with the aid of the process maps
which show which steps to tackle next.

The reference photos are also a great help to those who need material to work
from, I myself preferred to use my own photos to work from as they are of more
interest to me personally.

I thought that this course would be benefit from a section on how to draw/trace the
head before you add the features. When I wrote to Christopher about this he
answered promptly and suggested ways of doing this and even sent me a video
link to help me with this process.

I feel that my work has improved a great deal since I started this course and I still
use it as reference whenever I work on a new portrait. I would recommend this
course to anyone who wants to draw truly realistic portraits from photographs.

- Miriam Borg, Malta

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

See more testimonials

"In one day have already learned to draw the eye better than I would ever
have imagines"

(Pam's drawing)

Hi Christopher,

I just started Christopher Sia's Realistic Pencil Portrait Drawing course and in one
day have already learned to draw the eye better than I would ever have imagines.
Sia's instructions take you step by step through the construction both of a "perfect
eye" and of presumably flawless examples of the other facial features.

Once you have learned to draw a perfect eye, it is easy to take your understanding
and draw any eye, which is of course the real genius of Sia's method.

These drawing lessons, both throughly enjoyable and productive, go well beyond
casual sketching: students learn to observe minutely the details of any given face,
to see what is, and what is not, before them, and how to translate what they see
into what are after all just pencil marks on paper.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

I highly recommend it for both the experienced and the inexperienced artists alike.
Well worth the price!

My best to you,

- Pam Wagg, United States

See more testimonials

"Thanks to your course people think I am a real artist now, when they look at
my portraits"

Hi Christopher,

It is a privilege for me to tell you how great your course of "Realistic Pencil Portrait
Mastery" is. I am thrilled because I have always battled to draw a nose and ear
realistically, but thanks to your course people think am a real artist now, when they
look at my portraits.

I am a grandma and have 6 grandchildren. I am doing pencil drawings of their baby

photo's at the moment. Thanks to your course I find it much easier now especially
to draw their hair. I am only drawing for 2 years but suddenly I feel like a real
master :-)

It is so great that we here in South Africa can, thanks to technology, also benefit
from your great eBooks on how to draw pencil portraits.

I can truthfully recommend it to students or anybody for that matter who is serious
about their drawings. It is the very best!

Hope you have a wonderful day

- Rina Minné, South Africa

See more testimonials

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

"Within the first couple of weeks, spending a couple of hours a day, I have
noticed a 100% improvement"

Hi Christopher,

Before taking your course I likened my pencil drawing to reasonable yet it never
ever turned out the way that I had hoped. Yet within the first couple of weeks,
spending a couple of hours a day, I have noticed a 100% improvement and a much
better liking to taking up the pencil.

Just by following the steps laid down by you I have found the professional within
me especially when doing eyes, ears, and noses, my next step forward is to start
making hair look more realistic.

I have searched so many sites on the internet for so many years (wasting my time
really) to try and better my drawing/sketching style but have never succeeded
getting pasted the flat 2D outcome; that is until I tried using your methods of doing
things. his is exactly what I have been searching for and with time on my hands I
have the outcome I have always wanted.

Thank you once again for a most worth-while course; one that I would advise
anyone who wants to better their drawing/sketching techniques and bring out the
hidden professional within them.

many thanks

- Harry Norton, N.Ireland

See more testimonials

"I have bought many books on drawing but yours is superlative"

Dear Christopher I have much pleasure in commending your book on drawing

realistic portraits! So much information and the step by step instructions/drawings
to draw individual features I cannot praise enough. I have bought many books on
drawing but yours is superlative. Many congratulations. I cannot add anything


- Maxine, UK
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

See more testimonials

But Wait!
This is not all... it gets even better though...

I want to make sure you have everything you need to know to guarantee the success of your
efforts to "real master level"... if you take action today, you'll also get FREE instant access
to additional exclusive bonuses.

Additional Exclusive Bonuses

Exclusive Bonus #1 Worth $9.95

5 Lesson Process Maps

Before starting to learn from the home course, look at these process maps to
have a clear picture of what and how you're going to draw in 5 of the lessons.

Once you've finished 5 of the lessons in the home course, you just need to look
at them again to understand the steps that you need to follow for your next
pencil portrait drawing.

Each of the process maps is specifically designed for each lesson so that
you can absorb the ideas and steps quickly and easily. Once you've completed
the home course, the process maps can help you to 'implant' what you've
learned in your brain.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Exclusive Bonus #2 Worth $29.95

100 High Resolution
Reference Pictures

As I said, practice makes perfect. You won't improve your pencil portrait
drawing if you don't practice it. So, I have personally searched and picked
100 high resolution reference pictures to help you practice along with the
home- study course.

I even edited all 100 of them to meet the criteria of going to "real master level"
just for you. These 100 high-resolution reference pictures (divided into 70 faces
and 30 facial features) allow you enough pictures to move from drawing
individual facial features to drawing the entire face.

The best thing is, you don't have to spend hours and hours in front of your
computer just to find a right reference picture for practice. I've already done all
this for you.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Exclusive Bonus #3 Worth $97

12-Weeks Pencil Portrait Mastery

You will get this 12-Weeks Pencil Portrait Mastery Exercises that are designed
to help you get the MOST out of this home-study course.

Inside these exercises, you will find even more information that are revealed to
you in the home-study course. They are only 1-6 pages in each exercises but
they cover the MOST IMPORTANT METHOD that you need to know for
drawing realistic pencil portraits.

The exercises are divided into 3 stages for every 4 weeks. From stage 1
beginner level in the first 4 weeks, stage 2 intermediate level in the following 4
weeks, to stage 3 the "real master level" in the last 4 weeks.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Trust me, if you complete them, you will be well on the way to becoming a "real
master." As a matter of fact, if you just follow and complete these exercises
without learning from the home-study course, you will still see tremendous
improvement in drawing pencil portraits.

And the best thing is, you don't even need to spend a few hours a day on them.
Each exercise only takes 15-30 minutes a day.

These 12-week exercises were designed exclusively for my students. These are
the exact same exercises my $900 per head students receive and today, you
can get this complete set of exercises today in PDF for absolutely FREE!

The skills that this Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery home-study course will help you build will
make you proud. Just look at all the lessons and bonuses that I've prepared for you.

From today, you no longer have to keep practicing the same way, and getting the same results.

And I'm NOT talking about drawing a decent pencil portrait, I'm talking about a lifetime
skill of drawing realistic pencil portraits like a master.

You're getting a road map to get you right to the "real master level" even faster than I did without
months and years of trials and errors.

My students are paying me $300 a month to learn the same "real master level" of information
that you're getting, which equals to $900 for 3 months.

The fortunate thing is... I'm NOT going to charge you $900...

Not even close to that...

You can get your hands on everything that I told you on this page for just $197- You pay just
22% of the original fee and you can now read and learn as many times as you can.

You'll get to download the entire home-study course instantly to your computer within 5 minutes
from now.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Here's the deal- if you decide to order today, I'll let you access it for a one-time payment of only
$97 USD!

This price will most likely increase to $197 in the near future.

I'm offering at much lower price of $97 is because it's available via instant download in digital

It saves me cost and also allow those who couldn't afford the $197 to be helped by this.

You reap the benefit of zero shipping costs. Plus, no waiting time, forget having to wait weeks
for postal delivery. And there's no risk of products lost in the mail or damaged.

Secondly, I'm offering at this much lower price is because I really want to help as many people
as I can. You see, whenever my students thank me for helping them to achieve drawing
success, I feel really happy because I know that I just helped a person to achieve his/her
dream of becoming a master pencil artist.

I know that this home-study course will also help you to go beyond your current level of pencil
portrait drawing like my students, without frustration of practicing and quitting their passion.

Launch Celebration
Get The Entire Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Package For Only...

You've arrived in this page just in time to take advantage of my new product launch celebration
offer for just $197 $47(for a limited time only)... including the 3 additional exclusive bonuses,
worth $136.90, that you receive absolutely free.

However, please be warned- once my launch celebration is complete, I will increase the price
back to $97, or even more than that without any prior notice. So, if you come back after 3 days,
and the special launch price and bonus package is gone, there's nothing I can do.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

So take action and get the entire home-study course now before I raise the price.

Fast Action Bonus Worth $997

FREE: Life-time Updates For Realistic
Pencil Portrait Mastery

When you decide to order now, you will get 100% free updates for LIFE! That
means you can keep learning from Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home
Study Course with the latest updates even in 10 years time.

I will be with you for the long term to find ways to make the entire home-study
course better and more complete

Whenever new updates are available, you get it for FREE! I will simply
contact you via email and send you an instant download instructions... even if
it's in 10 years time from now.

Click Here To Order And Grab All The Bonuses Now >>

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

In fact, if you do ask for a refund, I still want you to keep the home-study course and the

To put it bluntly, I'm willing to offer a guarantee because I'm willing to take on all the risk, while
you take the time test-drive the lessons I've laid out for you in Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery.

If you don't see any improvement, ask for your money back. No questions, no hassles!

No more paying for expensive art courses and no more attending pricey workshops. Get started,
and master the art of pencil portrait drawing today!

Get it now...
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

YES CHRISTOPHER! I'm ready get started, and create realistic pencil
portrait drawing at a "real master level."

(Remember, this special launch offer of just $197 $97 $47

will shoot up to $97 anytime ).

I understand my order will be processed on a totally secure server, and once it

is processed, I will be able to immediate downlaod my purchase... even if it's
2am on a Sunday.

I understand that I'll get instant access to the Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery
Home-Study Course and 4 additional bonuses, worth more than $1000, for a
one-time payment of only $197 $47 before this launch celebration price is no
longer offered.

And to PROVE to me that this is all real, I understand that I have TWO MONTH
guarantee in case I change my mind or don't like this home-study course for
ANY reason ( but the entire home course are mine to keep no matter what.)
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

Today's Discounted Price: Only $47.00

FREE Updates for life + NO monthly payments or hidden fees.

All Major Credit Cards and Paypal Are Accepted.

Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week.

Discount disclaimer: Discount only available for customers who order on launch
celebration period. Order now at the sale price!

To Your Drawing Success,

Founder of the Realistic

Pencil Portrait Mastery
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw

P.S. You're getting a massive discount on the Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home-Study
Course... I charge my students $900 for 3 months. But because of launch celebration, it's yours
for only a one time payment of $197 $47... including the 4 additional exclusive bonuses worth
more than $1000, yours free!

P.P.S. Remember... you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. If
after 2 months of learning and you're not satisfied- I'll refund your money back... no questions
asked. Click here now and get started in less than 5 minutes >>

NOTE: Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home-Study Course is completely downloadable.

No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to
download all product components onto your computer. The format is adobe acrobat PDF, which
can be viewed on Mac or PC.

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