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Extract 1
Stefan Personally, I think we should look . We need
to think about expanding.
Ilse Yeah, I agree with you, Stefan. If we move out of town, we’ll have
, and parking will be easier.
Patrick Yes, but come on, Ilse, most of our customers are students. They won’t be
able to get to the shopping centre unless they have a car.
Stefan I hear what you’re saying, Patrick. , don’t forget the
others who do drive. Let’s face it, parking is impossible around here …
Extract 2
Stefan … Well, here’s an idea. the shop here and
opened up in the shopping centre? We could have .
Ilse Yes, that’s a nice idea, but we don’t have the financial resources to do both.
Stefan The thing is, if we wait too long, the best locations in the centre will be taken.
Patrick I’m . As far as I’m concerned, .I
think we should wait and see who else is moving there.
Ilse OK, Patrick, . But you know, according to newspaper
reports, the new centre will be like a magnet for big retailers, so we need to
quickly …
Extract 3
Stefan … OK, so if I’ve understood you correctly, Patrick, you think we should just
wait and see. So, ?
Ilse Well, to be honest, I today. I think we need to
talk to a consultant and get some expert advice. Why don’t we contact Jeff Arnold?
Patrick Yes, that’s a good idea. Mind you, I a
computer game in his life.
Stefan You’re right. There again, he … So
, then? We contact Jeff?
Ilse Yeah, that’s fine with me.
Patrick Me too.

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