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Evangelist Jerry Whiteheart, son in law of Dr.

Bobby Roberson, tells how in one of his meetings,

A very successful doctor and his wife, a dedicated nurse, became convicted by the Lord and
surrendered to give up their comfortable life style and go as missionaries to a barren and isolated
area of Africa. While serving in one of the villages a plague struck and the natives were taken
with an extremely high fever. Many of them were dying. The doctor tried everything but could
not find a cure for the disease. Their son came down with the dreaded plague and began to burn
with the fever. They tried everything, but to no avail. He got on his knees on one side of the boy,
while his wife knelt on the other side. They joined hands and prayed, knowing if God did not
intervene their boy was going to die. The temperature in the village was over one hundred
degrees, and the boy’s temperature went up to one hundred and six. The doctor said that if he just
had some ice to pack the boy in and also the many natives, he believed they could get the fever
down and prevent death. They were at least one hundred miles from a civilized place that would
have ice but he knew that it would melt before they could get back to the village with it. It was a
hopeless situation. He told the Lord about the need for ice and asked Him for help.

The doctor said, after I prayed, a breeze began to blow. It got stronger. Soon the sky clouded up.
Thunder sounded and lightning began to flash. Soon there was a heavy downpour of rain, then it
happened. It began to hail. Hail stoned fell out of the sky the size of base balls. The hail
continued to fall until there was a foot of ice everywhere. The doctor packed his boy in ice and
instructed the natives to do the same with all the others taken with the fever. Not one died after
that. God had worked an unmistakably miracle.

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