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Session 1: Array Matrices

%% Lessen one y = sin(x);

% MatLab: Matrix Laboratory
% Every thing a matrix: Image, %% Matrix--------------
Video, Voice, ... clc
% The Key in MatLab: Matrix A = [8, 1, 6; 3,5,7; 4 9 2]
Manopulating B = [2 3 4
5 7 10
% Variable defintions: case 9 11 13];
sensitive, letter [s]+num _[c]
a = 2; Ad = diag(A)
b_ = 4, b4 = 5 Ad_s = sum(Ad)
% Predifined Variables Ad_s = sum(diag(A));
pi, beep,
% clc, clear, close Adi = diag(flipud(A))
Adi = diag(fliplr(A));
%% Array --------------------- Adi_s = sum(diag(flipud(A)));
a = [-1, 7, 3 4];
disp(a) % Sum of each column-----------
whos a sum(A)
size a
% Matrix Indexing----------
a1 = 1:5; C = magic(4)
b = 1:2:8; c1 = C(2,4)
b2 = 20: -1.5: 0; C(4,1) = 100;
% Matrix Concatination----------- C([1,2],2)
c = [a1, -b]; C(1:4, 2)
% Transpose---------------------- C(:, 2)
b' C(3, 2:end)
C(3, 2:end-1)
% Array Operations------------- J = sum(sum(C))
a + b m = C(1,:);
a - b mi = m(end:-1:1)
% a*b ?
a.*b P = pascal(4)
P([2 3],[2 4])
a + ones(1,4) P(5,1) = 9
a + 1
a*5 % ones, zeros, rand, randn--------

% Operators precedence----------
k = 5-2:-1:0

th = [30 45 90 120];
sin(th / 180 * pi)
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50);

MATLAB Course By: Mansour Torabi

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