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Standard 3

Artifact 2



Explanation: I conducted the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) with a child. This

particular assessment measures the receptive vocabulary of children and adults. I had never

conducted an assessment like this before, but it was a great experience and excellent practice. As

I conducted the assessment, I carefully tracked the child’s responses on the given form. After I

was finished, I calculated the scores and met with the parents to discuss the results. I then wrote a

letter to the parents detailing what we talked about during our meeting and reiterating the results

of the PPVT. Before I submitted the assessment in for review and a grade, I wrote a reflection

about what went well and things that could have been improved.

Standard: This artifact demonstrates my skill and disposition in being observant and responsible

when conducting the PPVT assessment. This also increased my knowledge for assessments

because it helped me to incorporate, apply, and understand why the PPVT assessment is a great

tool and when it could be used to help children. Beyond that, this artifact shows my skills in

being able to get consent, administer the assessment, and then visit with the parents about the


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