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3rd wave of covid in Medellin

Juan Diego Echeverri Calle

The situation that Colombia is currently going through and especially the city of Medellin is
alarming due to the increase in positive Covid cases.

From my perspective, as a positive diagnosis of covid, I was infected at work, a place where due to
field visits it is necessary to have a lot of contact with the people of the sector that is visited, and
in many of these places people "lost their fear of the virus ", since they take care of themselves
less, another factor that influences the drastic increase in cases I think is the large amount of rains
that have occurred in recent weeks, these make people have to take shelter in closed places
increasing thus the probability of spreading the virus.

Another point that is key is that of curfews and quarantines, the first in my opinion is a double-
edged sword, although it reduces crowds in public places at specific hours, in turn increases family
gatherings and especially and for My one factor that I think is very important for the increase in
cases of positive covid, is the agglomeration of people to enter public transport. You just have to
look at the multiple photos and videos that circulate on networks in which different buses and the
metro system are completely full, this is mainly because the vast majority of people must make
their return trips at the same time due to the curfews, being a very important factor when making
decisions since people must travel to obtain their livelihood, and the subway and buses are their
only means of moving, having more than 1 million daily commuters in their systems.

And finally, I do not agree with the mayor's latest decisions, publishing places in which people over
70 can be vaccinated without prior appointment, this because they are people at high risk to
become infected, to others that generates uncertainty and chaos in places, thus increasing the
probability of contagion. The solution that I would propose for this is to continue with the
scheduled appointments and for people who are unable to travel to the vaccination sites,
vaccinate them in their respective homes.

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