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About the Author

Ron Coleman has been cartooning for over 50 years. He sold his first cartoon while in
high school and has been published since that time in hundreds of publications.

Coleman lives in Oakridge, Oregon with his wife Susan. He doesn’t draw many new
cartoons today but cartoons from his extensive inventory are displayed on his website
and are frequently licensed for use in newsletters, presentations and other projects.
Coleman occasionally takes on assignments for custom cartooning for business clients
as well.

More of Coleman’s work can be viewed on his website:
Other Books by Ron Coleman
The following books by been published both as printed books and ebooks.
Belvedere Family-Friendly Funnies – A collection of cartoons by George Crenshaw.
The Belvedere cartoons about a mischievous little dog were in syndication for over 50
years and appeared in as many as 300 newspapers.

Can You Hear God Laughing? – A collection of religious cartoons drawn by Ron
Coleman. This book also includes a couple of cartoons on atheism.

Git Nekkid – A collection of cartoons about nudism. The cartoons are not pornographic
but they do depict characters fully nude. These come from a weekly series of cartoons
that were published on nudist websites for over 14 years.

Sell Your Cartoons To Magazines – In this how-to book written for other cartoonists
and for those who want to become cartoonists, Ron Coleman shares his experiences
and thoughts about the market for magazine cartooning today, how to find markets and
submit your work, how to price your cartoons, how to write funny salable gags, business
matters and other places to sell your cartoons.

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