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How fads can help you reach your goals

If goals are the destination, fads may be the mode of

transportation. Fads and trends encompass everything from
fashion, exercise (Richard Simmons ring a bell, anyone?),
entertainment, social norms like communication, and even mental
health and wellness. People are always looking for the next big
thing. That “thing” is often dictated by social networks, celebrities,
and media. One thing is certain: a fad will eventually fade out.

For this reason, it’s crucial to know what moments in your life will
be impactful and long lasting and which ones will eventually fade

Fads and trends are not always a bad thing. They can be helpful
in reaching goals, creating lasting relationships based on interest,
and be fun and exciting. Think of it this way: one of your goals
may be to rekindle friendships that have been put on the back
burner because of work or a busy family life. The fad that may
help you reach that goal could be something like Paint Nite
( or playing Halo on X-Box.

There’s no harm in keeping a fad around if it poses no real threat.

We may roll our eyes at past trends and fads we’ve indulged in,
but goals like maintaining a healthy, realistic weight or being more
optimistic during trying times are never things we reflect upon and
wonder “what on earth was I thinking?!”

Goals may or may not be subject to the wax and wane of fads,
but if you want them to stick, remember that internal source of
motivation we talked about earlier. Introspection with regards to
goals is crucial. Why are you really chasing your goals? Does the
purpose truly serve you? What part of your identity and values
show up in the goals you set, and how do you go about meeting

While goals are more stable than any fad, it’s certainly okay–even
encouraged–to reevaluate and adjust goals to make them
attainable and motivating. This is where goals can take a lesson
from fads. Fads are fleeting and fun, but goals can feel as
monotonous as walking on a treadmill. There are many roads to
one destination and many destinations that create a sense of
happiness and accomplishment. Making small modifications and
changes can keep the sense of passion you’ll need to keep
yourself motivated and engaged in creating a better you.

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