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Disability is not inability, this is a phrase that the physically disabled have to keep on trying to
prove in everything that they do, they have to put more efforts and even come up with their own
way to coupe with their situation and do things similar or as close as possible to that of normal
able bodied person would do summary how an able bodied person performs certain
duties acts as the perfected version of how the duties are to be performed and the physically
disabled have to strive and achieve this in order to prove their ability overpowers their disability.

The body of disabled individual often act as a reminder that they are at odds with the able bodied
individual since even when empowering themselves by building and developing more muscles to
increase control over the movement of their body Participants are forced to be guided by an
ableist ideal of an athletic body . In quad rugby, athletes’ physical displays of aggression and
hard hits on the court is as a result of efforts to prove their ability to do as it is expected, Quad
rugby players have to match the movements of able bodied individual regardless of their
disability where sometime they are forced to face the harsh reality when the results are not as
soothing, for instance from the article when Doug knocks over Texas the player crashes face
first into the hard parquet floor and is immobilized, such situation forces men with disability to
recognize that they are out done by the able bodied men when it comes to taking hits and the
immediate reaction thereafter as a result of physical ability.

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