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Please apply the below action plan in TEST Instance first.

1. Navigate: Payables Responsibility > Setup > Accounting Setups > Subledger
Setups > Open Account Balances Listing Definitions

Note: For better performance of Data Manager run, increase the number of
processors to 16,32 or 64 by
navigating to Sub Ledger Accounting Setup -> Open Account Balances Listing
-> Process Options button and for the ledger update the number of processors to
16,32 or 64.

2. Query the Report Definition Code

Note: To search for Report Definitions created by the upgrade, select Defined By =
Accounting Flexfield.
And upgraded report definitions are created by the apintbal.sql script during the
upgrade with a definition code in the following format: AP_200_' || T.ledger_id

3. Click on Duplicate to Copy the definition.

4. Enter name and code for Copy and Apply the changes.

IMPORTANT: View requests and wait for Data Manageer processes submitted to
complete before
proceeding to the next steps. When you modify an existing or create a new report
definition the following data manager processes are submitted:

Open Account Balances Data Manager Worker Process (XLATBDMW)
Open Account Balances Data Manager (XLATBDMG)

5. Reset the number of processors (If you increased the number of processors in
step 1)

Navigate: Sub Ledger Accounting Setup -> Open Account Balances Listing
Definitions ->
Process Options button and reset the number of processors back to 1 for the ledger.

Note: The original/upgraded report definition can be rebuilt also. However, for the
purposes of testing and comparison, this note rebuilds a new/copied definition. If
the rebuild of the new/copied report definition worked, the rebuild of the
original/upgraded report definition should work also. Make sure whatever option is
selected to be used for PROD, that option is tested first!

An upgraded/original report definition can be rebuilt in following ways:

1)Enable/disable report definition.

2)Open report definition and merely click on apply button.This will repopulate
xla_trial_balance table.

And a new/copied definition can be rebuilt in following ways.

1)Enable/disable report definition.

2)Open report definition and merely click on apply button. This will repopulate
xla_trial_balance table.
3)Add/remove accounts.

6. Verify the data was rebuilt

Query 3: Run the following query to verify the data was rebuilt

select xtb.definition_code, xeh.ledger_id, decode(xeh.upg_batch_id,

NULL,'NOT UPGRADE', 'UPGRADE') Upgraded, min(xtb.creation_date),
from xla_trial_balances xtb, xla_ae_headers xeh
where xtb.ae_header_id = xeh.ae_header_id(+)
group by xtb.definition_code, xeh.ledger_id, decode(xeh.upg_batch_id, NULL,
order by 2,1;

The rebuilt definition code data should have a minimum creation date equal to the
date the data was rebuilt.

7.Run AP Trial Balance Report.

8.Rtest the issue.
Update the SR accordingly.

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