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Super Cute Vol 1 Side Story 26

SS 26: The Couple with Emerging Suspicions

of the Boyfriend’s Infidelity
Translated by: chocolala
Edited by: Seiryuu

“Err, Yamato-kun is okay with coffee, right?”

Yuzu was talking to herself.
After school as usual. 
Yuzu had just bought drinks for two from the
vending machine while on a break from playing
games. She whistled as she returned to the club
“I wonder when we’ll be able to defeat the next
Before her encounter with Yamato, Yuzu barely
played any games, but now she was completely
engrossed in RPGs. At first, she reckoned that
she could not find any common interest with
him, but surprisingly they hit it off; their
relationship was going on really well.
“…Well, I wished he’d have more interest in
me though.”
In the first place, it’d be too much to expect
something like that from Yamato who was
indifferent or simply had a dry attitude
regarding interpersonal relationships. Thanks to
that, there was no fear of infidelity on his side,
so it turned out alright.
Yuzu arrived in front of the literature club
“…Oh yes. Um,” Yamato’s voice could be
heard as soon as she slightly opened the door.
“Looks like he’s on the phone…” 
Yuzu felt it would be bad if it was an important
call, so she decided to only enter the room after
spending some time somewhere else.
“I tell you, yes. Right… I mean it,” Yamato’s
tone on the phone sounded somewhat upbeat.
Yuzu came to a standstill right as she was about
to step away.
“Who…? Yamato-kun can even speak that
Yuzu found it surprising and her interest piqued
when she discovered a socially indifferent
Yamato to have someone with whom he can
speak very congenially. Without her realizing it,
Yuzu listened to his conversation with bated
“Yeah, me too, I prefer Tomoe.”
A completely unfamiliar girl’s name that
suddenly came up completely rattled Yuzu that
the coffee can in her hand almost slipped. She
staggeringly grabbed the cans that almost
slipped away and continued to eavesdrop
without making any sound.
“I’m not lying. Sunday? Okay, then let’s go
shopping together?”
…He’s planning for a date.
“He has never even asked me out for a date on
his own initiative…!”
What a shock. Yuzu had never seen such a
proactive Yamato. She started inferring that his
indifference towards her was actually because
he had another girl he liked. If that was the case,
things made sense.
“Tomoe… Where is she from…?!”
Yuzu had a wide connection but that name had
never been heard among the first years. Then, a
senior? Or his classmate from middle school?
“Really, I’m serious, okay. I really want
…So passionate.
A dark mist started to whirl inside Yuzu’s heart
like never before.
“Yup. I got it. See you.” Yamato ended the call.
However, it didn’t make Yuzu feel any better.
“Let’s calm down…”
It is not a good idea to make a judgment of guilt
before hearing the details. There is also the
principle of presumption of innocence.
Yuzu took a few slow, deep breaths, smiled and
went into the club room.
“I’ve made you wait. Yamato-kun, you’re okay
with coffee, right?”
“Oh, thanks,” Yamato indifferently responded
to Yuzu.
You raccoon, just see how I rip off that facade
of yours.
With an almost imperative feeling, Yuzu
decided to secretly interrogate Yamato.
“By the way, Yamato-kun, are you available
this Sunday? I’m free, so let’s hang out together
somewhere,” Yuzu intentionally clashed the
date on which Yamato made the appointment
with that Tomoe or somebody. 
If Yamato kindly prioritised Yuzu here, there
was still room for forgiveness for him.
“Oh, sorry. I already have plans with my
family.” Alas, Yamato refused, looking rather
This could only mean that he was one step
closer to being proven guilty.
“Is that so? What a bummer.”
“Yeah. Just now, I was on a call with my
mother and we made that plan. Sorry.”
Mother… So you’re saying the one on the
phone just now is your mother? You were even
so passionately desiring that somebody named
Tomoe or something… A bad hunch suddenly
whirled up inside Yuzu.
“…Speaking of, what’s your mother’s name?”
If, by any chance, his mother’s name was
Tomoe, all previous assumptions would be
overthrown. Yamato would not be cheating on
Yuzu, but simply passionately desiring his
mother. No, well, that’s a whole other problem,
but let’s leave it at that.
“Huh? She’s called Sayo… Why are you asking
so suddenly?”
“I-is that so?” 
Despite the fact that the possibility of cheating
had risen, Yuzu was incredibly relieved.
“Anyway, do you have siblings, Yamato-kun?”
There was still the odds of him being a sister-
obsessed brother, so Yuzu wanted to clear away
that possibility first.
“No, I’m the only child. When I was little, I had
wanted for other siblings, but now I’m glad I’m
the only one, it feels so comfortable.”
With this, the possibility of him obsessing over
his sister was gone. Again, the cheating
probability had gone up, but Yuzu was even
more relieved.
“Back to our topic, what are you going to do on
“Really, you’ve really been speaking strangely
for a while now…” 
Perhaps because she was too hasty in her
questioning, Yamato looked at her skeptically.
“You see, a boy in the middle of his
adolescence like Yamato-kun would avoid
shopping alone with his mother, wouldn’t he?
So, I wonder just what kind of business it is that
you’re taking the trouble to go out together,”
she quickly made up an excuse, and Yamato
nodded one in agreement, as though that had
fooled him.
“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing, to be sure, but…
I’m going to buy some cooking utensils, so the
most suitable choice is probably my mother.”
“Cooking utensils, is it?”
“Yeah. Lately, I started cooking for a bit. So I
wanted to have my own cooking utensil.”
This was the first time she had heard of Yamato
cooking. Was it just a lie or did he start it under
the influence of a new chick? If it was the latter,
it would be very uninteresting to see her
boyfriend being dyed by another girl.
“–That, is that true?” Yuzu was determined to
get to the heart of the matter.
“What is it, so suddenly. Just why would I lie to
you? I’m earnestly a boy who’s practising how
to make tempura, you know?” Yamato replied
with a mix of bewilderment and surprise. 
If this was also an act, he was truly impressive.
“No, I was just wondering. Maybe you’re
actually going out with a girl called Tomoe.”
“Tomoe…? Huh? I know no one with that
Even after mentioning the name that touched
the crux of the matter, Yamato showed no
change in his facial expression.
Damn you, what an actor! Speaking of which,
this guy was so good at acting who could,
somehow or other, handle the most outrageous
settings–dating Yuzu. At this rate, Yuzu was
afraid that he’d manage to elude her query.
“Th-then! Show me your call history! There
should be concrete evidence of your cheating!”
Yuzu heightened the tone of her denunciations
in order to rattle Yamato.
“You said, cheating… Hey, hey, what are you
doubting? I know of no such thing.”
“Then, can you show me?”
“Well, okay…” Yamato pulled out his
smartphone in bafflement and passed it to Yuzu.
Without further ado, Yuzu checked the call
history. The latest call was from five minutes
ago. And the caller was… [Mom].
“Are you satisfied?” Yamato spread his palm,
gesturing to the other to return his phone.
“Ugh… N-not yet. There’s also the possibility
of you camouflaging the name of your cheating
partner to hide the fact.”
“Hey you… if you doubt me that much, you can
even try calling that number. My mom will
answer it.” Yamato’s expression is no longer
one of bewilderment but of dismay.
“Th-then, just what was that ‘Tomoe’ you were
talking about during your call?” Yuzu muttered.
Yamato then frowned.
“Tomoe… The call just now… Ah, is that what
this is about? You, you listened in on my
conversation, didn’t you?” Yamato nodded
“Y-yeah! I know I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but you
were blatantly making a call with your cheating
partner, so of course, I’d be bothered!”
For a moment, she was frightened, but Yuzu
again confronted him with the word ‘cheating’.
Then, instead of getting impatient, Yamato let
out a small breath as if choking back a laugh.
“When I mentioned ‘Tomoe’ back then, it’s
referring to a cooking utensil–the ‘Tomoe
ladle’. It’s a ladle used when making Kakiage.”
“Eh…” Yuzu was stunned by the sudden
revelation, “…H-how can something like that
really exist…?”
Using Yamato’s phone that was still in her
hand, Yuzu searched for that particular term.
Then an online shopping site that sold Tomoe
ladle came up at the top of the search.1
“It-it’s real…”
Instantly, it all made sense in Yuzu’s mind: ‘I
want Tomoe’, ‘I started cooking’, ‘Going out
with Mom’.
Not a single of them was a lie…!
“Then,” Yamato muttered with a bubbly voice,
akin to a kid who just obtained a new toy.
Immediately, Yuzu broke out in a cold sweat.
“Do you have anything to say, Yuzu-chan?”
“That…um…” Yuzu had no opportunity to
make excuses or talk back since this was all due
to her own hasty judgment, but even then, Yuzu
still tried to retaliate, “It-it’s because Yamato-
kun said it ambiguously that led it to this…!”
Needless to say, Yamato’s calm face remained
“When you put it like that, indeed I did. So,
Yuzu, I’m sorry? I didn’t think there was
anyone who would be jealous of even a cooking
With a perfect cross counter, Yuzu collapsed to
her knees. But Yamato didn’t let up in his
“No, I’m really sorry. This is my mistake as a
boyfriend. Whenever I buy cooking utensils, I’ll
report it so that Yuzu won’t be jealous.”
“Stop attacking in that apologetic tone even
after your opponent is down! I’m really sorry! I
regret it! I’m sorry, so please forgive me!”
“No, no, you have nothing to be sorry for. You
just love me, that’s all. It’s my sin as your
boyfriend not to reciprocate that love.”
“Oh my God! I’m totally screwed! I want to die
already!” Yuzu covered her flushed face with
her hands and writhed in agony.

chocolala: Haha, Yuzu was fuming with


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