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== ConfiguringLanguage ==

Configuring language. These are the available languages

== ChooseLanguage ==
Choose a language (type a number)

== YesAnswers ==

== YesOrNoDefaultYes ==

== YesOrNoDefaultNo ==

== ConfiguringEdition ==
Plastic SCM comes in two editions: Enterprise for big teams who demand high
scalability and Team for groups up to 15 developers. You can learn more about
editions in

== ChooseEdition ==
Choose the edition you want to install (type a number)

== ConfiguringWorkingMode ==
Select the users authentication mode. These are the available modes

== ChooseWorkingMode ==
Choose a mode (type a number)

== NameWorkingMode ==

== NameIdWorkingMode ==
Name + ID

== AdWorkingMode ==
Active Directory

== LdapWorkingMode ==

== UpWorkingMode ==
User and password

== ConfiguringLdap ==
Configuring LDAP connection...

== ConfiguringUp ==
Configure your credentials:

== ConfiguringLicenseToken ==
Configure autorenewal for subscription licenses:

== LicenseToken ==
License token [Press ENTER to skip]

== UpUserName ==
== UpPassword ==

== LdapServer ==
LDAP server

== LdapPort ==
LDAP port [389]

== LdapDomain ==
LDAP domain

== LdapUser ==
LDAP user

== LdapPassword ==
LDAP password

== MsgError ==

== AvailableLdapTypes ==
Available type of LDAP servers

== ChooseType ==
Type of server (type a number)

== InvalidOption ==
Invalid option.

== InvalidValue ==
Invalid value.

== InvalidParameter ==
Invalid parameter: {0}

== InvalidLanguage ==
Invalid language: {0}

== InvalidWorkingModeConf ==
Invalid working mode: {0}

== InvalidLdapType ==
Invalid LDAP server type: {0}

== ParameterNotPresent ==
Parameter {0} is not present or is not valid

== NoPortInRemotingFile ==
There is no port specified in the remoting configuration file

== InvalidPortNumber ==
Invalid port number: {0}

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