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CHARLES DARWIN (1809-1882)

Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809.

The renowned British scientist left his mark in our country between 1832 and
1835, when he traveled the national territory from Tierra del Fuego to
Copiapó, making geological, botanical, zoological and anthropological
Charles Darwin is undoubtedly one of the most influential scientists of
modern times and his theory on the evolution of species marks a before and
after in the history of science. He introduced for the first time the concept of
natural selection, a mechanism that explains the evolution of species.
According to the latter, the young members of each species compete with
each other for the scarce food available, allowing the survival of only the
strongest, whose genetic characteristics prevail through the evolutionary
Finally, on April 19, 1882, Darwin died most probably as a result of coronary
and cerebral vascular pathology.

Mauricio Alejandro Jaque Burgo

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