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What is an assembler language?

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An assembler language is one programming language low-level

designed for a specific type of processor. We can produce it
by source code from a high-level programming language (such
as C / C ++). But we can also write programs in this language Assembly language
ourselves. We can in turn convert assembler code into machine
code using an assembler.

An assembler is a program that runs the computer and converts

instructions into a pattern of bits. The processor can use it to
perform basic operations. Some people call these instructions
assembler language, and others use the term assembly
language .

Where do we use assembler in IT?

Each computer has a processor that performs the arithmetic,
logical and control activities of the computer.

Each family of processors has its own set of instructions for

handling different operations, such as keyboard input, displaying
information on the screen, and performing various other tasks.
We call this sequence of instructions 'machine language

A processor only understands machine language instructions,

which are strings of ones and zeros. However, machine language
is too obscure and complex to use for software development. So
the assembler language is designed for a specific family of
processors that represent different instructions in symbolic code
and a more intelligible form.

The assembly language is the symbolic programming language closest to the machine language in form and content. The assembly
language is useful when:

We must carefully control the steps of our program, down to the byte and even bit level.
We need to write subroutines for functions that are not provided by other symbolic programming languages, such as COBOL, Java
or C.

This is how an assembler works

Computers come with a specific set of basic instructions that correspond to the basic operations that the computer can perform.
For example, a “Load” statement causes the processor to move a series of bits from a location in the processor's memory to a
special repository called a register.
The programmer can write a program using any of these assembler instructions.
This sequence of assembler statements, known as the source code or the source program, is then specified in the assembler
program when we start program.
The assembler program takes each program instruction in the source program and generates a corresponding bit stream or pattern
(a series of zeros and ones of a certain length).
The output of the assembler program is called the object code or object program with respect to the input source program. The
sequence of zeros and ones that make up the object program is also called machine code.
We can then run the object program at any time.

The assembly language consists of statements that represent instructions or comments. The instruction statements are the working
part of the language and are divided into the following three groups:

Machine Instructions.
Instructions for the assembler.
Macro instructions.

How do we apply assembly code?

Since most compilers convert source code directly to machine code, create software developers often programs without using the
assembler language. In some cases, however, we can use assembler code to fine-tune a program. For example, a programmer can
write a specific process in assembler language to make sure it works as efficiently as possible.

Although assembler languages ​vary by processor architecture, they often have corresponding instructions and operators. Below are
some examples of instructions that support x86 processors.

MOV - move data from one location to another.

ADD - add two values ​together.
SUB - Subtract one value from another value.
PUSH - push data to a stack.
POP - pop data from a stack.
JMP - jump to another location.
INT - interrupt a process.

We can use the following simple assembler code to add the numbers 3 and 4:

mov eax, 3 - loads 3 into the register “eax”.

mov ebx, 4 - loads 4 into the registry “ebx”.
add eax, ebx, ecx - add “eax” and “ebx” and store the result (7) in “ecx”.

However, writing a program in assembler is a laborious process. That's because every operation has to be done at a very simple
level. While it may not be necessary to ever use assembler code to create a computer program, learning assembler language is often
part of a computer science curriculum because it provides useful insight into the way processors work.

Benefits of assembler language

Knowledge of this basic language makes you aware of how:

Programs work together with OS, processor and BIOS.

Data is displayed in the memory.
The processor executes instructions.
Process instructions data.
A program gains access to external devices.

Advantages of using assembler language are:

Requires less memory and execution time.

Assembler makes hardware-specific complex tasks possible in a simpler way.
Is suitable for time-critical tasks.
Best suited for writing interrupt routines and other memory resident programs.

Do we need to learn an assembler language?

Whether we should learn assembler language depends on our work. For most developers, the answer is 'no'.

There are two primary reasons for learning assembler language: because we have to use it ourselves or because we want to
understand computers on a fundamental level.

From a practical point of view, only a handful of engineers and computer scientists use assembler.

The vast majority of software developers, including virtually all application developers, use high-level programming languages ​and no
assembler code. However, some specific areas where we do use assembler language are:

Operating systems.
Equipment programs.
Designing programming languages.
Designing compilers.
Embedded systems.
Hardware design.
Advanced cryptography.
Theoretical computer science.

The other reason to learn assembler is to gain a better understanding of what goes on deep inside a computer. (This is why almost all
IT professionals are taught this language during their training.)

If you are someone who likes to dive into computers and is really interested in technology, you might consider a career in developing
low-level systems.

Assembly language code generation

A code generator translates the output of the syntax analyzer and/or semantic analyzer into lower-level code, such as, for example,
assembly language.

The first part of a compiler analyzes the source code into a structure that carries the meaning of the program. This structure is
generally the abstract syntax tree that has been checked and decoded. In addition, remember that decoded means that all identifiers
generally the abstract syntax tree that has been checked and decoded. In addition, remember that decoded means that all identifiers
have been assigned.

From this structure we can also get the corresponding code to generate in another language, the target language. This is what a code
generator does.

Some compilers generate twice: they first generate code in an "intermediate language" such as SIL, LLVM IR, HIR, MIR, CIL, and so
on. Then they perform the “real” code generation in a target language that we can execute directly such as virtual machine code,
assembler language or machine language.

Goals of code generation

These are the three goals of a good code generator:

It should produce the correct code.

The generator should generate efficient code.
It should produce efficient code.

Other things to learn

A newer idea in the field of program preparation and portability is the concept of a virtual machine . For example, using the Java
programming language, language instructions are compiled into a generic form of machine language known as bytecode, which can
be executed by a virtual machine, a type of theoretical machine that approximates most computer operations. The bytecode can then
be sent to any computing platform previously downloaded or built into the Java virtual machine. The virtual machine is aware of the
specific instruction lengths and other specifics of the platform and allows the Java bytecode to run.

There are some languages ​where, if only we know something about them, we can do a lot. Python and Ruby are like that, we can
learn enough about them in a weekend to build something worthwhile. Assembly language is not like that.

We never use assembler language on its own, but always on a specific platform. The type of engineer who needs to know assembler
probably works in an area where you need to know other skills as well in order to be effective. These likely include:

Hardware languages, such as VHDL and Verilog, along with an understanding of microprocessors and electrical engineering.
Low-level operating system languages ​such as C and its derivatives: C ++, C # and D.
Ancient languages ​such as Fortran and Cobol.
Platform languages ​such as Java and Objective-C.

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Books about assembler


Items What is an assembler language?

Description An assembler language is a low-level programming
language designed for a specific processor type. We can
produce Assembler by compiling source code from a
high-level programming language (such as C / C ++). But
we can also write programs in this language ourselves. In
turn, we can convert Assembler code into machine code
using an assembler.
Author Wim Hoogenraad
Publisher Name ITpedia
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Author: Wim Hoogenraad on November 11, 2019

Categories: Backgrounds, Techniques

tags: source code, Development, machine, develop, computer programming, software, software development, sources, Technical Infrastructure

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