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Annisa Meilinda (210103030201)

Buatlah 10 kalimat berdasarkan gambar dengan menggunakan PREPOSITION

Preposition (peletakan posisi benda) :
on : di atas
in : di dalam
under : di bawah
by : dekat
in front of : di depan
behind : di belakang
between : di antara
next to : di samping

contohnya :
The chair is on the desk.

1. The phone is under the table.

2. The umbrella is behind the frame.
3. The newspaper is on the wall.
4. The chair is under the table.
5. The clock is in front of the television.
6. The television is between the clock and the window.
7. The plates are on the table.
8. The table is by the clock.
9. The frame is on the wall.
10. The window is behind the television.

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