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Cristen Abrams

Hayden Library User Services

Tempe, AZ 85287

December 3, 2021

Dear Hiring Committee,

I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Ricardo Rojas. I highly recommend Rick for
any position requiring the skills he acquired working at Hayden Library Information Desks.

Rick has worked for Hayden Library since the Fall semester of 2018. I have personally been his
supervisor since Spring 2020, although I’ve known him since I started working for ASU in 2019.

Since Rick has worked here longer than I have, he was able to answer some of my questions and
help me learn the job in the beginning. I have always known him to be a reliable and responsible
source of information. Rick is very friendly and approachable and is always willing to help out
whether it’s for a patron or for another student. He is extremely reliable demonstrating a good
balance of his time and managing his deadlines. He has been a great asset to the department,
since I know I can send him to any desk or to any task and it will get accomplished accurately
and efficiently. He works at all three of our information desks, does security walks, and has
participated in office work like collecting holds and processing books. He strives to do careful
work, and as far as I know, I have never known him to make a mistake or be inaccurate.

Rick has very good interpersonal skills. He works well with his coworkers and the patrons at the
desk. He is always friendly. He shows great attention to detail and accuracy, and he can be
counted on to do any tasks assigned to him. I am certain that Rick will thrive in any position
where these attributes will be an asset. I encourage you to give Rick the opportunity to show you
how he will excel in your position.

Thank you,
Cristen Abrams
User Services Coordinator, Student Supervisor

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