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Date: 04.12.


Grade: 11

Theme: Module3f. How memories are formed?

In today’s lesson we:

 Learn some new words

 Reading

Saturday, the 4th of December

Task1. Reading

1. New words. Listen and repeat.

Encode –шифровать по коду

Pre-frontal cortex –префронтальная кора
Synapse –синапс
Memory retention –сохранение памяти
Neocortex –неокортекс
Consolidate –консолидировать

o Pre-frontal cortex: a section at the front of the brain responsible for storing memories.
o Synapse: the point at which two nerve cells are joined together exchanging information across a gap.
o Neocortex: the front part of the cerebral where memories are gathered.

2. Watching a video.
Ex 2 p 46 Fill in these words.

Task2. Post-reading task.

a. Find in the text: мозг, хранить, кратковременная память, долговременная память,

неограниченное хранилище, память, соединенные вместе, заменить, сортировать, значимый.

b. Answer the questions:

o What part of brain do our memories appear in?
o Where are memories stored?
o What did American researchers show in their research?
o What should we do for better memory retention?
o What can we get if we don’t get enough sleep?

Homework: ex 2, 3, 5 p 46

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