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Canada’s education system

Task 1. Translate these words.

1. Mandatory
2. Tax
3. Fee
4. Public school
5. Private school
6. Schooling options
7. Schedule
8. Additional and extra-curricular
9. Leadership
10. Proof of guardianship or custody
11. Proof of residency
12. Record of vaccinations
13. Adjust

Task 2. Answer the questions:

1. What age is school in Canada mandatory for all children?
2. Is there a special fee to register children for a public school?
3. What is a home schooling?
4. What are the levels of school education?
5. What age do children begin school in Canada?
6. Describe the school timetable.
7. Are there any extracurricular activities for children?
8. What age does high school begin?
9. What documents do you need to provide school with?

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