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Agile Software Development

In software development, agile (sometimes written Agile) practices include requirements discovery and
solutions improvement through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams with
their customer end user, adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continual
improvement, and flexible responses to changes in requirements, capacity, and understanding of the
problems to be solved.
Agile Scrum Methodology
Scrum is a lightweight framework of Agile Project Management, it can be adopted to conduct iterative
and all types of incremental projects.
Due to its specific characteristics like simplicity, sustained productivity, and strength for blending several
underlying approaches adopted by other agile methods, Scrum has obtained popularity over the years.

The hands-on system under Scrum includes easy steps and elements, that are the following;
Product owner, who creates an estimated wish list that is identified as a product backlog.
Scrum team, that takes one little part of the top wish list, termed as Sprint Backlog and work out in order
to implement it.
After that scrum team concludes their sprint backlog task in a Sprint, i.e., a period of 2-4 weeks. In
addition to that, the progress of their work can be accessed through a meeting that is called Daily Scrum.
The Scrum Master maintains the team focused toward their targets.
At the end of a sprint, the task is able to represent or transmit, and team finishes that particular sprint with
a review and feedback and initiates with a new one.

The advantages of Scrum Agile Methodology.

advantages include more transparency and visibility than any other methodology, increase in team
accountability, is easy with and accommodates change, and is a cost saving development methodology .

Some disadvantages of using the Scrum Agile methodology:

It requires extensive training ,It can be difficult to scale ,It may require major transformations within the
organization ,It can be difficult to integrate with a classic project management approach ,It is not related
to the project's deadline.


Kanban is an eminently visual workflow management approach, famous amidst Lean

teams, that can be employed for visualizing and thoroughly maintaining the making of

products, it focuses on continual delivery of the product, but is not making stress to the

entire software development life cycle.

Similar to Scrum, Kanban is the process developed for supporting collaborative teamwork

more effectively. It works adequately on three principles;

 For visualizing what to perform today, workflow automation, that specifies all the

elements, under the context of each other, could be very informative.

 For bounding the quantity of work in progress to maintain harmony in the flow-based

approach, so that teams can‘t begin and commit extra work at once.

 For boosting flow, like, when some task is about to complete, the next priority would be

item into play from the backlog.

However, Kanban encourages steadily collaboration and maintains active, continuous

learning and enhancement through describing the best plausible team workflow. 

Parallel Development
Parallel development occurs whenever a software development project requires separate development
efforts on related code bases. For example, when a software product is shipped to customers, a product
development team may begin working on a new major feature release of the product, while a product
maintenance team may work on defect corrections and customer patch releases of the shipped product.
Both teams begin work from the same code base, but the code necessarily diverges. Frequently the code
bases used in parallel development efforts must be merged at some future date, for example, to ensure that
the defect corrections provided by the product maintenance team are integrated into the major release that
the product development team is working on.

Forms of parallel development:

Parallel concurrent development

arallel concurrent development occurs when multiple developers check out their own working
versions from the same object. Each developer most likely works on different sections of code.
After the developers complete their work, the two versions of code must be merged.

Rational Synergy manages parallel concurrent versions using the values of

the status and owner properties.

When an object version is in the working state, only the owner can include it in his or her project.
To ensure that the correct version is selected, the update process compares the owner of
a working object version with the owner of the project being updated.

As soon as two parallel working versions and their associated tasks are checked in, they must be
merged. There is no single version that contains all of the changes. If the versions are checked in
but not merged, a project update that includes both tasks selects the version with the latest
creation time, and the project shows a parallel conflict.

Parallel platform development.

 Parallel platform development occurs when multiple developers are working on

different versions of the same object for different hardware platforms (often called
variants). The different versions of the objects, such as one version for Windows and
one for UNIX, are typically not merged.
 The platform property identifies a project or object that is designed for a particular
platform. If you build your software for multiple platforms, you need a platform-specific
project for each platform, and each project version must have the platform property set.
 For example, if you build the snap project for UNIX and Windows, you need two
versions: one with the platform property set to UNIX, and one with the property set
to win.
 When updating your projects using a baseline, folders, and tasks, your selection is limited
to the candidates specified by your update properties. If your candidates contain parallel
versions for different platforms, you must set the candidates platform property so that

the update operation can select the version that matches the platform property of the

 For example, consider the snap project, which contains line.c. This version of the project
has its platform value set to win32, indicating that it is built for the 32-bit Windows
platform. The line.c object has two versions: one marked for win32, and one marked
for UNIX. If both are candidates because they were included in the folders or tasks of the
project, the selection rules pick the one whose platform value matches.

Parallel release development

Parallel release development occurs when an organization needs to simultaneously produce multiple
releases of its software product.

For example, different developers work on the next release, a patch to the current release, and a
maintenance release, all baselined on the current release. Parallel releases are typically merged after one
of the releases is finished. For example, when a patch for the current release is finished, it is merged into
the maintenance release. When the maintenance release is finished, it is merged into the next release.

The release property identifies a project or task that is specific to a particular release.

If you are developing software for multiple releases, you need one version of each project for each
release. Also, the release property of each project version must be set accordingly. Setting the properties
ensures that each project selects the matching subprojects and tasks during an update.

Also, your tasks must be marked with the correct release property so they are selected by the projects
with a matching release.




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