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How to be an ecocitizen-Reducing waste

Did you know one of the best ways to reduce waste is to avoid creating it in the first place? A
solution we can all choose is to carry reusable water bottles, mugs, cutlery and straws. Also, we can
shop with reusable bags and buy products with the least amount of packaging and say no to single-
use plastics.
Another thing we can do to help the environment is to watch our waste footprint. That means not
littering and making sure to put waste in the right bins. What I do is separate the different types of
recycling, separate food waste and organics for composting and try to reduce the amount of garbage
destined for landfill. Remember though the best thing to do is try to avoid creating waste in the first
And last but not least, try making your own household products. Making laundry detergent,
dishwasher powder and multi-purpose sprays only requires a handful of inexpensive, natural
ingredients, like white wine vinegar, baking soda, sodium percarbonate and black soap. These have
the advantage of being affordable to you, environmentally friendly and healthy.
And remember, my advice is always: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

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