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Good evening Ready marketing and social media teams!

After reading reviewing our company’s your website pertaining to wildfires, I was able to
learn more about how to prepare and keep safe before, during, and after a wildfire. Your Our
website does a great job of highlighting on what wildfires are and sections off the different stages
of a wildfire that someone should be informed of. Although your website does a great job of
informing audiences of how to prepare at different stages of a wildfire, I feel as if you we could
broaden your platform to other social media accounts to make people more aware of this
information. Your Ready’s website states that wildfires are unplanned fires that burn in natural
areas like forests, grasslands, and prairies. If someone were to be in one of these areas with no
service, they would not be able to obtain the information from your website if they have no
access to internet or cell service. Therefore, I believe it would be a good idea for your team to
create an app for your company.
By creating an app for your informativeour website on natural disasters, people would be
able to access information at any point in time. Whether it is a wildfire, hurricane, tornado, or
any other natural disaster, they users will be prepared for whatever is bound to occur. Your This
app that your team creates can be similar to your website by having links to the different natural
disasters they would need information regarding to.
Other than an app, having a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter would also be a great way
to broadcast this information to more people. Many younger audiences, like myself, receive most
of their news and information through social media platforms like these. By educating the
younger generation onf how to prevent or be prepared for wildfires or other natural disasters, it
can assist in keeping more people safe or prevent some disasters like wildfires. After doing some
research, I found that most wildfires are started by humans. Informing all generations of this
knowledge, could help in preventing more wildfires from arising.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and how social media could better help
your our company and the community. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this
topic with me in further detail, you can contact me by emailing me at
or calling my work phone, (803)-480-1945. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance with anything related to this
social media project.

Thank you, !

Mary Ashlyn Goforth

To: Ready Social Media and Marketing Team Manager
From: Mary Ashlyn Goforth
Date: November 9December 3, 2021
Subject: Social Media Applications for Pertaining to Wildfires

Wildfires play an important role in shaping the ecosystem by serving as an agent of change and
renewal. However, wildfires can also be very detrimental to the environment as well. Not only
can wildfires help with regrowth and replenishment of forests, but they can also cause many
harmful effects on the environment pertaining to the health, habitat, and food supply of wildlife
and humans. Wildfires can be controlled by humans or created on their own by natural causes.
Research shows that wildfires are caused by human activity about eighty-five percent of the

Wildfires affect all aspects of the environment. Whether it is humans, animals, or the
environment itself, it effects it in positive and negative ways. Many websites inform people on
how to prepare or prevent wildfires. Ready is a prime example of a website that informs people
on how to prepare for wildfires before, during, and after the event. Although many wildfires are
started by natural causes, similar to tornados, hurricanes, floods, avalanches, etc., majority of
wildfires caused by human arson. Most people have not been affected by wildfires and do not
know the harm and detrimental effects wildfires can have on them and their community. By
implementing a social media page or app, people can become more aware of the danger wildfires
can have on society and our environment. An app or social media page would assist in reaching
out to more audiences on this serious subject and would help them prepare for this catastrophic
event if one were to ever occur in their area. Since Ready is already a very informative website
with step by step instructions on what to do before, during, and after a wildfire, they would be
able to properly create an app or page to inform audiences about this topic.

The main issue with wildfires is that most people are uneducated on this subject and are
not prepared when one occurs. According to the U.S. Department of Interior, as many as eighty-
five percent of wildfires in the United States are caused by human arson. These fires can be
started from campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, discarded cigarettes, downed power
lines, and intentional acts of arson. Because of human interactions such as these, about 4.5
million homes were identified at high or extreme risk of wildfires in 2019 and 2020. Since
humans are the number one cause of wildfires, they can easily be informed and notified of how
to prevent this natural disaster from happening.

I believe tThe best solution to this problem for our company is to create a social media
page or app to prevent or prepare humans for wildfires. Ready is already a prime website to use
when in need of facts and information regarding to what to do with wildfires. Whether you are
preparing for a wildfire, in the midst of a wildfire, or recovering from a wildfire, this our website
tells you users exactly what you they should do and when you they need to do it. By using
thisheir information, they we have on their our website to an app or social media page, they we
can reach more audiences of all ages.
If someone is in an area where a wildfire is occurring and has no internet or cell service,
they are unable to obtain Ready’s website with information to help them. By creating an app,
users will be able to obtain this knowledge at any time and place without the need for internet or
cell service. Other than just wildfires, this app can contain a plethora of information on other
natural disasters as well. That way users are prepared for any event that may occur.

Other than creating the app to help people in times of crisis with a wildfire, creating a
social media page will also assist in raising awareness for wildfires. Instagram and Facebook
would be two major social media outlets that Ready your team could create a page to update
users on information on natural disasters. These platforms can be used to post about preparing
for and preventing wildfires as well as events to help raise money for people who have been
affected by wildfires.

Wildfires can be scary and detrimental to our environment, but also can be easily
prevented with proper safety protocols and documents. Creating social media pages and an app
for Ready will help broadcast the importance of knowing information about wildfires and how to
prevent them. Broadening this topic will potentially lower the risk of wildfires in our country and
assist in preparing people for these natural disasters.

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