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Davila 1

Huriel Davila

Dr. Alexis Walker

ENGL 1301-180

20 October 2021

Homework 12

1. I was able to improve my spelling by looking up words in the dictionary. I would find

synonyms and correctly spell the words I wanted. Of course, I checked if they fit in the

essay or not.

2. After reading my first draft aloud to write the second draft, I noticed that I would often

write too many sentences that meant the same thing. I would use fewer transition words. I

would often stray away from what I was supposed to talk about which you mentioned in

your comment for the first draft.

3. I did have a lot of errors with my essay. I was able to fix them with the new membership

in Grammarly that TAMIU (Texas A&M International University) gave us.

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