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Nama : Moch Hasan Slamet Pratama

NPM : 24023220113


Produksi dalam arti ekonomi adalah setiap kegiatan yang menghasilkan barang atau jasa yang
dimaksudkan untuk dipertukarkan. Selain pertanian, pertambangan, manucfacturing dan fishing, itu
termasuk jasa agen transportasi, grosir dan pengecer, dan semua layanan bisnis dan orang
profesional, musisi, penghibur, dan sebagainya.

banyak layanan tidak memasuki transaksi biasa sistem ekonomi, karena sangat sulit untuk menilai
nilainya. Jasa-jasa tersebut adalah: pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga di rumah, pekerjaan tukang kebun
yang menanam sebagian dari sayurannya sendiri dan pekerjaan perumah tangga yang juga seorang
pekerja tangan dan melakukan beberapa perbaikan kecil rumah sendiri

menanam sebagian sayurnya sendiri dan pekerjaan penghuni rumah yang juga seorang tukang yang
melakukan beberapa perbaikan kecil di rumahnya sendiri.

Para ekonom menganggap pekerjaam orang-orang ini tidak produktif, seperti ibu rumah tangga
maupun tukang kebun, tidak menerima pembayaran tetap dari pekerjaamya.


1. Why is work in a factory considered productive ?

Because working in factories have a clear payment system, Unlike housewive or gardener
2. Do economists consider the activities of musicians and entertainers who do not produce material goods
productive or unproductive?
3. What activities are excluded from production in an economic sense?
either as a housewife, or a gardener.
4. Why is the work of the gardener working in his own garden considered unproductive?
Because none the gardener receives any fixed payment for her or his work

1.The work of physicians and scholars is classified as productive
(T), because receive fixed payments for their work

2.Transportation agencies, which do not produce tangible (= nyata) goods are unproductive (F),
because Transport agents produce services and are still included in production activities and are included in the productive
category because they receive fixed payments for their work

3.Any kind of work that satisfies a person’s wants is called productive (F),
because not all jobs can be called productive, for example gardeners and housewives who do not receive regular payments
for their work.

4.A housewife who cultivates orchids in her own gaeden and sells them to her neighbourhood flowershop is not productive
Because a housewife receives payment from buyer is a productive enterprise

5.Any activity done for a fixed payment is a productive enterprise (T)

Yes it is true that activities carried out in a company are productive because they will get a fixed payment

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