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Elliott Barwin

Dr. Dave

Feb 20, 2021

Western 2

The Wars

William Shakespeare was a ”...famous playwright of the 16th century known for

Hamlet…”(William Shakespeare Biography). He was alive from 1564 to 1616.

Shakespeare would be very pleased to see Greensburg because of its historical value

and the museum that is based on the artwork. It's a very cute town. I feel like he could

get a lot of play writing ideas from this area. It is also very unique and just a town over

from Pittsburgh. It is remodeled a lot from the same things as Pittsburgh but smaller. It

is about an hour east from there. We have our own different culture as well as it being

an hour away from West Virginia. We adapted a little bit of culture from all of the

surrounding areas that are over that way, but also a neighbor such as Latrobe. I feel like

Shakespeare would really enjoy looking at the airport and out on the Palmer golf

course. Shakespeare would be proud to know that his works had a major impact on

modern literature and how his plays are still studied today. He would be interested to

know that plays have been turned into movies and not all actors are male. Women now

have a spot in the theater.

Ann Foster was a “...17th century woman who was accused of witchcraft and

died later in imprisonment” (Lewis, J.). She was living in the era of the Salem witch

trials. I think she would also be very fond of Greensburg in the aspect of the town itself,

but also its history and historic nature. I feel like she could find a home here because of

the landmarks and for being very close to nature. This area has a very northern feel that
is somewhat similar to being up near Connecticut and Vermont. Foster would be really

really interested to see the cathedral on main street and even here in Seton hill. I feel

like she would really enjoy it because it’s a castle-like feeling and it’s very beautiful in

the fall. I feel like she would really enjoy that. I think she would also really find

excitement in the Catholic atmosphere on Seton Hill‘s campus and to know that the

Salem witch trials are over. We also now learn about the events and the importance of it

in history. Greensburg is a town that does not quite mimic Salem, but it is almost in the

same category as size and development as Salem. Foster would be shocked to see that

witchcraft is somewhat normalized as a hobby because of the use of tarot cards and

communication with spirits. She would notice that women are not being targeted as

witches but targeted as objects of sex instead.

James Forten was an African-American “...abolitionist who worked to ban

slavery....”(Newman, R, 2000). He was a wealthy businessman from Philadelphia as

well. He was alive from 1766 to 1842. I feel that Forten would very much be pleased

with this area because we are close to Pittsburgh as well as many other travel routes

that he could get to states as a businessman. I feel that he would also like downtown

Greensburg because of the courthouse and the business feeling. There are a lot of

business people who come to Greensburg from Monday through Friday. I think that he

would very much appreciate the atmosphere during the week, but I also think he would

really enjoy Seton Hill’s campus because there are some business students up here.

There are also a lot of doctors and I feel like he would really like to get to know students

if he was here with us today. I also think that he would really like to see some of the

famous landmarks that are around here and maybe also like to see what really
formulated Greensburg and that fact of it being preserved in the famous history and

people that walk through here came through here and maybe even like to take a ride on

the Greensburg or Amtrak which is very seldom to depart and come. Forten would be

pleased to see that slavery in the United States is no longer in practice; however, he

would be an activist for race equality and positive treatment for people of color. He

would most likely participate in marches that occur at the Capitol.

I chose all of these people because they all mesh together in one way or another.

I think they would have got a long great for the most part but also had some conflicts

over some of their views on different topics. They were all great parts of History but also

they were a great leader in their own individual way. I wish we could have them here to

see how far we have come from the time they were here.

My 5 year goal is to be the youngest General Manager ever in sports history.

That would require me to be one by 26 years old. I have been working hard to get to this

point of my life where I feel that I can do this. I have a lot of people who tell me I will not

be able to complete it but I am determined to.


Lewis, J. (n.d.). Ann Foster: A Salem witch Trials victim who died in prison. Retrieved

March 12, 2021, from

Newman, R. (2000). James Forten Historical Maker. Retrieved March 12, 2021, from

William Shakespeare BIOGRAPHY. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2021, from


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