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Response 1: 

The purpose of the program is to educate people on 18th century Scotland. More specifically how
people dressed, where and how they lived, and just some historical figures and overall
knowledge. The functionality of the app is a quiz like where you need to correctly answer
questions on their dress wear and where they lived. If you get the multiple-choice question
wrong, then you must start from the start. Only after you answer both questions correctly then
you will be presented with the “YOU WIN” screen and then presented with historical figures.
Our inputs will be a start button on the first page, then we will have pictures with buttons next to
them to indicate with multiple-choice answer you pick. If you get it correct you will move on to
another similar buttoned screen. If you get it wrong, then you will have to be taken back to the
start of the screen. Once you get both correct then you will be automatically presented with the
“YOU WIN” screen. Then you will press the next button and be presented with the historical
figures screen. There will be a button that says start over.  
Response 2: 
Constanza recommended the idea, and we went with it. The idea came to us from a show called
Outlander that we are watching which is set in 18th century Scotland. When reviewing with
our classmates, they suggested that we create more buttons so that it’s easier to navigate through.
We added more buttons in the for a start over button and a retry button. I think this
recommendation helped improve our app because if they finished or lost the app then everyone
would just be stuck and not be able to move or go anywhere. But when we add other buttons and
code them, then people who use the app will be able to navigate it. And start again.  
Link to App- 

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