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IPET Nº 49 “D.F.


Asignatura: Inglés

Prof.: Arnaudi, Maithe

Curso: 5to E- F- G

1- Lee el siguiente texto, si es necesario con la ayuda de un diccionario ( papel u


2- Responde:

a- Menciona a qué hace referencia el texto.-----------------------------------------

b- ¿Cuáles son las herramientas que menciona el texto?

c- Elabora un cuadro y menciona las herramientas y sus usos. ( En inglés)

Types of hand tools and their uses

Hand tools are basic necessities of any form of work. By definition, hand tools refer to any
type of tool that can be used by hand and does not require any motor or electrical power.
Broadly they include hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches and the hacksaw.

These are designed to deliver high force on a small area. Hammers can be used for
driving nails, breaking objects and forging metal.

Screw Drivers:
Screw drivers are of several kinds. Therefore it is necessary for a tool maker to have a set
of screw drivers for all requirements. They can be used to screw or unscrew screws on
any surface or assemble furniture.

Wrenches are used for turning bolts, nuts, pipes, etc. There are a large number of
wrenches available which derive their names from their characteristic shape, form the
object they are used to turn or from their construction. A wrench is used to grip and turn
objects. They are helpful in assembling furniture or bike repairs where it can be used to
loosen or tighten nuts and bolts. Wrenches are also used for plumbing jobs where they are
used to turn pipes.

They help to hold objects firmly, bend other materials, and remove unwanted elements. It
can be used for bending or straightening wires, cutting or slicing wires, removing nails or
tiny needles, or to just hold objects firmly at one place.

Tape Measure
Tape measure is a must-have in every home tool kit. They are useful in taking room or wall

Hand Saw
You should have at least one hand saw in your home. We recommend a hacksaw because
it is a good multi-purpose saw. It will cut through wood, PVC pipes, metal pipes, plastic
tubing, conduit, brackets, and much more.

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