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SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah
Secretariat: JL. Jend. Sudirman Kotagajah Lampung Tengah 34153
Telp (0725) 48318
Number : 421/671/1
Subject : Invitation Guardians
To Mr / Ms Parents / Guardians of students of class XII
SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah Compassionate
In place

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Respectfully informed that the learning activities odd semester of 2018/2019 academic year
has ended with the Final Replay. In connection with that we invite the father / mother of
parents / guardians of students of class XII at:
Day / Date : Monday / September 29, 2019
Time : 09:00 pm
Venue : Hall Multipurpose SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah
Events : Taking a class XII student report cards and socializing UN
Given the importance of the event, we beg presence. Thus this invitation, for all his attention
we say thank you.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Kotagajah 26 September 2019


Azis Rahmanda, M.Pd.

NIP *********

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