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Leaders are actually more made than born most people don’t believe that no matter what you do

but the research is very clear about that. We actually learn to lead from our experiences and from
our relationship. When I meet executives who’ve been at it for thirty years they still see that there’s
lots for them to learn that the world is changing and new challenges are coming no matter where I
go in the world what I hear is leadership is a strategic issue for as a country as a company wecan’t
get down what we need to get done because we don’t have enough leadership if I want to study
leadership in an organization simply watching people as they do their work and I think one of the
big transformations we’ve been making over the last couple of years here in the states is we didn’t
want to be a follow grande or like someone else brand we wanted to be a leader brand the
research tells us that if the leader behaves a particular way people are going to copybthat leaders
behaviour when you go into organizations you tend to see there is a style of leadership that people
can describe for you

Resume management principles

Name: rizka yulianty
Nim: 202101087

Leaders are actually more made than born most people don’t believe that no matter what
you do but the research is very clear about that. We actually learn to lead from our experiences and
from our relationship. When I meet executives who’ve been at it for thirty years they still see that
there’s lots for them to learn that the world is changing and new challenges are coming no matter
where I go in the world what I hear is leadership is a strategic issue for as a country as a company
wecan’t get down what we need to get done because we don’t have enough leadership if I want to
study leadership in an organization simply watching people as they do their work and I think one of
the big transformations we’ve been making over the last couple of years here in the states is we
didn’t want to be a follow grande or like someone else brand we wanted to be a leader brand the
research tells us that if the leader behaves a particular way people are going to copybthat leaders
behaviour when you go into organizations you tend to see there is a style of leadership that people
can describe for you.

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