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Summative - Automata Motor - Criterion B

Criterion B: Developing Ideas

ATL Skills: Creative, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration

Strand i: Design Specification

½ “ Plywood

Wood rods (dowels)

Max LENGTH 10 inches

Max HEIGHT 10 inches

Max WIDTH 4 inch

Paper Flowers


Strand ii: Develop Design Ideas - Drawings

Rapidly develop 4 DIFFERENT ideas and draw them in moderate detail. It is important
that the design gives others an idea of how the design will work. ​4 Drawings MINIMUM!
(Insert images here)
Summative - Automata Motor - Criterion B

Strand iii: Present the Chosen Design

From the feedback we got, we took some positives as well as things we could have
improved. One positive we took from the feedback regarding our presentation of our
drawings was the fact that everyone, for the most part, understood how our designs were
Summative - Automata Motor - Criterion B

supposed to function. That was positive we took since people understood the basic of how
it’s gonna function without being confused. One thing we could improve as noted by the
feedbacks we got was the amount of detail on the drawings. People said that we could
have included more detail. This one thing e could improve on in the future.
Strand iv: Develop FINAL Planning Drawing - One (1) DETAILED
DRAWING ​(​Insert image below)

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