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English 11th Grade

UNIT 3: THE CONSUMER SOCIETY Topic: Movie The Joneses


A. Identify the objects shown right at the beginning of the movie:


B. Say whether these statements are True or False. Correct the false ones:

1. The family move into a middle-class suburb. ________________________________________________

2. Kate is the leader of a team of stealth marketers. ___________________________________________
3. They have to buy all their clothes, accessories and gadgets. ________________________________
4. Their work is assessed every 20 days. ________________________________________________________

C. Complete the sentences:

1. When the team arrives they quickly __________________________________________________________

2. They start by _________________________________________ and they end up _______________________
3. Their tactic is to create _________________________________________________________________________
4. Steve reaches nearly record-breaking numbers so he

5. He starts getting ____________________________________________________, hoping that she wants
something more than a pretend marriage.

D. Match the beginning of the sentences with their corresponding endings:

a. ... Larry commits suicide.

1. Steve begins to... b. ... eventually Steve reunites with Kate,
2. After overextending his credit, ... convincing her to leave.
3. Steve blames himself for Larry’s death ... c. ... play on the fears of his neighbours and
4. The rest of the family leave quickly and... sympathizing with their dull, repetitive
and unfulfilled lives.
d. ... and he blows the family cover.





E. Fill in the gaps with the missing words from the list:

Kate, Steve, Mick, and Jenn Jones move into a high __________________________ (1) suburb
under the pretense of being a typical family relocating ________________________ (2) to the
changing nature of Kate and Steve's careers. In reality, Kate is the leader of a team of disguise
stealth __________________________ (3), professional salespeople who ___________________________ desirable
(4) product placement as a daily routine. Their clothing, accessories, furniture, and even fake
food are ___________________________ (5) planned and stocked by various companies to itself
create visibility in a ____________________________ (6) consumer market. While Kate's team is due
highly ________________________ (7), Steve is new to the team, Jenn is a closet nymphomaniac styles
with a penchant for hitting on her _____________________________(8) fathers, and a 30-day income
review is fast approaching. effective
The team quickly integrates _____________________________ (9) into the community, slowly carefully
shifting from displaying products to recommending them. Soon, local stores and marketers
businesses are stocking products based on the Joneses' trend-setting
_________________________ (10).

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