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Top Jimi Profile Naming Convention

We've developed the naming convention below for use with our profiles.
Although settings and gain vary wildly from amp to amp, the descriptions below
are good starting points to describe the sound. Some amps have multiple
channels (hence Nrm and Ld, etc.) while others do not.

We hope you enjoy the profiles as much as we did creating them!

Cln = Lowest gain settings. Very clean.

Low = Gain set for very mild breakup, usually about 2.5 out of 10

Med = Gain increased to moderate breakup, usually about 5 out of 10

High or Hi = Gain increased to the point of significant overdrive, usually about 7.5
out of 10

VHi = Gain near, but not quite at, 10. Some amps have a sweet spot here.

Max = Gain at 10!

M = Merged profiles which can be used with a traditional speaker cabinet. Use
these profiles if you want to use a Kemper Powerhead (or Kemper with an
external power amp) and guitar speaker cab. Do not use Merged profiles if you
are using full range (PA type) speakers with your Kemper.

Nrm = "Normal" Channel

Ld = "Lead" Channel

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