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1) Dear Lord, You are the Lord of all lords and the King of all kings. I offer You my
prayers and sufferings of this day. Lord, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You. I
ask pardon for those who do not believe in you. Since we cannot receive You
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into our hearts. Lord, please guide us in
your holy name. Amen.

2) Yes, because church is the people not the literally we call church.

3) There attitudes or ways that can probably bring about unity in a group or
community. You should Encourage open communication and Constantly
communicate the vision and mission of the organization.

4) As a student in order to be agent of renewal, I’ll involve myself in the

rehabilitation of hearts and houses, souls and society. I’m to care about the
renewal of both people and the environment.

5) Yes and no, because we do are still following Christ but not like before cause
there are many things that changed.

6) In the first period, The Christians were persecuted and turned into living
torches in the garden of Nero. The second period, the persecution started from
100 A.D. to 250 A.D. Then, in the third period, this was last and bloodiest
persecution of the Christians was conducted by Emperor Diocletian throughout
the Roman Empire. While, reading this it is kinda sad and I felt really bad when
knew their situation.

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