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Singapore’s Greatness

By: Shaira Franciene C. Enot

Singapore Governance has a clean government, having a business, Independence,
Technological Sector, Housing Development Policy. Singapore is a sovereign country with one
man one vote system. It is not an ally of any country and trade with all countries. Singapore’
success in economic and social development in recent decades has been due to pragmatic
policies and general public acceptance of a limited government role in such areas health, social
security. Singapore has faced all the new challenges because its leaders have been hard working
and cooperative. There are many different reasons as to why the governance of Singapore has
excelled. The key factor to good governance is to foresee the needed amendments and stay up to
date with everything that is going on in the country. The decisions that a government takes have
to be stable and long term, Singapore government has worked hard and is at a stage when they
need to consider all factors before taking a significant step. The government also provided social
services like housing and health care, in a way liberal economists applauded. Due to the housing
development policies that were shortly created by the housing board, Singapore changed tenfold.
They have clean government and doesn’t have any corruption in their economy and I think that is
why its rarely that they are one of the rich country. Just like having a movie title the Crazy rich
Asian, millionaires are definitely live in Singapore. Singapore didn’t instantly become rich after
it gained its independence. Singapore has done extremely well. Its government has made savvy
decisions, and their achievements demand respect. However, it’s not a great model for other
countries to follow. The pioneers planned well and worked hard to make Singapore what it is
today. Financial soundness was one of the top priorities when this island got its freedom. So they
planned and executed proactively. Yes Singapore has always been proactive and most
Singaporeans are well aware of the difference and most would not consider themselves rich.
However, not many would be able to distinguish between the wealth of the State and the wealth
of the ruling party. The system for governance is meritocracy. It is mostly true in practice and
not just in theory alone. The ruling party stays in power through effective governing.

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