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What makes the Philippines 2nd highest in GDP in the 1950s and What

makes it fall behind in the tiger race in Asia?

In 1950s and early 1960s the economy of Philippines has ranked as the second
most progressive in Asia had the second highest GDP per capita alongside the
continent of most modern manufacturing sector after japan though in the following
decades that had been said from the video that Philippines was Surpassed by South
Korea, Singapore and Taiwan which they did not notice at the time became the
first Asian tigers economies. It makes it fall behind the tiger race because of
economies whilst the Philippines fell out of Asian economic tiger race that the
Manila located in the Philippines has been have a stable path “debt” between a
year 2000-2009 from 1980s and an averaged half percentage a year accelerating to
almost six and half in the decade. It makes it fall behind also from the crucial
causes in high level of “political instability” because the problem to other people
are not well versed about the nature of this politics, if not alarmed that is why we
have change a president twice via move to an elected official route. Even before
the demands were made, the economic analysts guide the potential investors that
having concerned to stability of this political institutions.
It also fall behind because of the big factor has been shown in general inability of
industrial sector to provide the enough opportunities to people due to history of its
protectionism though be fair to industry of the Philippines. Many people are
jobless because of low average of GDP today. Many are standby to their area or in
the household because getting a job nowadays is quiet difficult even up to this
days. It reduced the circumstances of living of the people. And also having
“corruption” here in the Philippines that is why it becoming unstable, and this is
the one reason that Philippine falls behind of tiger race.

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