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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 L03 MINUTES Meeting Date: September 29", 2021 Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 L03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in room MTC-2 on September 29", 2021. The meeting convened at 1:30 pm, Professor LeCompte presiding and Melanie De Jesus Alvarado, secretary. All students attended except: Femando Vallés, Reynaldo Vega and Alexa Vélez. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the meeting were approved after corrections. Matters Discussed: 1) Professor LeCompte explained what is a riddle, which is a question or intentional sentence used to require ingenuity and to determine its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game. 2) The professor assigned a free writing exercise to answer the following riddle: “You are stuck in a completely enclosed room with no window and a locked door. You have a table, piano, baseball bat and saw. Find three ways to get out of the room”. Some students voluntarily shared their answer. 3) The professor mentioned: a) She could not correct the exams due to the lack of electricity. ) There will be no more exams, she will only explain part of the topic and then assign work to do them at our homes. 4) The professor asked students: How do you feel from one to ten at this point in the semester?” 5) The professor mentioned the oral presentation in two weeks. Students chose the topic where they will be presenting recent research for a period of seven minutes. They must have four references in APA style, two from scientific articles and two professional sources. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:50pm Submitted by: bp bag — fom . October 5° 2021 Melanie De Jesus Alvarado, Secretary Date of Approval

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