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Food with nutrition What is its use in the humiun

Watermelon - Contains fiber and other important nutrients such
as vitamin C,vitamin A,magnesium and potassium
- Can prevent the risk of cancer and stroke.
Spinach This vegetable is low in calories and beneficial for
healthy skin,hair and bones.
Cucumber The content of cucumber can protect from
dehydration & heat.
Tomatoes Tomantain water intaker in the body so that it is
maintained protects against a number of diseases.
Orange - Contains vitamin C and rich potassium and can
improve imunity and heart health.
- Ther are antioxidamts that can fightdisease and
can prevent cell damage byreducing inflammation.
Melon Helps meet fluid needs because melon is a fruit
that contains a lot of water
strawberries - Can quench thirst because and can prevent
- Reduce inflammation in the risk of heart various
ty pesot cancer.
Pineappel Help meet fluid needs there is an enzyme
bromelain which has an anti inflammatory effect
and can relieve pain.
Cantaloupe Help meet fluid needs there is vitamin A which can
make us full longer because there is fiber in it and
potassium maintains the balance of fluidsin the


Animal with nutrition What is its use in the humiun

Cow -Water functions as a body temperature regulator
- Water acts as a lubricant for joints and helps the
eyes to see
- Water plays a big role in helping the digestive
Salmon meat Contains high omega 3 and contains more vitamin
D which is good for the body

Vegetables with nutrition What is its use in the humiun

Lettuce There are nutrients ant lots of water that can help
the body stay hydrate
Celery Can improve health aspects
Paprika -Can provide health benefits
-The nutrients it contains are vitamin C which is
good for the body’s health
Cabbage Help health aspects including hydration due to its
high nutrient and antioxidant water content

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