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Daet, Camarines Norte

1st Sem., S.Y.2020-2021

Name of Student: JOY A. VISITACION

Subject Area: PROF ED 8
Name of Professor: PAUL ELPEDES


1.Who are the millennial teachers? What are their characteristics and qualities?
2. What is the implication/ effects of computer system on education?
3. What do you think are the qualities of a good millennial teachers and learners?


1. Who are the millennial teachers? What are their characteristics and qualities?

10 Common Characteristics of Millenial Generation Employees

The millennial generation, often called Generation Y, has been the topic of many debates. In one
aspect, this generation is often regarded in a negative view, but millennials can also be described
as one of the most adaptive and creative generations, especially in their careers.

If you are among the number of millennials developing your career, it can seem daunting to
showcase these core characteristics, however, when highlighted in a positive and confident way,
you can increase the likelihood of impressing future employers. In this article, we cover 10 core
characteristics of the millennial generation, as well as how to showcase these traits in your resume,
cover letter and interviews.

What is the millennial generation?

The millennial generation, also called Generation Y, refers to the population of people who were
born roughly between the early 1980s and 1990s, often being extended as far as the early 2000s.
This generation is the most populated in modern history, and it can be worth noting that it is also
the generation to be born into the technological world and came of age in a new millennium.
However, this generation is also often defined as those who are born between 1980 and 1996, as it
points to individuals who were old enough to experience and comprehend 9/11.

This generation has witnessed the arrival of technological growth and development, and perhaps
because of it, can identify as being more progressive, creative and far-thinking than earlier
generations. Many millennials may also identify as being more concerned with intrinsic and moral
values over extrinsic and material ideologies.

Characteristics of the millennial generation

In addition to being the first generation to truly witness the advent of technology like the internet,
virtual reality and artificial intelligence, there are a variety of traits that people of Generation Y
might have:

1. Values meaningful motivation

2. Challenges the hierarchy status-quo
3. Places importance on relationships with superiors
4. Intuitive knowledge of technology
5. Open and adaptive to change
6. Places importance on tasks rather than time
7. Passion for learning
8. Openly receptive to feedback and recognition
9. Free-thinking and creative
10. Values social interactions in the workplace

Character Traits: Definition and Examples

1. Values meaningful motivation

Millennials value meaningful motivation. They may be characterized as being motivated by

creative work, sharing their gifts and making an impact on others and within their communities.
Oftentimes, these intrinsic motivators can be seen in a millennial's approach to their careers. Many
can frequently be found working toward helping others, imparting inspiration or working to
improve on a community or world-wide issue.

Additionally, many millennials aim for goals that offer ways to further their meaningful work
rather than monetary gains. While this generation's professional drive often helps them advance in
their careers, many seem to do so for reasons other than a salary increase or monetary bonuses.

2. Challenges the hierarchy status-quo

Millennials are known for their resolve in sharing their opinions and ideas, as well as challenging
their superiors when they feel it is warranted. While this trait can seem as though millennials share
contempt for authority on the whole, this characteristic actually comes from the idea that what is
best for the company results from active listening, collaboration and considering all points of view.

Millennials also seem to prefer working across many functions, offering creative solutions and
moving away from the boundaries of professional status and level. Additionally, this generation
seems to truly believe that approaches such as these are more beneficial to the workplace than
merely following orders passed down from the top of the professional hierarchy.

3. Places importance on relationships with superiors

More and more frequently, millennials have shown that when it comes to their careers, they prefer
a supervisor or manager that they can connect to as a mentor. This generation has made a point to
get comfortable working with their superiors and asking for advice and counsel about their career
development. In addition to receiving advice and feedback, millennials place importance on
building rapport as well as pathways for frequent communication with their managers.

4. Intuitive knowledge of technology

As many millennials grew from childhood to adulthood, they witnessed the expansive growth of
technology. With that growth, millennials seem to have developed the ability to quickly adapt and
change according to new and more modernized technology as it becomes available. Smartphones,
virtual reality, interactive software and even artificial intelligence may continue to see the
millennial generation adding to its development. In fact, the millennial generation may even be the
first generation to be fully globalized online during adolescence and early adulthood.

Technical Skills: Definition and Examples

5. Open and adaptive to change

Not only are millennials described as adaptive to change, but many also embrace it. Oftentimes,
this generation has been one of ushering in changes in business, technology and the economy. Most
seem to recognize that these industries are constantly changing and that the methods of working
within the modern-day career field must change with them. Being adaptive to the continuously
changing atmosphere they live in also allows this generation to advance in and take on a variety of

6. Places importance on tasks rather than time

Millennials seem to be very task-oriented rather than time-oriented. This can appear in the form of
productivity with producing results, as well as placing a higher priority on the quality of a product,
deliverable or otherwise task-related output. This generation places importance on working toward
producing rather than being concerned with how many hours they can put in at a job. More often,
millennials may want to be flexible in their schedules, working outside of a traditional "9 to 5"
career so they may use more of their personal time to pursue things outside of work.

7. Passion for learning

Not only are millennials open to change and adaptive, but they also seem to possess an
extraordinary passion for learning new things. This generation exhibits deep curiosity about the
world and displays the desire to further develop skills and knowledge that can help them within
their professional lives. Furthermore, millennials seem to understand the importance of setting and
achieving goals, both for personal growth and their careers.

8. Openly receptive to feedback and recognition

Rather than waiting to be reviewed on a biannual or annual basis, millennials also appreciate
regular feedback. This generation values input, advice and mentorship from their managers, and
they seem to be extremely receptive to continuous feedback on a weekly or daily basis.
Furthermore, performance management and development can often be priorities for Generation Y,
resulting in the need to hear from their supervisors about how they are performing in their jobs.

Additionally, this generation seems to thrive off of open recognition, so positive praise in the
workplace is something that can benefit their motivation. Millennials generally appreciate knowing
that what they are doing is making a difference and that their talents are valued.

9. Free-thinking and creative

It could be from the vast availability of technological mediums, or the fact that millennials grew
up during the time of transition from conventional methods to modernized and technologically
advanced ways of working. Because of this innovation, millennials may tend to be more
imaginative in their thinking. If problems arise in the workplace, millennials typically have the
ability to come up with creative solutions to fix them.

10. Values teamwork and social interactions in the workplace

This generation also places a great degree of importance on working within a team environment.
Collaboration on projects, problem-solving with different points of view and creating new and
innovative approaches to working in their fields may be cooperative endeavors that millennials
undertake while working on a team.

In addition to productivity and quality results on their teams, it may seem that many millennials
also desire a social atmosphere in the workplace. Qualities like fun, relaxed and comfortable can
be used to describe most millennials' idea of a fitting and optimal workplace.
6 Qualities That Make a Great Team Player

Tips for highlighting your millennial characteristics

From these 10 core characteristics, you might consider how you can highlight skills and traits that
reflect these strengths when applying to jobs. No matter your age or experience level within the
Generation Y range, the following tips can help guide you through showcasing your best qualities:

On a resume

Consider highlighting your accomplishments in past roles where you relied on your adaptability,
creative problem-solving or expert technical skills. Be sure to include a quantifiable result that you
played a role in producing to allow employers to see how your past performance or productivity
may benefit their organization.

In a cover letter

After your initial introductory paragraph to a potential employer, you might include a section to
describe how your characteristics can benefit their company, as well as relating your traits to
required skills outlined in the job description. Additionally, you can relate your core strengths to
how you can see yourself providing specific results for their business.

During an interview

You might consider focusing on a few key traits that specifically apply to general interview
questions, such as "What are your strengths?" and "Why do you want to work here?" For example,
if a candidate is interviewing for a role in digital marking, they might describe how their natural
curiosity and motivation for learning new skills helped them develop an innovative approach to
building a new content management system for their past employer.

2. What is the implication/ effects of computer system on education?

The students of today are being molded by our educational system and computers;
computers are allowing plagiarism to be the norm in homework assignments, are distracting
our students from doing their work, and are hindering the chances of future social able
3. What do you think are the qualities of a good millennial teachers and learners?
With millennials now coming into the teaching profession, we're starting to notice some changes
in the methods of teaching. Millennials are commonly known as the unique generation. As a
millennial myself, we grew up with technology. We're well-versed with social media, smartphones
and can easily adapt to the latest technological advancements.

But more importantly, millennials have broken down several walls of traditions, especially in
teaching. Millennials are known to be outspoken and flexible and they are bringing these traits into
the classroom.

Millennials are definitely at the forefront of changing the landscape in the teaching sector. And in
this post, we are going to look at 6 ways at how millennials are making a positive impact to

1. Flexible teaching methods

With millennial entering the teaching profession, they are also carrying over their mindset into
both the classroom and their teaching methods. One characteristic that has been observed within
the millennial generation is that they value their individuality. Millennial teachers know every
student is unique and have their own learning style.

2. Thinking outside the box

Since millennials are the children of the digital revolution, they have consumed and are continuing
to consume a great deal of information in comparison to their predecessors. So they've not only
been exposed to more knowledge, but they have also been exposed to different perspectives and
new ways of thinking.

Millennial teachers will often try new teaching methods they've come across on the web or even
experiment a new teaching method they've thought of themselves.

3. Flipped Learning
Traditional classroom management involved teachers instructing their students to be silent whilst
they teach or explain the concept from the syllabus. Whilst traditionalists will argue this style of
teaching is effective because it encourages students to listen and pay attention, millennials are not
entirely convinced.

Millennials are aware children have difficulty paying attention for long periods of time, so we are
now seeing millennial teachers adopt an inverted style of teaching known as flipped learning.

Flipped learning is where students are introduced to the learning materials before the class. And
classroom time is used to deepen the understanding of the learning materials through discussion
and problem-solving activities organised by the teacher. This type of learning is more interactive
and encourages more student-teacher engagement.

4. A Different Kind of Classroom Management

Millennials teachers are known to be flexible, both in and outside of school. In the classroom, we
see millennial teachers giving their students more independence, control and trust to cultivate their
own productivity.

To give you an example, in the US, some schools (but not all) have incorporated a traffic-light cell-
phone policy where students have the option to listen to music during independent work time
during class.

Although many will debate if listening to music can enhance learning, there are numerous
studies which support how music (without lyrics) can stimulate concentration and productivity in
certain students.

5. Participation and Diversity

Millennials are known to be outspoken and they want to be heard. By incorporating this particular
value in the classroom, millennial teachers will encourage their students to participate in classroom
discussion or activity. They understand every student will have their own point-of-view, and they
know by exposing other students to different perspectives will encourage students to be more open-

And this brings me back to my previous point that I mentioned about flipped learning. Since
millennial teachers are encouraging discussion and participation, students will also realise there is
not a single way to solve a problem. This way, creativity is also being fostered and utilised in the

6. Empathy
Millennial teachers are more understanding and show more empathy. They tend to understand the
basic needs that determine the student's ability to focus in the classroom. If one of their students
was unable to get a good night's sleep because they were babysitting, millennials will appreciate
that they will not be able to absorb the learning material. Also, trauma can affect different students
in different ways. Taking consideration of all these factors that happen outside of the class can
affect school performance, and millennial teachers take this on board.

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