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Clinics in Dermatology (2009) 27, 469–474

Cosmeceuticals vitamins
Mônica Manela-Azulay, MD, PhD a,⁎, Ediléia Bagatin, MD, PhD b
Department of Medical Clinics (Dermatology), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Dermatology, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Abstract The term cosmeceutical was created over 25 years ago to define products with active
substances that cannot be considered cosmetics or drugs. Cosmeceuticals are increasingly popular, with
sales representing one of the largest growing segments of the skin care market. These products are found
in many forms, including vitamins, peptides, growth factors, and botanical extracts. Cosmeceuticals that
contain topically applied vitamins have an increasing role in skin care.
© 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction stability, penetration, and retention within the skin. Although

tests are available to answer some of these questions, we can
The term cosmeceutical was created over 25 years ago by speculate that at times there is little interest in such data,
Albert Kligman of the University of Pennsylvania to define given that cosmeceutical products are not regulated and are
products with active substances that cannot be considered usually well-accepted by consumers.3
cosmetics or drugs. A cosmeceutical is a logical evolutionary For these reasons, dermatologists should be aware of
concept, given the advances in skin anatomy and physiology. cosmeceutical products and have access to accurate scientific
Contemporary belief is that almost all compounds applied to theory with validated data—if any exists—to support
skin have the ability to penetrate and exert changes to skin cosmeceutical claims. For some products, in vitro evidence
structure.1 Currently, cosmeceuticals are very popular, with shows that these ingredients do have antiaging activity. The
sales representing one of the largest growing segments of the question remains whether it is possible to deliver adequate
skin care market, especially for products that are designed to doses to the skin in vivo and to produce clinical or histologic
help in the prevention and the treatment of aging skin. effects. It is important to evaluate these new products with a
The demand for products that reduce the cosmetic effects critical and careful methodology, giving consideration to
of aging continues to grow because people wish to remain intended product use and the design of available studies
looking youthful as long as possible. These products are supporting product use. Then, one can decide if the product
found in many presentations and are represented by vitamins, is useful as a main or adjuvant treatment for aging skin.2
peptides, growth factors, and botanical extracts.2 There are Vitamins are essential compounds for many functions of
still many controversial points about the drugs presented in the human organism. Some vitamins can be synthesized, but
cosmeceutical products; among them, mechanisms of action, others need to be obtained by an adequate diet. The most
optimal concentration, biologically active form, formulation important are vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, as well as folic
acid. Scientific evidence shows that, in addition to their
specific functions, certain vitamins are useful for prevention,
⁎ Corresponding author. as well as for topical and systemic treatment of photoaging
E-mail address: (M. Manela-Azulay). and chronologic skin aging. They are also effective in the

0738-081X/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
470 M. Manela-Azulay, E. Bagatin

management of acne vulgaris. Various vitamins are used as There are substances with benefits documented with
drugs or cosmeceutical products are also of great interest for sufficient scientific background, and many more that lack
topical treatment. such data.8 Many products are being introduced in daily skin
It is postulated that molecular mechanisms of photoaging care antiaging cosmeceuticals or cosmetic products based on
are the same for chronologic skin aging, which also occurs in hypothetical in vitro mechanisms of action, without
all others organs.4 The difference is that skin is in direct confirmation by controlled clinical trials.
contact with the environment and undergoes the influence of It is accepted that cosmeceutical products must be as safe
other factors, such as the cumulative effect of ultraviolet as a cosmetic and should not act as a drug. They have
(UV) A and B irradiation. Skin damage related to sun performance characteristics that suggest pharmaceutical
exposure may accelerate its intrinsic aging process; there- action, but they are registered (where necessary) and sold
fore, photoaging represents the superposition of the biologic as a cosmetic.8,9 The skin care industry is marketing a huge
effects of sun irradiation over the intrinsic aging that occurs. number of new agents promising results that have not yet
Two important pathways are related to chronologic aging. been proven. In our opinion, this is one of the serious side
One is the progressive telomere shortening and finally its effects of these antiaging products: They sell the fantasy of
disruption that is caused by low-grade oxidative damage. the eternal beauty, they have minimal or no effects, and
This also affects other cellular structures and is a usually, they are very expensive.
consequence of aerobic cellular mitochondrial metabolism.5 On the other hand, the treatment of acne vulgaris with
Damage is initiated by the generation of reactive oxygen topical vitamins, mainly vitamin A, is very well supported by
species (ROS), also called free radicals. This reaction is an evidence. Vitamin A is more frequently used in pharmaceu-
inherent part of the cellular metabolism related to energy tical than in cosmeceutical products. Vitamin B3, commonly
production. Cells have enzyme processes that keep the known as nicotinamide or niacinamide, is available in
oxidative damage at a minimum; nevertheless, it is cosmetic and cosmeceutical products and can be used as a
progressive. Over time, the consequences are damage to complementary agent for some types of acne, as well as
DNA, resulting in mutations, reduction in protein functions, aging skin.
and peroxidation of membrane lipids affecting the transport Acne is a multifactorial disease involving excessive
and transmembrane signaling.6 sebum production by the sebaceous glands related to an
In skin, these mechanisms are accelerated by UV increase in the androgen levels in the onset of puberty, ductal
irradiation that activates protein kinases, up-regulating hypercornification of the follicles, and proliferation of Pro-
expression and activation of the nuclear transcription factor pionibacterium acnes and other bacteria that activate the toll-
AP-1, which then stimulates genes for matrix-degrading like receptors, resulting in attraction of lymphocytes,
enzymes such as matrix metalloproteinases 1, 3, and 9. These neutrophils, and macrophages. Other factors are production
matrix metalloproteinases degrade skin collagen and thereby of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-
impair the structure of the dermis. The AP-1 also interferes 8, IL-12, and tumor necrosis factor-α. This is the base for the
with types I and III collagen gene expression in human dermal inflammation and immune response, which is extremely
fibroblasts, down-regulating its synthesis. Elevated levels of variable in different sites of the affected skin and individuals,
degraded type I collagen within the dermis, especially the perhaps on an inherited basis. P acnes can also induce
larger fragments, may also negatively regulate its synthesis.4 follicular keratinocytes to release IL-1α, which causes
The knowledge of these mechanisms provides the basis keratinocytes proliferation and contributes to the formation
for the three most important approaches for prevention and of the preclinical lesion of acne, which is the microcomedo.
treatment of aging skin, mainly the photoaging process. Activation of toll-like receptors may also be involved in the
Although primarily an aesthetic problem, photoaging con- scarring process by activating the metalloproteinases.10-12
stitutes the background for the development of precancerous The retinoids are vitamin A derivatives constituting the
and cancerous skin lesions. Clinical and histologic evidence most effective comedolytic agents. They function by
indicates that certain structural changes induced by excessive normalizing desquamation of the follicular epithelium,
sun exposure can be reversed, to some extent, by an adequate preventing the formation of new microcomedo, and mini-
treatment regimen. The most important measure to prevent mizing the formation of comedones and inflammatory
photodamage lies in the daily and continuous use of lesions.10-12 Nicotinamide is useful as a complementary
sunscreen that blocks both UVB and UVA.7 Another drug because of its mild anti-inflammatory activity and its
approach is the potential effect of topical and systemic possible action in the reduction of sebum production and
antioxidants that enhance ROS neutralization.6 The last is the improvement of the skin barrier.13-15
use of compounds that help to repair DNA and collagen
damage, as well as stimulate collagen synthesis.
Topical vitamins, α-hydroxy acids, and growth factors Vitamin A
can provide some of these effects. The results are better when
these products are used before and maintained after the The human epidermis contains significant amounts of
execution of procedures available in cosmetic dermatology. vitamin A (all-trans-retinol), enzymes responsible for its
Cosmeceuticals vitamins 471

metabolism, binding proteins for its protection and transport, demonstrating efficacy. It seems that the useful concentration
and the nuclear receptors involved in the respective induced of topical retinol should range from 0.3% to 1%. Most of the
gene activity modulation. Data have shown that this complex over-the-counter products available usually contain lower
system can be a direct target for UVB and UVA, as part of the levels of retinol (about 0.08% or less), compared with the
adaptive response to UV irradiation. This mechanism may concentration used in the few clinical studies available.2,25
lead to a vitamin A deficiency in the skin.16 These forms are not biologically active until enzymatic
Vitamin A cannot be synthesized; it must be obtained conversion to the active metabolite, retinoic acid, occurs in
through dietary means. The ingestion of vitamin A depends vivo. It has not been proven yet, if the skin has adequate
on the presence of retinoids (animal sources) and carotenoids levels of these enzymes to make a clinical difference. Most of
(vegetable sources) in the diet. In the body, a small the studies are in vitro and do not explain these aspects.
percentage of retinol is converted to its biologically active Retinal is speculated to be 20-fold less effective than
form, all-trans retinoic acid (tretinoin), through an inter- tretinoin, and the cutaneous concentration of tretinoin is
mediary, retinaldehyde. Most of retinol is converted to 1000-fold less with topically applied retinol than with the
retinyl ester, its storage form. proper drug. A small quantity of retinol appears to be
Topical retinoids have successfully been used to treat converted into tretinoin in human skin.25 It is possible that a
acne for nearly 4 decades. Initially, a retinoid was a much higher concentration would be required, increasing
compound of similar structure and action to retinol. risk of irritation that could be similar to what is observed with
Variations of this molecule have resulted in three genera- the use of tretinoin and other retinoids.22
tions of topical and systemic retinoids: the nonaromatics Another problem with retinol compounds is that they are
(retinol, tretinoin, and isotretinoin), the monoaromatics easily degraded by oxygen and light exposure. A new
(etretinate and acitretin), and the polyaromatics (arotinoid, synthesized retinol derivative with higher photostability,
adapalene, and tazarotene).17 named retinyl N-formyl aspartamate, was described as
The efficacy of topical use of tretinoin in the treatment of effective in a recent very small, uncontrolled study.26
photoaged and intrinsically aged skin is sufficiently evidence For treating acne, topical retinoids are useful in all cases,
based. The effects are believed to be mediated through its because they interfere with the precursor lesion, the
binding to the nuclear retinoid acid receptors (RARs), RAR microcomedo. They can reverse the abnormal desquamation
and RXR that exist as three distinct gene products: alpha, process, and in addition, they have anti-inflammatory
beta, and gamma. It induces type I and type III procollagen properties, including suppression of toll-like receptor
gene expression in human skin, resulting in increased expression. The main retinoids used in treatment of acne
deposition of collagen fibrils in the dermis. It also reduces are pharmaceutical products. Most of the studies are related
collagen breakdown by inhibiting the metalloproteinases. An to tretinoin in older formulations as well as in newer vehicles
overall thickening is observed in the epidermis, a compaction that provide less irritation. Other studies have investigated
of the stratum corneum, and deposition of a mucinous isotretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene. 12 Only in vitro
material (glycosaminoglycans) in the stratum corneum and studies have addressed the comedolytic and antibacterial
intercellular spaces. The effects result in an improvement in effects of retinaldehyde.27,28 Retinol or retinyl cosmeceu-
the clinical and histologic skin appearance. It is still the gold ticals are not indicated in the treatment of acne. Current
standard topical treatment for this purpose.18-21 A few research on receptor selectivity holds the promise of the
benefits have been reported for two other topical retinoid development of new retinoid molecules with improved
compounds, isotretinoin and tazarotene, but a lower level of benefits and safety.29,30
evidence is available.21
Tretinoin cream in the appropriated concentrations of
0.025%, 0.05%, and 0.1%, as well as 0.1% isotretinoin and Vitamin E
0.1% tazarotene, frequently produce a moderate to severe
skin irritation. Also, because they remain as prescription Vitamin E, like vitamin A, is present in mammalian skin.
drugs, there is an increased interest in achieving the same The probable physiologic function of epidermal vitamin E is
effects with other retinoids (retinol, retinaldehyde, retinyl to contribute to the antioxidant defense of the skin. Owing to
propionate, and retinyl palmitate), permitted allowed as its physical properties, vitamin E absorbs UV light in the solar
components of cosmeceutical products.21,22 Retinaldehyde spectrum region that is responsible for most of the deleterious
(0.05%) is another useful topical agent for the treatment of biologic effects of the sun.31 Although human skin possesses
photoaged skin. It has a lower frequency of irritation but less various intrinsic defense systems that help to minimize the
efficacy than tretinoin. Unfortunately, few clinical trials have oxidative damage, excessive and long-term exposure to free
studied this interesting compound.23,24 radicals can deplete the body's own endogenous antioxidants,
There has been considerable confusion and doubt about with the consequence of disruption of normal biomolecules
the benefits of retinol and retinyl cosmeceutical products such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.22
marketed as “antiaging” formulations. They have varying The available literature concerning the efficacy of
low concentrations, and usually there are few clinical trials systemic and topical antioxidant substances such as
472 M. Manela-Azulay, E. Bagatin

carotenoids and vitamins, specifically C and E, is very different mechanisms and can be a promising new concept in
extensive, but the results are often contradictory. Positive as antiaging and photoprotection cosmeceuticals.
well as strongly negative results have been reported by These combinations are very unstable, and it is
different investigators. Skin treatment with these topical important to achieve an ideal way to avoid chemical
products for cosmetic purposes in these studies resulted in a instability. One recent published proposal was the incor-
range of observations from improvement in appearance to no poration of ferulic acid into a solution of 15% ascorbic acid
effect at all. Almost no adverse reactions have been reported and 1% alpha-tocopherol, which doubles the photoprotec-
in most studies. 32 tive effect of the formulation.36
Vitamin E is the body's major lipid-soluble antioxidant Although topical application of vitamin E demonstrates
represented, by 8 molecular forms, 4 tocopherols, and 4 promising photoprotective effects, specifically when it is
tocotrienols. Alpha-tocopherol is the most active and is combined with other antioxidants, controlled studies in
important in protecting cellular membranes from lipid humans are needed before it can be recommended as an
peroxidation by free radicals. Once oxidized, vitamin E effective cosmeceutical agent for the treatment of both
can be regenerated back to its reduced form by vitamin C or intrinsic and extrinsic aging.2,31
L-ascorbic acid. Vitamin E is available in dietary sources, and
its concentration is highest at the lower levels of the stratum
corneum, where it is released by sebum. Vitamin E as alpha- Vitamin B3 (niacinamide or nicotinamide)
tocopherol or tocopherol acetate is used in topical over-the-
counter products in concentrations ranging from 1% to 5%. Vitamin B3, or nicotinamide or niacinamide, is a
In vitro studies have demonstrated the effects of alpha- derivative of niacin obtained through diet from meat, fish,
tocopherol in reducing minimal erythema dose and the milk, egg, and nuts. Its deficiency is one of the causing
number of epidermal sunburn cells, which are markers of factors of pellagra. Niacin has been used in medicine, most
skin damage related to oxidative stress caused by UVB.5 commonly to lower cholesterol. Nicotinamide is part of the
Some human studies, however, have showed no evidence of coenzymes nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), NAD
conversion of tocopherol acetate or succinate to the phosphate (NADP), and its reduced forms are NADH and
biologically active form, alpha-tocopherol, despite its NADPH. These molecules are important in many cellular
adequate absorption by the skin. Further, the metabolism of metabolic enzyme reactions.2,22 The reduced forms may act
tocopherol acetate was highly dependent on the delivery as antioxidants.
system, emphasizing the importance of formulation of Nicotinamide is one of the newest vitamin-based
cosmetic preparations.22 components of cosmeceutical products. Most of the studies
Vitamin E can reduce UV-induced erythema and edema available have focused on its anti-inflammatory and antiacne
when it is applied before UV exposure. Use of vitamin E after actions.13 It is also believed that its anti-inflammatory effect
sun exposure seems to have no benefit.31 Topical application may improve skin appearance by reducing leucocyte
of vitamin E may increase stratum corneum hydration and peroxidase systems that may lead to localized tissue damage
enhance water-binding capacity. Alpha-tocopherol also acts as well as by ameliorating the cutaneous barrier.12 In a
synergistically with vitamins A (retinol) and C (ascorbic comparative study, the anti-inflammatory effect of 4%
acid) in combined products, providing an appreciable nicotinamide gel in the management of acne vulgaris was
photoprotection and antioxidant action that suggests a as good as the benefits of 1% clindamycin gel.37 This anti-
potential effect in the protection against photoaging and inflammatory effect is also useful to reduce cutaneous
skin cancer.33,34 erythema in various disordes.15
A recent study35 analyzed an interesting new formulation The possible utility of topical nicotinamide in the
with the association of vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate), improvement of skin appearance may be related to its action
vitamin A (retinyl palmitate), vitamin C (ascorbyl tetra- in the synthesis of sphingolipids, free fatty acids, cholesterol,
isopalmitate), and bioflavonoids from Ginkgo biloba. The and ceramides, thus decreasing transepidermal water
authors presented it as a “biological filter” against UV loss.12,38,39 The improvement of facial dyspigmentation is
damage. They demonstrated that this formulation possesses a also likely mediated by the suppression of melanosome
higher in vitro antioxidant activity, due to its free radical transfer from melanocytes to keratinocytes.40 Nicotinamide
scavenging properties (almost 100% of inhibition of free increases collagen production in fibroblast culture, and this
radical production) compared with the separate use of the effect may be responsible for the improvement of skin
components. When they tested it in vivo, using hairless mice elasticity and reduction of fine wrinkles.15 All of these
skin, the photoprotective effect (reduction in UV-induced effects may help to reverse some of the aging skin signs, and
erythema) was not observed. The authors concluded that this for this purpose, it has been used in cosmeceutical products
result was possibly related to the formulation vehicle, which in concentrations ranging from 3.5% to 5%.15,41
influences the cutaneous penetration, as well as to the Because it is nonirritating to facial skin, easily formulated,
concentration of vitamins. They further hypothesized that chemically stable, and compatible with other formulation
these substances together may act on the epidermis by components, niacinamide has been considered an ideal
Cosmeceuticals vitamins 473

cosmeceutical agent; nevertheless, it is from one-third to such as promoting collagen synthesis, lightening hyperpig-
one-fifth as effective as topical 0.025% tretinoin.15 There is mentation, and anti-inflammatory and photoprotective prop-
certainly opportunity and interest to optimize use of this erties.6,48,49 data confirming these benefits and its diverse
agent to achieve a higher performance. biologic activity in the skin makes topical vitamin C a
valuable and useful agent for the dermatologist practice.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid, is the most plentiful

antioxidant in human skin. Most animals and plants have the
capacity to synthesize vitamin C. Humans are an exception, Cosmeceuticals containing topically applied vitamins
because we have lost the ability to produce L-gulono- have an increasing place in the dermatologist's armamentar-
gamma-lactone-oxidase, the enzyme necessary for its ium. The growing demand for combating the signs of aging
production.42 Vitamin C must be obtained from dietary has had a profound effect in society. In the dermatologist's
sources. Even with massive oral supplementation, the practice, requests have grown considerably for aesthetic
increase of vitamin C in skin concentration is limited.43 medical treatments, such as chemical peelings, botulinum
Topical application of L-ascorbic acid is the only way to toxin, laser, and soft tissue augmentation. The first step to
further increase skin concentration, and therefore, vitamin C initiate an aesthetic treatment, no matter the choice, is to
has become a popular topically applied cosmeceutical. prepare and recommend a daily skin care regimen.
Much of the recent research on vitamin C has focused on Dermatologists have a responsibility to help achieve a
its role as a free radical scavenger. Vitamin C is water-soluble healthy appearance of their patient's skin through proper skin
and functions in the aqueous compartment of the cell by care guidance. It is important for us to understand the science
donating electrons, neutralizing free radicals, and protecting behind cosmeceuticals as they are increasingly being
intracellular structures from oxidative stress.44 L-ascorbic incorporated into the skin by daily use of skin care products.
acid is essential for collagen biosynthesis. It serves as a
cofactor for prolyl and lysyl hydroxylases, enzymes that
hydroxylate proline and lysine in collagen, stabilizing its References
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