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Coop, M. R. (1990). Geotechnique 40, No.

4, 607-626

The mechanics of uncemented carbonate sands


The mechanical behaviour of a typical biogenic Le comportement mecanique d'un sable carbonate
carbonate sand was investigated using triaxial biogenique typique a ete etudie par des essais tri-
testing at standard and also at high pressures up to axiaux a pression normale et aussi a des pressions
8 MPa. The test results show that despite the parti- elevees jusqu'a 8 MPa. Cet article presente les re-
cle breakage which is characteristic of these soils, sultats des essais indiquant que malgre la rupture
their behaviour is still qualitatively similar to that des particules qui est caracteristique pour ces sols,
observed for more commonly encountered soils, Ieur comportement reste du point de vue de qualite
and is consistent with the principle features of criti- semblable a celui observe dans le cas de sols plus
cal state soil mechanics. The higher stresses used in frequemment rencontres et s'accorde avec les
these tests were an order of magnitude greater caracteristiques principales de la mecanique des
than are generally used in soils testing, and the sols dans l'etat critique. Les contraintes les plus el-
values of some individual soil parameters were evees employees au cours de ces essais etaient
found to be outside the range of normal experience. superieures d'un ordre de grandeur a celles genera-
Micrographic and gradings analyses were used to Iement utilisees dans les essais effectues sur Jes sols
examine the influence of isotropic and shear et on a trouve que les valeurs de quelques para-
stresses on particle breakage. Triaxial test metres individuels du sol se trouvaient hors des
results illustrate the influence of this breakage on valeurs normalement enregistrees. Des analyses
the mechanical behaviour of the soil. micrographiques et granulometriques pour etudier
l'influence exercee par les contraintes isotropes et
de cisaillement sur la rupture des particules. Les
resultats des essais triaxiaux illustrent l'influence
KEYWORDS: fabric/structure of soils; offshore geo- de cette rupture sur le comportement mecanique su
tecbnics; research; sands; soil properties; triaxial tests. sol

INTRODUCTION shelf and the Bass Strait. The soils most com-
Carbonate soils may be defined as those in which monly encountered in these regions are of bio-
carbonate minerals, most commonly calcium car- clastic origin, largely formed by the deposition of
bonate, predominate and they are therefore fre- skeletal bodies such as the shells of small
quently referred to as calcareous sediments. A organisms.
comprehensive introduction to the engineering The nature of their particles results in these
geology of these soils has been given by Fookes soils exhibiting some unusual mechanical features
(1988). They have a variety of organic origins, and Semple (1988) has made a survey of current
coral reefs perhaps being the most obvious. knowledge. In particular they have high friction
However, they may also be formed by non- angles, a feature which has been attributed to the
organic means, for instance through chemical pre- interlocking of their angular shelly particles. Go-
cipitation from carbonate-rich water. lightly & Hyde (1988) have observed that friction
Carbonate soils have received considerable angles decrease at high stresses, and Datta et al.
attention in recent years (Demars & Chaney, (1979) suggested that this is a result of particle
1982; Jewell & Andrews, 1988; Jewell & Khor- crushing. High initial void ratios are frequently
shid, 1988) largely prompted by the exploitation quoted and these are often attributed to the angu-
of the mineral reserves in tropical, shallow sea larity of particles and to the frequency of intra-
environments such as the Australian North-West particle voids. Carbonate sands of biogenic origin
tend to crush at high stresses as their delicate,
shell particles fracture. This, together with the ini-
Discussion on this Paper closes 5 April 1991; for further tially loose state, leads to very high compress-
information see p. ii. ibilities as the soil is loaded.
• Geotechnical Engineering Research Centre, City Uni- Under isotropic stresses Carter et al. (1988)
versity, Northampton Square, London EClV OHB. identified that if taken to high pressures, beyond
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608 COOP

about I MPa a normal compression line could be al. (1988) as around 88 94% . The soil was gath-
identified for cemented carbonate sands, which ered by Evans (1987) from a dune environment
was straight in specific volume (v): log mean effec- and the particles are therefore relatively
ti ve stress (In p') space. Isotropic compression unbroken, as shown in Fig. I. The samples were
data from Airey er al. ( 1988) indicate that a prepared by pouring the soil through water and
similar normal compression line might exist for this has resulted in a distinct layering of the par-
uncemented carbonate soils at elevated stresses, ticles, many of which are elongated. Some hollow
but since their tests were conducted only at stan- particles are also evident. A typical gradings
dard laboratory pressures this could not be curve for this sand is given in Fig. 2.
clearly identified. During shearing the high com- Dogs Bay sand was extensively used by
pressibility of the soil results in a transition from Houlsby et al. (1988) in a series of laboratory
dilatant to compressive shearing behaviour at model pile tests and by Golightly & Hyde ( 1988)
relatively moderate stresses (Datta et al. 1980) in their study of the mechanical behaviour of a
and the compression which accompanies shearing variety of carbonate soils. Its plentiful supply
at higher stresses has been found by Carter et al. ensured repeatability of test samples throughout
and Golightly & Hyde (1988) to continue to very the extensive programme described in this
high axial strains, often beyond the point where Paper- an important factor because, due particle
the test was terminated. Few attempts have there- crushing, each sample could only be tested once.
fore been made to identify the critical state line in
v: lnp' space and consequently Burland (1988)
suggested that while critical states could be EXPERIM ENTAL PROCEDURES
defined well in terms of stresses, their definition in Thin sections and gradings analyses
terms of void ratio was less clear. Thin sections were made of a variety of Dogs
Carbonate soils are frequently naturally Bay sand specimens both before and after triaxial
cemented, a process which is often coincident
with deposition. This is a feature which modifies
their mechanical behaviour and complicates the
interpretation of triaxial test results, since it is
impossible to separate the effects of cementing
from those of particle breakage. The work
described in this Paper has therefore concentrated
on uncemented soils, as the behaviour of these
must be clearly understood before the influence of
cementing may be assessed.
These features have resulted in carbonate sands
often being considered as special soils, with a con-
sequent unwillingness to rationalize their behav-
iour. The lack of knowledge of their fundamental
stress~strain behaviour has created difficulties in
understanding the behaviour of foundations in
these soils. The purpose of this research has been
to examine the fundamental behaviour of
uncemented carbonate sands by means of triaxial
testing. This formed the initial phase of a larger
research programme sponsored by BP aimed at
understanding t he behaviour of frictional piles in
carbonate soils.

The triaxial tests were conducted on Dogs Bay
sand, from the west of the Republic of Ireland.
The sand was identified by Evans (1987) from a
search initiated by BP into sources of carbonate
sand of appropriate quality and availability for
gcotechnical research at UK laboratories. It is a 1mm
biogenic carbonate sand, consisting largely of
foraminifera and mollusc shells. Its calcium car- Fig. I. Thin sectioa of Dogs Bay sull as set up for tri-
bonate content has been reported by Houlsby er axial test

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After high i
·u5 pressure i
V) test D ;
"'"- I
1i, 50 I
1= i

0·0001 10 100

Clay t---~s,..,,1.,.-t~--+--.._,S,....a_n..,.d~--+-_._G,,..,-a-ve_,.l.__-----1 Cobbles

Particle size: mm

Fig. 2. Grading curves for Dogs Bay sand

testing. The samples were dried and then impreg- compression enables axial strain measurements to
nated with an epoxy casting resin diluted with be made during this stage and ensures that there
acetone to improve its penetration. A slight is negligible bedding error upon subsequent axial
vacuum was used to help draw the mixture compression. The axial strains were measured by
through the soil. Thin sections were then cut ver- a transducer mounted outside the cell and a cor-
tically through the hardened samples. Drying and rection was therefore made for the compliance of
impregnation were carried out on a triaxial ped- the internal load cell. The axial strain measure-
estal for the loosest samples. Those which had ments are accurate to about ±0·02% during the
been subjected to high stresses were found to initial stages of shearing, and to about ± 0· 1% at
show a limited amount of cohesion, even after large strains. The stresses were measured to an
drying, which may have resulted from inter- accuracy of about ± 2% of the maximum reading
locking of the angular particles. These samples for a particular test in this apparatus.
could withstand gentle handling and could there- The high pressure apparatus used a more stan-
fore be immersed in a resin bath. The thin sec- dard type of axial loading arrangement, with a
tions were examined under cross-polarized light, loading ram passing through the top of the cell
but the three photographs presented in this Paper and connected to an external load cell. The mea-
were all taken under plain white light. sured axial force was corrected for the friction
The particles in Dogs Bay sand are easily between the ram and its 0-ring seal at the top of
crushed and gradings had to be conducted with the cell. This correction was checked before and
great care. A wet sieving technique was employed after each test and was found to be repeatable.
and the only means used to encourage the sand The axial force could therefore be measured to an
through the sieves was to play water over it. accuracy of about ± 3%. The tip of the axial ram
was machined flat, loading on to a flat-surfaced
top platen. Thus in both apparatus the top
platens were non-rotating and strains were
Triaxial tests assumed to be uniform within the sample. Other
Triaxial tests at confining stresses up to tests were carried out with a ball joint connection
700 kPa were conducted in a microcomputer- allowing the top platen to rotate; these tests gave
controlled stress path cell at City University inconsistent data due to tilting and instability of
(Atkinson, 1985; Atkinson et al., 1985). A second the samples.
automated cell, capable of cell pressures up to Axial strains for the high pressure system were
8 MPa was constructed to investigate the soil's again measured externally, a correction being
behaviour under elevated stresses. The standard made for the expansion or contraction of the cell
stress apparatus was a Bishop & Wesley (1975) under changing cell pressures. The accuracy of
hydraulic triaxial cell and a suction cap was used these measurements is similar to those from the
to connect the top platen directly to the internal standard apparatus. Axial strains were not mea-
axial load cell (Atkinson & Evans, 1985). The sured during isotropic compression stages in the
connection of the sample throughout isotropic high pressure apparatus, but the new length of

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610 COOP

the sample at the start of shearing could be esti- the measured volume of the sample and the
mated to an accuracy of about ±0· 2 mm from the weight of dry soil used. The moisture content was
protrusion of the axial loading ram after bringing measured after each test and, accounting for the
it into contact with the top platen. When mating measured volumetric strains, an average value of
the ram with the top platen the ram was pushed these two specific volumes has been used in the
into the cell by means of a hydraulic cylinder, the data analysis. The specific gravity of the soil was
pressure in which could be controlled by the com- found to be 2·71 using the method outlined by
puter. Use of such a stress-controlled system for Golightly & Hyde (1988).
this operation minimized the disturbance to the In the calculation of axial stresses during shear-
sample. Although axial strains were measured ing, the current cross-sectional area of the sample
accurately the possibility of non-alignment was calculated from the measured axial and volu-
between the ram end and top platen at the start metric strains making the usual assumption that
of loading may have had some small effect on the the sample maintains a right cylindrical shape.
stress-stain data during the initial stages of shear- For some types of triaxial test on carbonate sand,
ing. very large axial strains are required to bring the
The cell pressure and pore pressure measure- soil to an ultimate failure or critical state. These
ments for the high pressure system were of similar samples therefore showed distinct barrelling
accuracy to those for the standard system. Both towards the end of shearing, introducing some
apparatus used Imperial College volume gauges, uncertainty into the calculation of axial stress. It
and the accuracy of volumetric strains is similar will be seen later that confidence in the data
to that for the axial strain. obtained is improved by the good consistency of
Samples of 38 mm diameter were generally data between those tests where barrelling was a
created at as loose a state as possible by slowly problem and those which required smaller strains
pluviating the sand directly into a membrane held to reach an ultimate state. In all cases, natural
in place on the pedestal as described by Bishop & strains f:n have been used in the presentation of
Henkel (1962). After positioning the top platen a the test data. These have been calculated from the
burette was used to apply about 8 kPa suction to measured linear strains e1 using
the pore water while the mould was removed. For
the high pressure tests two additional standard (3)
membranes were placed over the sample to
prevent puncture by the angular grains.
The sand was de-aerated prior to setting up the COMPRESSION AND SWELLING
sample by submerging it and subjecting it to a Table 1 gives details of each of the triaxial tests.
vacuum for about 30 min. Back pressures of up to Most samples were compressed isotropically
500 kPa were used to maintain saturation. In all before shearing and data from the high pressure
cases B values (Skempton, 1954) of greater than tests are shown in Fig. 3(a). For the initially loose
95% were obtained before the isotropic compres- samples which constitute the majority of those
sion stage was started. tested, the soil starts at a specific volume v of
Both of the systems were capable of performing about 2·7 and there is an abrupt change of slope
drained axial compression tests which follow a at around 800kPa (i.e. lnp' = 6·7). For initially
path with constant mean normal effective stress denser samples the initial specific volumes were
p', where smaller and the change of slope occurred at a
higher stress. This emphasizes the need for high
p' = ½(u; + 2u;) (1) pressure testing to examine both parts of the
q' = ua' - a/ (2) curve.
The data indicate a clear, straight, normal com-
in which q' is the deviatoric stress, u; is the effec- pression line in v: lnp' space. This behaviour is
tive axial stress and u,' is the effective radial very similar to that which might be expected for
stress. A constant p' stress path was achieved by more commonly encountered soils. Table 2 gives
decreasing the cell pressure at half the rate of a comparison of the line's gradient (A.) and loca-
increase of axial stress. Constant p' paths were tion (N) with those of other soils (see Fig. 4). The
found to be a particularly useful type of test. For high value of N reflects the very loose structure of
all types of axial compression test, control of the the soil. The value of ,1. of 0·335 is also high, the
rate of change of axial stress was maintained result of the breakage of soil particles under iso-
during the early, stiff part of the stress-strain tropic loading which will be demonstrated later.
curve--the loading was switched to conventional For spherical particles of uniform diameter, a
axial strain control for the later stages. change in their size would not affect the overall
An estimate of the specific volume (v = 1 + e) density. The normal compression line cannot
of the soil was made at the setting up stage from therefore result from the reduction in particle size

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Table 1. Summary of triaxial tests

Test Sample Isotropic (I) p' after Type of sheart

preparation* or K 0 consolidation consolidation:
l L I 400 u
2 L I 100 D
3 L I 200 u
4 L I 100 u
5 C I 100 D
6 L I 400 u
8 L I 500 u
9 L I 50 u
10 L I 200 p
11 L I 100 p
12 L I 300 p
13 L I 500 p
14 L I 50 p
18 L I 600 p
19 L I 150 p
20 L I 350 p
23 p I 550 p
24 p I 200 u
29 p I 150 u
30 p I 450 u
33 L I 150 p
Kl L Ko 572 u
K2 L Ko 530 -
K3 L Ko 284 u
K4 L Ko 393 u
B L I 5895 u
C L I 3241 -
D L I 6450 D
E L I 3980 D
F L I 1950 D
G L I 7000 p
H L I 3286 p
I L I 1500 p
J L I 7422 u
K C I 7500 -
L L I 4020 D
M p I 2491 -
N p I 5646 p
0 p I 1243 p
p C I 486 u
Q 0 I 495 u
R L I 5031 -
s L I 5089 p
T L Ko 1170 -
u L Ko 4864 -
V L Ko 3359 u
* L = loose; C = compacted; P = precrushed; 0 = overconsolidated.
t D = drained; U = undrained; P = constant p' drained.

per se, but from the reduction in particle angu- sured by Carter et al. for cemented soils of the
larity and an increase in the proportion of finer Australian North-West shelf. This is perhaps
particles. The loss of intra-particle voids is likely because of the more uniform grading of the Dogs
to provide only a small proportion of the total Bay sand which results in higher initial specific
volume decrease because, as Golightly & Hyde volumes.
(1988) showed, they constitute only 4-6% of the In contrast, the unload-reload swelling lines
void space of this soil. The )., of 0·335 is signifi- indicate very stiff, elastic behaviour, with a gra-
cantly higher than the value of 0· 18--0· 24 mea- dient K of only 0·0075. There appears to be little

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612 COOP
Normal compression


,. 2 Swelling line
Q) x = 0-0075
" \
P = test number

100 1000 100 1000

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In p': kPa In p'· kPa
(a) (b)

Fig. 3. (a) Isotropic and (b) one-dimensional compression data for Dogs Bay sand

vanat10n in the K values measured for various of the normal compression line N is affected by
carbonate sediments. Airey et al. obtained a value the speed of testing.
of 0·006 for uncemented Bass Straits sands while Creep moves the state of the soil below the
Carter et al. found a K of 0·0065 for their normal compression line so that even samples
cemented soils. Table 2 shows that these are which are currently at their maximum consoli-
somewhat lower than K values for clay soils. The dation stress start shearing at slightly over-
low values are clearly a function of the fact that consolidated states. This creep also means that
particles cannot be 'uncrushed'. shearing should not commence until several days
At the end of each compression line there is a after isotropic loading is complete. The problem
small vertical tail representing creep after the is particularly severe for undrained tests. Since
completion of primary consolidation. The iso- the soil is so rigid in unloading, a small degree of
tropic compression stages were each conducted creep results in a large increase in pore pressure if
over several days and this feature cannot result the sample drainage is closed.
from incomplete primary consolidation. As for Figure 3(a) shows some scatter in the isotropic
other soils (e.g. see Leroueil et al., 1985), the exis- compression data, which results from the diffi-
tence of significant creep means that the location culty in accurately measuring moisture contents

Table 2. Comparison between carbonate sand and other soils

Soil M <t>: ;_ K N r A/K N-r Ko

Dogs Bay sand 1·65 40·3 0·335 0·0075 4-80 4·35 44·7 0-45 0·51
Cowden Till* 1-10 27·7 0·077 0·015 1·915 1·885 5·1 0·03 0·59
London Clayt 0·890 22·8 0·157 0·0068 2·710 2·620 23·1 0·09 0·66
Chattahoochee 1·33 32·9 0·175 - 3·25 3·09 - 0·16 -
River sand+
* Lau (1988).
t Richardson (1988).
+ Atkinson & Bransby (1978) and Vesic & Clough (1968).

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As indicated in Table 1, some of the triaxial

tests investigated the one-dimensional compres-
sion behaviour of Dogs Bay sand. K 0 compres-
r sion was achieved under computer control of the
tests by adjusting the cell pressure as the axial
stress was increased, thus keeping the measured
volumetric strain equal to the axial strain. The
K 0 compression data are illustrated in v : In p'
space in Fig. 3(b). They lie below and parallel to
the isotropic normal compression line as they
would for clay soils.
Standard and high pressure K 0 compression
data in q' : p' space are given in Fig. 5. Golightly
(1989) had found that the K 0 value of some car-
Lnp':kPa bonate soils increased with the stress level.
Fig. 4. Normal compression line and critical state line in However, the data presented in Fig. 5 cover a
v: lnp' space much greater range of pressures and the K 0 value
obtained over the entire stress range tested was
0·51, the same value being obtained for first
for these soils. To reduce this scatter in the loading whether or not the soil had reached the
analysis of the subsequent shearing stages, the normal compression line. Table 2 shows the K 0 of
specific volume of each sample which has reached 0·51 to be low by comparison with other soils
the normal compression line has been adjusted so and this results from the high friction angle for
that at the end of primary consolidation it lies on this soil demonstrated later in this Paper. Equa-
the chosen, ideal normal compression line. An tion (4) is that presented by Jaky (1944) for the
allowance has then been made in each case for values of K 0 for normally consolidated soils.
the measured reduction in specific volume
resulting from creep after primary consolidation. K0 = 1 - sin</>' (4)
Two of the isotropic compression curves shown where K 0 is the ratio of horizontal to vertical
in Fig. 3(a) (K and P) are for compacted samples effective stresses and cf/ is the friction angle of
created by gentle tamping during pluviation. soil. This equation yields a K 0 of O· 35 for Dogs
Their isotropic compression lines show a signifi- Bay sand and the measured value is therefore
cant decrease in volume before the preconsolida- unusually high.
tion pressure is reached, and they eventually At the end of each K 0 compression stage the
become asymptotic to the normal compression axial stress was held constant while the soil was
line of the initially loose samples. Similar behav- allowed to equilibrate before undrained shearing.
iour has been observed for silica sands by Vesic & During this stage the cell pressure was again
Clough (1968) and the behaviour of compact sand adjusted to maintain true K 0 conditions. In each
can be considered analogous to that of over- case the resulting creep took the soil towards
consolidated clays (Atkinson & Bransby, 1978). failure and the K 0 values obtained from triaxial
The normal compression line results from par- tests is likely to be affected by the speed of testing.
ticle breakage, so the particles of the compact
samples fracture before the soil reaches the
normal compression line because they are larger SHEARING BEHAVIOUR
than is appropriate for the swelling line that the Isotropically compressed samples
soil starts on. The first loading compression lines Following isotropic compression three different
of the compacted samples are therefore quite dis- types of compressive triaxial test were investi-
tinct from the very rigid, elastic unload-reload gated. Standard drained and undrained tests were
lines of truly over consolidated samples. The ini- used, but for most of the drained tests a constant
tially loose samples also show distinctly curved p' path was followed, as discussed earlier. Stress-
compression lines for first loading similar to those strain curves for typical tests are given in Fig. 6
of the compacted ones, but the normal compres- and the corresponding volumetric strains or pore
sion line is reached at lower pressures making the pressure changes (.'\u) are shown in Fig. 7. For
curvature less pronounced. It is clear that the details of these tests refer to Table 1. In each case
onset of particle crushing during first loading is the data have been plotted against shear strain e,
gradual with no clear yield stress. On reloading ( =e. - ½i;.).
there is always a very clear yield stress when the In the initial stages of the research it had been
normal compression line is reached and particle thought that the particle degradation which
breakage begins again. occurs for these soils might never allow them to

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/ X
4000 /


200 Ko= 0-51

200 400 600 2000 4000 6000

p'· kPa p': kPa
(a) (b)

Fig. 5. K0 compression paths at (a) standard and (b) high pressures

reach an ultimate or constant volume state a definite trend towards a constant volume state
because continued shearing would always cause and, correspondingly, towards a constant devi-
more breakage. However, these test data indicate ator stress. In the same way as for clay soils, as
that critical states can be achieved for these soils. the effective confining stress for a test increases
Even at high pressures test H showed only small and the initial soil state changes from over-
volume changes towards the end. The data show consolidated to normally consolidated, higher

600 -5 11

~ if'-

0- ;f
200 11 H

x (see text)
0 30
(a) (a)

16000 0
L 8
12000 co 2000
X 8000 ::i
"'I 4000
0- H

40 50 60 0 10 20 40 50 60

(b) (b)

Fig. 6. Typical stress-strain data for (a) standard and (b) Fig. 7. Typical volumetric strain and pore pressure data
high pressure tests from (a) drained and (b) undrained tests

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strains are required to bring the soil to an ulti- 2·5
mate state. For the high pressure drained tests (H
and L) both the final volumetric strains and the 2
shear strains required to reach that state were
very much higher than is usual. Test L reached - - - - -
the highest values of p' and in this case significant 1·5 M = 1·65
from Fig. 10
volume and stress changes were still occurring at :e.
the end of the test.
Figure 8 shows the stress ratio (q'/p') for each
of the tests plotted against the product of the
shear strain and the specific volume (vi:,). For 0·5
conventional soils stiffness depends both on the
overconsolidation ratio and the stress level. This
method of normalizing stress-strain data yields 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
similar curves for one type of test, whatever the Vt's

stress level, for samples which have similar over- Fig. 8. Normalized stress-strain data
consolidation ratios. Two of the tests shown (8
and 11) were at standard pressures where the
samples had not reached the normal compression
line. As expected, the normalized stiffnesses of
both the undrained test (8) and the constant p' Critical state chosen
2 Test
test (11) are considerably greater than those of the cDc ocP:.;.,.c
/from Fig. 10
10 0
corresponding high pressure tests on normally
compressed samples (J and H respectively). The

:;~..,. ....
. t
"'"+•+.. . +• •
data from both of the standard pressure tests
indicate distinct peaks in the stress ratio, suggest-
0- .. L 6

ing dilative behaviour, which is confirmed by the 0·5

.. +

volumetric strain data for test 11 (Fig. 7(a)). • # : o•
However, if all the tests had been continued to 0
+ C

sufficiently high strains the data on Fig. 8 indicate -0-5 0 0·5 1-5
that the ultimate stress ratios might be similar, Dilation Compression OE,)OE,
and this is confirmed by the stress-dilatency data
Fig. 9. Stress--dilatancy data for drained tests
for the drained tests on Fig. 9. For conventional
soils equation (5) might typically be used to rep-
resent these data.
data scatter, this appears to be so. As also pre-
q'/p' = M - rx.(&v/&,) (5) dicted by equation (5), the data for the lower
pressure tests broadly indicate a peak stress ratio
where M is q'/p' at critical state and rx. is a con- at the maximum rate of dilation and towards the
stant. end of the tests the points appear to return
The data are scattered, particularly at small towards the ultimate state previously identified.
strains where the rates of compression of around At the higher stress ratios where the data are less
unity reflect the very high volumetric strains scattered, tests over a wide range of pressures
which result from particle breakage during shear- define the same straight line on Fig. 9.
ing. As for other soils, as the initial soil state For drained tests on dense dilating samples an
moves towards normal compression the behav- estimate of the ultimate q'/p' ratio can therefore
iour on shearing changes from dilatant to com- be obtained from the value of this ratio at the
pressive, and for the high pressure tests (H and L) minimum sample volume. This works well, for
the stress ratio q'/p' rises monotonically and the instance, in test 11 shown on Fig. 8. Fig. 10 shows
rate of volume change tends to zero as the critical best estimates of the ultimate states for all the
state is approached. The volume change data for drained tests conducted at standard pressures.
low pressure drained tests, such as test 11, show For tests on compressing samples the minimum
the soil to compress initially followed by dilation. volume state has been used. Peak states are also
From equation (5) one therefore expects that at shown for the tests on dilating samples: that for
their minimum volumes, the stress-dilatancy data test 5 is particularly high as it was a compacted
for the lower pressure tests (10 and 11) should sample. A critical state line has been chosen from
pass through the &v/&, = 0 axis with a stress the ultimate state data which has a gradient M of
ratio equal to the ultimate value obtained from 1·65, corresponding to a constant volume friction
the higher pressure tests. Although there is some angle angle of 40°, slightly higher than that

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8 Test number
x Point referred
Critical state
line I to in text

/o 800
I / Critical state
; - line M = 1·65
600 600
from Fig. 10
So J
o· "'
b- fj/ b-
400 0 400

r/ o Peak states
Best estimates of
gl critical states
0 End of test
o· o Minimum volume 200
200 0/ 5 Test number

0 200 400 600 200 400 600
p': kPa p': kPa

Fig. 10. Ultimate states from standard pressure drained Fig. 11. Stress paths for standard pressure undrained
triaxial tests tests

of 39° determined for this soil by Golightly & ultimate stress ratio, and in the same way the
Hyde (1988). This is considerably higher than the critical state line appears to pass through the
values shown in Table 2 for other soils. The data points of minimum p' or point of phase trans-
points on Fig. 10 appear to indicate a slight cur- formation (Ishihara et al., 1975) on these
vature to the ultimate failure envelope. However, undrained paths.
high pressure tests also gave a value for M of Stress paths for all of the high pressure tests are
1·65, confirming that stress level does not affect shown in Fig. 12. All of these samples were nor-
<//. mally consolidated. The stress path of the
Figure 11 shows stress paths for undrained undrained test J is therefore more distinctly com-
tests at standard pressures, which have unusual pressive than those at standard pressures, and the
shapes when compared to those of many clay dilative section YZ is very short. Only one high
soils, but which are similar to those of some sands pressure undrained test was conducted because
(e.g. see Been & Jefferies, 1985). Considering test 8 great difficulty was experienced in achieving good
in detail, from the initial isotropic state X the B values from saturation tests. Published data for
path is initially compressive to point Y, that is, triaxial tests on carbonate sands often quote B
increases in pore pressure were measured. This values before isotropic compression, but ideally
initial part of the path is very stiff and point Y is they should be conducted after isotropic compres-
reached at a shear strain of only about 0·5%, as sion since the B value is an indication of the relia-
indicated on Fig. 6(a). From point Y the path bility of pore pressure measurements during the
slowly climbs at a fairly constant stress ratio to subsequent shearing stage. No problem was
point Z where the test was ended at a shear strain found for the tests at standard pressures, but for
of about 21 %. test J the B value after isotropic compression was
By superimposing the critical state line from only 56%. It is believed that this results from the
the drained tests we can see that the undrained creep which is particularly severe at higher pres-
tests reach higher stress ratios and the section of sures. The creep brings the soil state inside the
the stress path YZ results from dilative behaviour normal compression line so that its response to
similar to that of an overconsolidated clay as the the change in isotropic stress imposed by the B
path climbs up a steep Hvorslev surface towards test is very rigid, resulting in the poor B value,
a critical state. For drained tests the minimum because the bulk modulus of the soil is of the
sample volume states may be used to estimate the same order as that of the pore fluid.

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14 000 3

• End of test
I, \ Critical state
· line
12 000
J Test
x Point referred
to in text L
Critical state
line M = 1·65--j
from Fig. 10 2·5
10 000


"' :,. 2

j,, I

1·5 Isotropically compressed


K0 compressed samples
End of test \
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
100 1000
p': kPa 1-i------,-~~--.----,----,---,
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 12. Stress paths for high pressure tests In p': kPa

Fig. 13. Shearing stage data for all pressure ranges

A critical state line has been drawn on Fig. 12

using the M of 1·65 obtained from standard pres-
sure tests. It agrees well with the data from the longer straight portion of the critical state line if
high pressure tests and there is no evidence that log : log axes were used.
the constant volume friction angle varies with Figure 14 shows attempts to normalize the tri-
stress level. As expected the stress path for test L axial test data. The normalizing parameter p~ is
stops short of the critical state line because as the current preconsolidation pressure, the calcu-
Fig. 7(a) shows, this test did not reach a constant lation of which is illustrated in Fig. 14(a). For
volume state. conventional soils the size of the state boundary
The stress paths are shown for all tests in surface varies with the specific volume of the soil,
v: In p' space on Fig. 13. The end of test points but its shape remains the same. Normalizing the
all fall close to one unique critical state line for all data in this way produces one state boundary
types of stress path. This is perhaps a surprising surface for all types of test conducted at all pres-
result since the degree of breakage is likely to sures.
depend on the stresses applied and hence on the The drained triaxial test data shown in Fig.
stress path followed. 14(b) indicate a clear state boundary surface,
Golightly (1989) identified a steady state line resembling those for clay soils. The nominally
for this soil which was very distinctly curved in normally compressed samples all start at p'/p~
v: In p' space. However, the tests presented in this values slightly less than unity because of the creep
Paper have been sheared to higher axial strains which followed isotropic compression. Each of
allowing the critical state to be more clearly these tests, at various pressures, appears to define
determined in terms of specific volume, and iden- the same Roscoe surface. The paths of constant p'
tifying that the critical state line is roughly tests quickly rise up to the Roscoe or Hvorslev
straight in v : In p' space. It also appears to be surface, depending on whether they start wet or
parallel to the normal compression line. A specific dry of critical, and then follow that surface round
volume of unity means that there are no voids- to the critical state. Below the state boundary
clearly an impossible state to reach-and the surface the paths of constant p' tests are initially
critical state line starts to curve at its higher pres- vertical, resembling the elastic behaviour expected
sure end. This curvature may result in a slightly of overconsolidated clays. In contrast the paths of

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618 COOP

Normal compression 08

0-6 Critical
state Roscoe surface

f 0·4
" 0-


0 0-2 0·4 06 08
p'p In p'


0·8 0-8

Roscoe surface
0-6 0·6 Critical from drained
state \ __ tests

V, / -------
0-4 !3- 0-4 surface

0·2 0-2
0 0·2 0-4 0·6 0·8

Fig. 14. Normalized triaxial stress paths: (a) calculation of normalizing parameter; (b) drained tests; (c) interpreta-
tion of drained tests; (d) undrained tests

standard drained tests 2 and 5 are inclined, and shown to be a function of the type of test. Even
the normalized paths below the boundary surface tests which start wet of the critical, curve away
therefore appear to be a function of the type of from the Roscoe surface obtained from the
test. Tests G and L reach higher q'/p~ ratios than drained data, passing under the critical state
the others and are the tests which reached the point, before reaching the Hvorslev surface. It will
highest pressures. Since the critical state line has be shown later that such behaviour may be
started to curve at these pressures in v : In p' associated with particle breakage during shearing
space, the p~ values used to normalize these test and undrained tests cannot therefore be used to
data are too low. Fig. 14(c) shows an interpreta- identify the Roscoe surface.
tion of the shape of the state boundary surfaces, Plastic strain increment vectors have been
one unusual feature being that the Roscoe surface superimposed, in Fig. 15, on the state boundary
appears to have a peak. Chandler (1985) predict- surface as represented by the normalized stress
ed this feature by developing a plasticity theory path from a high pressure constant p' test. To cal-
for granular soils which allowed for volume culate the vectors the elastic strains calculated
changes resulting from particle deformation as from unload-reload data were deducted from the
well as particle rearrangement. measured total strains. For many clay soils these
In Fig. 14(d) the normalized data from vectors are found to be normal to the state
undrained tests are compared to the boundary boundary surface. However, for the carbonate
surfaces interpreted from the drained tests. The sand, in the later stages of the test there is greater
undrained paths are quite different, and curve volumetric strain than would be expected from a
quickly towards the Hvorslev surface. Again the normality assumption. This is another feature
shape of the paths below the boundary surface is predicted by Chandler (1985), again indicating the

Downloaded by [ University Of Western Australia] on [03/06/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
0·8 (P) was compacted to a specific volume of about
2·4 and then isotropically compressed to 500 kPa,
0·6 while the other (Q) was normally consolidated
~ and then swelled back to a similar stress : volume
J 0·4
state. The undrained stress path from the com-
pacted sample is similar to those shown in Fig. 11
1 for undrained tests on initially loose samples.
0- It will be shown in this Paper that both iso-
tropic and shear stresses can cause breakage of
the soil particles, and the initial curvature shown
0 in Fig. 3(a) of virgin compression data for both
0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·2
loose and compacted samples probably results
from particle breakage occurring before the
Fig. 15. Plastic strain increment vectors for constant p' normal compression line is reached. It appears
test H that if a sample is sheared from such a state, some
further breakage results from the application of
influence of continued particle breakage during shear stresses. This results in large pore pressure
shearing. increases because of the low K of this soil, and
hence p' reduces. Since the overconsolidated
sample had been subjected to higher stresses than
Compacted and overconsolidated samples the compacted one, it had undergone more parti-
All of the shearing data so far considered have cle breakage during isotropic compression and
been for samples which had undergone isotropic there was less scope for further breakage during
virgin compression only. In this context 'virgin shearing. Its stress path therefore rises steeply
compression' refers to the state of a sample which with much smaller pore pressures, resembling
is currently under the maximum stresses it has that which would be expected of a conventional
experienced, whether or not that state is one the soil. The normalized path on Fig. 14(d) shows a
straight normal compression line. It was shown peak deviator stress on the wet side of the critical
earlier that the first loading or virgin compression state, and its shape shows greater similarity to
data for compacted and also initially loose those from drained tests. These data therefore
samples are much less stiff than the unload- confirm that the unusual shape of the undrained
reload loops. For this reason, it might be stress paths below the state boundary surface
expected that the shearing behaviour of com- results from particle crushing.
pacted and truly overconsolidated samples would The feature which distinguishes both loose and
differ. Fig. 16 shows this comparison: one sample compacted samples from truly overconsolidated
ones is that while the state of the soil is inside the
normal compression line, the soil has only ever
undergone virgin compression, i.e. it is currently
800 at the maximum stresses it has experienced. The
Overconsolidated term 'overconsolidation' does not accurately
test Q describe how the soil arrived at this state, and
Been & Jefferies (1985) adopted the term 'state
600 parameter' to quantify the location of the current
state relative to the critical state line. However,
this also does not take account of how the soil
arrived at a particular state and to distinguish the
-" 400
former type of state from true overconsolidation,
Compacted it is proposed that the new term 'virgin over-
test P
consolidated' be adopted. Since there is a unique
critical state line for this sand, the type of over-
consolidation will only affect the shape of the
stress path, not the ultimate state of the soil.
At low stresses it is not possible for the particle
packing to be sufficiently loose for the state of the
sand to lie on the normal compression line. Con-
o+---------~-~--~- sequently natural carbonate sands, like silica
0 200 400 600
p': kPa sands, are deposited in this v1rgm over-
Fig. 16. Comparison of behaviour of compacted and consolidated state. It is only with deep burial that
overconsolidated samples the soil state can reach the normal compression

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620 COOP
line. This is therefore a principal difference in the
behaviour of sands and clays.

K 0 compressed samples
Stress paths for undrained shearing after K 0
compression are shown in Fig. 17. The corre-
sponding v : In p' paths are on Fig. 13 and agree
closely with the data from other tests. The most
striking feature is that a peak deviator stress is
seen at very low shear strains, typically around
0·1%, and the shape of the stress paths is there-
fore quite different to those of isotropically com-
pressed samples. Similar behaviour has been
reported by Atkinson et al. (1987) for K 0 com-
pressed kaolin, and for Ham River sand by
Bishop et al. (1965).


A thin section of a sample as set up is shown in
Fig. 1. The open structure of the angular and
hollow particles is obvious, and the sample had a
very high specific volume of about 2·7. Fig. 18
shows a sample which has been isotropically
compressed to an effective stress of 5 MPa with a
specific volume of 2·01. Some breakage of the
coarser particles and the consequent loss of intra-
and inter-particle voids is apparent. A thin
1 mm
section of a similarly isotropically consolidated
sample which has then been sheared is shown in Fig. 18. Thin section of isotropically compressed sample
Fig. 19. A constant p' stress path was used and so (test R)
any changes in the fabric by comparison with Fig.
18 are due solely to shearing. The compression
during shearing severely reduced the visible voids whereas that during isotropic compression did
and the specific volume is just l ·58. As Price not.
(1988) has observed, the breakage which occurs These microscopic observations are verified by
during shearing has resulted in a matrix of fines, the gradings analysis data shown in Fig. 20. For
each tested sample D 50 has been chosen as the
parameter to represent particle size, and it is
4000 Critical state line / plotted against the maximum p' applied to the
M = 1·65 from Fig. 10 soil during a test. Some samples were iso-
7 tropically compressed only, while for those which
were sheared the p' value plotted is the maximum
3000· I during shearing. For undrained tests where p' has
decreased the start and end states of shearing are
I plotted.
-" 2000
Figure 20 shows that there is particle crushing
b- even at relatively low stresses, which is in agree-
ment with earlier observations that particle

I breakage affects both the isotropic compression
data and the shape of the undrained stress paths
at low pressures. The data also indicate that
0-<'-- - -- - - ~ -- - - - - ~
much of the particle breakage as measured by
D 50 results from isotropic stressing, and this is the
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 mechanism which results in the steep normal
p': kPa compression line.
Fig. 17. Undrained stress paths for K0 compressed Trend lines have been sketched through the
samples data: one for samples which had only been iso-

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and the maximum by rapid vibration of dry
samples. The data are presented in Fig. 21,
together with the ideal paths that the tested
samples would have followed in v : In p' space.
The data indicate that both isotropic compres-
sion and subsequent shearing are responsible for
a decrease in the maximum and minimum den-
sities, confirming that both types of stresses cause
particle breakage.
An interesting feature of Fig. 21 is that the
maximum density tests for both the isotropically
compressed and sheared samples gave specific
volumes greater than those achieved during the
triaxial tests. When the soil is retrieved after the
triaxial test and the particles are allowed to re-
orientate, the particle contacts where breakage
had occurred are lost, so the specific volume of
the soil is higher. The greater densities achieved
during the triaxial tests cannot be reached again
by the gentle compaction used for the maximum
density test, but would have required breakage on
the new particle contacts that had been estab-
Since particle degradation is such an important
feature of this soil, an investigation was made
into the behaviour of a finer soil which would
have Jess scope for particle crushing. This soil was
created by pre-crushing a batch of Dogs Bay
1 mm sand. Fig. 20 illustrates the D 50 in comparison
with the data from other gradings. Samples were
Fig. 19. Thin sectioo of sheared sample (test S) created and tested in the same way as those of the
uncrushed soil but, as Fig. 22 shows, the initial
specific volumes of the samples are considerably
tropically loaded and one for those which had lower, again confirming that the normal compres-
subsequently been sheared to a critical state. The sion line results from particle breakage.
data for the sheared samples are scattered but The isotropic compression data (Fig. 22) for the
there are no obvious separate trends for particle pre-crushed soil resemble those of the compacted
breakage due to different types of shearing. It samples, becoming gradually asymptotic to the
therefore appears that the value of D 50 resulting normal compression line of the loose samples of
at a given p' value on the critical state, line was uncrushed soil. As was observed for the density
independent of the stress path taken to get there, tests, the specific volume of the pre-crushed soil
providing that was the maximum p' the soil had as set up is greater than that which the soil would
experienced. However, for a sample which was at have reached to achieve the same degree of parti-
a given isotropic stress, the choice of shearing cle breakage. The new particle contacts start to
stress path influenced the degree of particle degra- break at relatively low stresses giving large volu-
dation through the different q' and p' changes metric strains even before the soil reaches the
which would be applied to the soil. Consequently normal compression line. Shearing stage data for
it is likely that undrained tests undergo less addi- the pre-crushed soil did not conclusively indicate
tional particle crushing during shearing by com- a different critical state line to that of the
parison with standard drained tests. uncrushed soil in either v : In p' or q' : p' space.
A third investigation of particle breakage was The most significant effect of precrushing the par-
made using maximum and minimum density ticles appeared, therefore, to be the reduction in
tests. These were carried out on the untested the soil's specific volume.
sand: one sample that had been isotropically The high )./ K ratio for Dogs Bay sand given in
compressed (K ) and one that had undergone the Table 2 indicates that the stiffness of its response
same isotropic compression but had subsequently to drained and to undrained loading will be very
been subjected to undrained shearing (J). The different. The low value of K for this soil, together
minimum densities were determined by slow plu- with the suspected small amount of breakage for
viation of the sand through a column of water undrained stress paths, gives rise to very stiff

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622 COOP
p': kPa
10 100 1000 10

In p'
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Untested sand
- - - -- .------ --
'------. ------- . +

Pre-crushed sand
-~ ---------- . +
Oo xO
---------- . ..
E ----------


• Isotropically compressed
samples 0
- ·- Trend line
Sheared samples
+ Constant p' drained
x Standard drained
o Undrained (showing p' after isotropic
0·1 compression and shearing if it
decreased during test)
- ·· - Trend line


Fig. 20. Gradings analysis data for Dogs Bay sand

undrained load-deflexion behaviour. Fig. 8 shows metric strains which are superimposed on those
that for drained tests, in contrast, there is a very resulting from particle rearrangement. At high
soft normalized stress-strain curve, which is pressures particle breakage dominates, giving rise
thought to result from the high value of A. and to compressive behaviour. At low pressures parti-
continued severe particle breakage during shear- cle rearrangement is the governing factor, causing
ing. The very different drained and undrained dilation. As Chandler (1985) has identified, a criti-
loading behaviour is similar to that observed by cal state is reached when these two mechanisms
Bishop et al. (1965) from high pressure tests on cancel out.
Ham River sand. It was predicted by Schofield & The location of the critical state line in v : In p'
Wroth (1968) for Granta gravel, a theoretical soil space has been found to be independent of the
with a zero K. path taken to reach it, and so the direction of the
A second consequence of the soft response to stress path must govern the degree of breakage
drained loading is that at higher confining because of the different stress changes which are
stresses, as the sand tends towards normal con- applied to the soil. The large degree of breakage,
solidation, increasingly larger strains are required and hence the high volumetric strains which
to bring the soil to a critical state. If a drained occur during drained loading, were evident from
triaxial test is terminated at a typical axial strain the stress-dilatency data (Fig. 9) and also from
of 20%, as is common, the ultimate state will not the direction of the plastic strain increment
have been reached and any friction angle calcu- vectors in Fig. 15. During undrained compression
lated using the end of test data will be less than of a normally compressed soil, the zero total
that apparent at lower confining pressures. This volume change comprises a plastic volumetric
could be one reason why friction angles are often compression coupled with the elastic volume
said to decrease with increasing confining stress increase as p' decreases. Because K is very low for
for these soils. this soil, the elastic strains and hence the plastic
Particle breakage has been shown to be the strains should be small, indicating that very much
mechanism of plastic volumetric strain for these less particle breakage should be expected from
soils during isotropic compression. During shear- undrained tests than drained.
ing particle crushing again causes plastic volu- However, the shape of the undrained stress

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Untested First loading of

uncrushed soil
\ ·
3 - - - - - - - - --.. ·\ - Normal compression line for
' , \ uncrushed Dogs Bay sand

K /
Ideal path for
samples J and K 2·5 '~\
--------=:::ii.\._ \
,. 2 ~
2 \

• Ideal end of test state

IJ Max. and min. density test data

100 1000 100 1000

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In p : kPa In p': kPa

Fig. 21. Density test data for Dogs Bay sand Fig. 22. Isotropic compression data for pre-crushed sand

paths for virgin overconsolidated and normally up the Hvorslev surface to a critical state. This
compressed samples indicate that the degree of part of the stress path is very much less stiff than
particle breakage during undrained loading may the initial compressive section, as may be seen
be greater than would be expected from the from test 8 in Fig. 6 which reaches the Hvorslev
above considerations. These paths are distin- surface at point Y. During this stage of the test
guished by the large initial reduction in p'/pp' at the small compressive elastic volumetric strains
the start of shearing (Fig. 14(d)). This may result resulting from the increase of p' are balanced by
from a small amount of breakage of particles dilative plastic strains and it is therefore unlikely
which because of the low K value causes the soil that significant further particle breakage occurs.
to unload to a stress level at which the breakage Undrained shearing therefore does give rise to
and corresponding plastic volumetric strains significant particle breakage, and this is verified
cease. As previously discussed, the truly over- by both sieve and density test data.
consolidated sample did not show this type of
behaviour since the soil is less susceptible to par-
ticle breakage during shearing.
The initial compressive part of the stress path CONCLUSIONS
is very brittle, as might be expected from a review The triaxial tests on uncemented Dogs Bay
of Granta gravel. The degree of unloading is such sand described in this Paper provided clearer
that even the initially normally compressed insights into the mechanics of carbonate sands.
sample moves to a state dry of critical, behaviour Although carbonate sands have often been
which would not be seen for conventional soils. thought of as special and as displaying unusual
Since the moisture content of the soil has not behaviour, the data exhibit all the principal fea-
changed, its ultimate state remains unaffected. tures expected of conventional soils.
However, the soil has now reached an over- Isotropic and K 0 normal compression lines can
consolidated state and its path therefore travels be identified by the use of high pressure testing.

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624 COOP

When sheared, Dogs Bay sand eventually reaches ventional settlement analyses, which only con-
an ultimate or critical failure state where no sider </J' and not compressibility, will greatly
volume or stress changes are seen for continued underestimate these settlements. Driven piles in
shearing. For standard drained triaxial tests the carbonate soils often have low frictional capac-
strains required to reach this state are beyond ities, and this has been a particular problem at
conventional practice. From these critical states a the North Rankin A platform of North-West
friction angle of 40° has been identified, a value Australia (McClelland 1988). It is again the soil's
which is significantly higher than encountered in compressibility which causes difficulties since this
other soils. This friction angle has been found to results in very low radial stresses acting on the
be independent of the stress level. pile after driving.
Particle breakage controls the plastic volu- In identifying those soils which will cause prob-
metric strains of carbonate sands during both iso- lems and those which will not, Semple highlighted
tropic and shear loading, and it is perhaps the importance of the in situ void ratio of the soil.
surprising that it does not cause their behaviour For carbonate soils such as Dogs Bay sand, with
to lie outside current models. However, although high in situ void ratios, the stresses imposed by
the basic behaviour of carbonate sands is like foundations may be sufficient to take the soil
that of other soils, the values of some of the soil beyond its yield stress. Isotropic compression
parameters listed in Table 2 are outside the range data for a naturally dense carbonate beach sand
of normal experience. The actual values would of from Rottnest Island, Western Australia tested by
course be different for other types of carbonate Boese (1989) are shown in Fig. 23. For this soil
soil. When the stresses imposed on a carbonate much higher stresses are required to bring it to
sand are sufficient to cause particle breakage the yield and the soil will be relatively incompressible
soil is very compressible, resulting in a high gra- under the loads exerted by foundations. However,
dient of the isotropic normal compression line A. the in situ void ratio is not the only important
The critical state line and K 0 normal compression factor. The locations of the normal compression
line were also found to have the same gradient. In and critical state lines relative to the in situ
contrast, when unloaded, carbonate sands are stress-volume state will control the compress-
unusually stiff and elastic with a low swelling line ibility of the soil. Soils whose in situ state is wet
gradient K. of the critical state line will compress excessively.
A unique critical state line was found for Dogs The soil parameters of Dogs Bay sand given in
Bay sand. Since the location of this line is inde- Table 2 are unique to that soil and Fig. 24 illus-
pendent of the type of test, the volume change of trates that the normal compression line for
the sample, and hence the degree of particle
breakage, depends on the stress path direction.
The work described in this Paper has high-
lighted a number of consequences for laboratory
testing and for the design and performance of
Isotropic compression
structures. In particular, combinations of param- \ line for Dogs Bay sand
eters such as the ratio A/K of 45 are beyond
normal experience and give rise to unexpected 2-5
features, such as the very different stiffnesses
under drained and undrained loading. This dra-
matic difference in stiffnesses is not observed in >
other soils. One consequence is that laboratory or
field tests on foundations in these soils will show
> 2
load---deflexion behaviour which is highly depen-
dent on drainage conditions. If loading is slow
enough to be drained, then the stress path fol-
lowed will govern the stiffness. Paths for which p'
increases will give a much softer response than 1-5
those for which p' decreases.
Carbonate sands are strong soils in the sense
that they have high friction angles, but large
strains are often required to develop the full fric- 10 100 1000
tional resistance, and it is this which often causes 1-I--L-----.-~~---"-----.--------.-'---,----.-----,
8 9
2 3 4 5 6 7
problems in the design and behaviour of engin- In p : kPa
eering structures. Semple (1988) observed that
footings of offshore jack-up rigs have experienced Fig. 23. Isotropic compression data for a dense carbon-
large settlements in carbonate soils and that con- ate sand (after Boese, 1989)

Downloaded by [ University Of Western Australia] on [03/06/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
Dogs Bay sand \
pp' current preconsolidation pressure
isotropic compression \ p' mean normal effective stress
q' deviatoric stress
1-1 \ u pore pressure
v specific volume
\ i: 1 linear strain
en natural strain

0-9 \ i:.
shear strain
volumetric strain
\ K gradient of unload-reload swelling line
l gradient of normal compression line
g 0-7
\ u; effective axial stress
u,' effective radial stress
<// friction angle of soil
</>c' critical state friction angle
05 r specific volume on critical state line

0-3+---r--------,--~--r--------,----, REFERENCES
0-1 0-2 05 1-0 2 5 10 Airey, D. W., Randolph, M. F. & Hyden, A. M. (1988).
Isotropic stress: MPa The strength and stiffness of two calcareous sands.
Proc. Int. Conf on Calcareous Sediments, Perth, Aus-
Fig. 24. Isotropic compression data for Rankin soils
tralia, 1, 43-50.
(after Semple, 1988)
Atkinson, J. H. (1985). Simple and inexpensive pressure
control equipment for conventional triaxial and
stress path testing of soils. Geotechnique 35, No. 1,
Rankin soil is significantly below that of Dogs 61-63.
Bay sand. Soil compressibility will therefore be a Atkinson, J. H. & Bransby, P. L. (1978). The Mechanics
greater problem in the Rankin soil than in Dogs of Soils. London: McGraw-Hill.
Bay sand. Atkinson, J. H. & Evans, J. S. (1985). Discussions on
The measurement of soil stiffness in the triaxial
apparatus by Jardine, R. J., Symes, N. J. & Burland,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS J. B. Geotechnique 35, No. 3, 378-382.
This research is part of a continuing project at Atkinson, J. H., Evans, J. S. & Scott, C. R. (1985).
City University, sponsored by BP International Developments in microcomputer controlled stress
to investigate the behaviour of piles in carbonate path testing equipment for measurement of soil
soils. I would like to express by apprecitation to parameters. Ground Engineering 18, No. 1, 15-22.
the following steering committee members for Atkinson, J. H., Richardson, D. & Robinson, P. J.
their invaluable discussions and comments: Mr (1987). Compression and extensions of K 0 normally
M. Sweeney, Mr R. I. Woods, and especially to consolidated kaolin clay. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs
GT 113, No. 12, 1468-1482.
Dr G. T. Houlsby who also provided the Dogs
Been, K. & Jefferies, M. G. (1985). A state parameter for
Bay sand, and Professor J. H. Atkinson for his sands. Geotechnique 35, No. 2, 99-112.
extensive help in preparing this Paper. I would Bishop, A. W. & Henkel, D. J. (1962). The Measurement
like to thank Dr D. M. Dewaikar of the Indian of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test 2nd Edn.
Institute of Technology, Bombay for the use of London: Arnold.
the data on low-moderate pressure K 0 compres- Bishop, A. W., Webb, D. L. & Skinner, A. E. (1965).
sion tests he conducted at City University. Ms M. Triaxial tests on soil at elevated cell pressures. Proc.
Ho of Nanyang Institute of Technology, Singa- 6th Int. Conj. on Soil Mech., 170-174.
pore, helped with the testing of isotropically com- Bishop, A. W. & Wesley, L. D. (1975). A hydraulic tri-
axial apparatus for controlled stress path testing.
pressed samples and the maximum and minimum
Geotechnique 25, 657---{)70.
density tests were conducted by Dr W. H. W. Boese, R. J. (1989). The study of the mechanical behav-
Lau. iour of uncemented sand. BSc dissertation, The City
University, London.
Burland, J. 8. (1988). Closing address. Proc. Int. Conf
on Calcareous Sediments, Perth, Australia, 2, 869-
e void ratio 874.
K0 ratio of horizontal to vertical effective Carter, J. P., Kaggwa, W. S., Johnston, I. W., Novollo,
stresses under one-dimensional compres- E. A., Fahey, M. & Chapman, G. A. (1988). Triaxial
sion testing of North Rankin calcarenite. Proc. Int. Conf
M critical state line gradient in compression on Calcareous Sediments, Perth, Australia, 2, 515-
N specific volume on normal compression line 530.

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Downloaded by [ University Of Western Australia] on [03/06/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
Gibson, R. E., Gobert, A. & Schiffman, R. L. (1990). Geotechnique 40, No. 4, 627-631


On Cryer's problem with large displacements

and variable permeability

KEYWORDS: analysis; consolidation; elasticity; per- 60% above the applied pressure before dissi-
meability; pore pressures; Mandel-Cryer. pation commenced. This was due to a temporary
increase in the state of the total stress in the
central part of the sphere which had the effect of
NOTATION generating additional pore water pressure there
a initial radius of a material point (Gibson et al., 1963). This so-called Mandel-
a 0 initial radius of the sphere Cryer effect (Schiffman et al., 1969) has come to
a 0 r final radius of the sphere be recognized as a distinctive feature of coupled
cv coefficient of consolidation consolidation theories.
cvo coefficient of initial consolidation In a recent paper (Gibson et al., 1989) we have
e void ratio sought to extend Cryer's work to take account of
er final void ratio large strains and displacements. Some stiffening
e 0 initial void ratio of the soil skeleton has been modelled by using
E Young's modulus of soil skeleton the logarithmic (Hencky's) strain measure (see
k coefficient of permeability Hill, 1950) but, as in Cryer's analysis, the coeffi-
k 0 coefficient of initial permeability cient of permeability was taken to be constant: an
t time assumption likely to be rather wide of the mark
uw pore water pressure in the presence of large strains. It was found that
u excess pore water pressure while the magnitude of the Mandel-Cryer effect
Vr velocity of pore water was virtually independent of the overall strain the
v, velocity of solids rate of consolidation increased substantially with
yw unit weight of pore water increasing strain. In this Technical Note we
e{ radial logarithmic (Hencky) strain extend the analysis to take into account the
e8 circumferential (Hencky) strain change of permeability with void ratio which
~ current radius of a material point invariably accompanies consolidation.
v Poisson's ratio of soil skeleton
<J {' radial effective stress
<Jo' circumferential effective stress GOVERNING EQUATIONS
We quote here certain results which were
derived in the paper cited above (Gibson et al.,
INTRODUCTION 1989) and adhere to the notation of that paper.
A comparison of the three-dimensional consoli- A saturated porous sphere of initial radius a 0 is
dation theories of Biot (1955, 1956) and Terzaghi subjected to a suddenly applied normal pressure
(1943) was undertaken by Cryer (1963) who of magnitude q on its surface at a time t = 0. At
examined the progress of consolidation under an this surface the pore water is free to escape at
ambient pressure of a fully saturated porous com- atmospheric pressure. Tensile stress is taken as
pressible sphere (an idealized soil) free to drain at positive and atmospheric pressure is taken as the
its surface. The analyses were limited to the case datum from which both total stress and pore
of small strains and a linear elastic skeleton using water pressure are measured. Effects arising from
Biot's formulation. Cryer showed that during the the self-weight of the water and solids are insig-
early stages of consolidation the pore water pres- nificant and will be ignored; the pore water pres-
sure at the centre of the sphere could rise almost sure uw and the excess pore water pressure u are
then equal. The problem also exhibits spherical
Discussion on this Technical Note closes 5 April 1991; symmetry.
for further details see p. ii. The conditions mentioned above, which must
* Golder Associates, Maidenhead, UK. be introduced into the analysis, hold on a bound-
t University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. ary the motion of which is unknown. The diffi-
+Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, France. culty to which this could lead can be avoided by
Downloaded by [ University Of Western Australia] on [03/06/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

adopting a Lagrangian description where the where e 0 is the initial (uniform) void ratio of the
initial radius a of a material point of the solids is sphere. As a special case, it can be shown from a
taken as an independent variable and its sub- solution of equation (3) with the appropriate
sequent radius ~(a, t) as a dependent variable. boundary conditions, that when consolidation of
This allows these conditions to be introduced the sphere is complete
on to the moving boundary since this is always at
a = a0 ; it is not necessary to know its actual ~(a, CXJ) = a exp [ -q(l - 2v)/E] (7)
radial location ~(a 0 , t). and this relation, together with equation (6),
The components of skeletal strain are defined allows the final void ratio (er) to be expressed in
by Hencky's relations the form
ec = (1 + e 0 ) exp [ - 3q(l - 2v)/E] - 1 (8)
but, as explained by Gibson et al., (1989), q must
not exceed [E/3(1 - 2v)] In (1 + e 0 ).
and these, in turn, are connected to the effective
stresses (u{, u~) through Hooke's law. Finally, the
flow of pore water through the skeleton is gov-
erned by the Darcy-Gersevanov equation which THE CENTRE PORE PRESSURE
takes the form A numerical analysis of the above equations
e 0~ k OUw was developed (Gibson et al., 1989) to evaluate
--(vc-v)-+--=0 (2) the variation with time of the centre pore water
(1 + e) ' oa Yw oa
pressure uw(O, t) and for the details reference may
where Ve and v, are the true velocities of fluid and be made to that paper. In the present extension of
solid respectively, the other symbols having their the work, essentially the same explicit finite differ-
usual significance. Here, the coefficient of ence scheme has been followed since it has been
permeability k may be any function of the void shown that if the procedure is stable when the
ratio e. permeability coefficient k is constant, then it is
In our earlier paper it was shown from the also stable when the permeability decreases, as it
above equations, together with the condition of does during consolidation.
equilibrium, that the material co-ordinate ~ is Our investigation has been restricted to two
governed by the equation very different soils where comprehensive data are
available on the relation between permeability

o ~+ -2v- -1 - - - -
(1 - v) ~ oa
0~ [0~ ~]
oa a
and void ratio, namely: (i) copper tailings
(Bethlehem slimes) (Mittal & Morgenstern, 1976);
(ii) Florida phosphatic clay (Carrier, 1980). These
+ 2( ~ ) ! ( 0~) 2
In [~
0~] = 2_ (0~) 2
data, together with the initial void ratio chosen
for each case, can be summarized as follows
1- V ~ oa ~ Oa Cv Oa Ot
(i) k = k0 exp [4·11(e - e 0 )]; e0 = 1-42 (9)
where e0 = 4·00 (10)
kE(l - v) where k 0 is the permeability at a void ratio e0 .
C =------ (4)
v yJl + v)(l - 2v) Cryer (1963), for the case of small strain and
constant permeability, showed that the magni-
E and v being, respectively, the Young's modulus tude of the Mandel-Cryer effect depended exclu-
and Poisson's ratio of the skeleton. It should be sively on the Poisson's ratio v of the soil skeleton
noted that equation (3) remains valid even when k and that the effect was greatest when v = 0. We
depends upon the void ratio e. have considered, for illustrative purposes, only
The various field quantities can all be expressed this extreme case and have adopted a skeletal
in terms of ~; in particular, the pore water pres- Poisson's ratio of v = 0 throughout.
sure The variation of the centre pore water pressure

u (a t)
w ,
i• o~ o~
- - -
k oa ot
da (5)
ratio uw(O, T)/q with the time factor T =
Cvo t/a/, where

k 0 E(l - v)
and the void ratio CO= (11)
v Yw(l + v)(l - 2v)

= (1 + ~) 2
0~ has been calculated for a range of ambient pres-
e(a, t) e0
- 1 (6)
sure ratios q/E and is shown in Figs 1 and 2. For

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_...... ~ """
' . ·,_,,

I ~~
[\I \
,, j\
I' I'
0.001 0.01 0.1

Time Factor T


i- +--

,... r
..... -
-- -


r-- I',


0.001 0.01 0.1

Time Factor T


Fig. 1. Variation of pore pressure with time for copper tailings: (a)
q/E = o-cn, v = o; (b) q/E = 0-1, v = o

Table I. Changes of void ratio, sphere radius and coefficient of permeability

Soil q/E eo e, ao,/ao k,/k 0 Curve k,/k 0 Curve Fig.

Copper 0·01 1·420 1·349 0·990 0·745 la 1·000 lb l(a)
tailings 0·10 1·420 0-793 0·905 0·076 2a 1·000 2b l(b)
Florida 0·01 4·000 3-852 0·990 0·857 3a 1·000 3b 2(a)
phosphatic 0·10 4·000 2-704 0·905 0·200 4a 1·000 4b 2(b)
clay 0-25 4-000 1-362 0-779 0·012 Sa 1-000 Sb 2(c)

Downloaded by [ University Of Western Australia] on [03/06/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

0 L--...l--'--_j__L_L...LL..LL__-----L_J..-.,~_.L.L_L.U_ _...__~~~_.__._.~

0.001 0.01 0.1

Time Factor T


~ - ----

,- H- I
--e-~ ---

-- --

- ---

...----- f,.--L :-:__ -
- ,__ - =----::-: 1--·- "'' -~

-- -~-\ \ •-

--- - --- -- -
t ,- \

I \

- - ,- - ----
4b \
\ "l's

i 0.01
I l
Time Factor T

-4==t-= I



- -~-
--- ~

"~ - f--
.... \

"-r "- ~ ~- ~-r

>- . I '- I
~t 11I
--+-· ·-
' I
I {!
) I

~" \
~ ~- +
\ I

C: '
u \

0.01 0.1
' I'-. jI I

Time Factor T


Fig. 2. Variation of pore pressure with time for Florida phosphatic clay: (a)
q/E = 0-()1, v = 0; (b) q/E = 0·I, v = 0; (c) q/E = 0·25, v = 0

Downloaded by [ University Of Western Australia] on [03/06/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

each case the changes of void ratio, sphere radius solidation much more than the reducing drainage
and coefficient of permeability due to consoli- path length increases it, and this effect persists.
dation are given in Table l. However, even with appreciable loading (curves
The influence of both large strains and the 2a and 5a) the Mandel-Cryer effect itself is still
change of permeability with void ratio have been more than 30% for a Poisson's ratio of zero.
taken into account in those calculations which The above results are, of course, of illustrative
lead to curves la-5a. For curves lb-5b only the value only because of the idealizations implicit in
effect of large strains has been allowed for. Fur- the treatment, but they do indicate that the
thermore, as may be noted from Table l, the Mandel-Cryer effect is likely to be greatest in stiff
change in radius of the sphere during consoli- soils subject to small stress changes-a result
dation when q/E = 0·01 is only l % and so curves which might have been anticipated on the basis of
lb and 3b are virtually identical and indistin- purely physical reasoning.
guishable from Cryer's original solution which
ignored changes of permeability and assumed the
strains to be infinitesimal.
Biot, M. A. (1955). Theory of elasticity and consoli-
dation for a porous anisotropic solid. J. Appl. Phys.
CONCLUSIONS 26, 182-185.
When a finite strain analysis is employed and Biot, M. A. (1956). Theory of deformation of a porous
account is taken of the dependence of the coeffi- viscoelastic anisotropic solid. J. Appl. Phys. 27, 459-
cient of permeability on the void ratio, it will be 467.
seen from curves la-5a that both the magnitude Carrier, W. D., III (1980). Bromwell and Carrier, Inc.,
of the Mandel-Cryer effect and the rate of dissi- Lakeland, Florida. Private communication.
pation of pore pressure diminish with increasing Cryer, C. W. (1963). A comparison of the three-
dimensional consolidation theories of Biot and
stress q. Terzaghi. Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 16, 401--412.
It was established in an earlier study (Gibson et Gibson, R. E., Knight, K. & Taylor, P. W. (1963). A
al., 1989) where finite straining alone was con- critical experiment to examine theories of three-
sidered, that the Mandel-Cryer effect was vir- dimensional consolidation. Proc. European Coef.
tually unaffected by stress and the rate of Soil Mech., Wiesbaden, I, 69-76.
consolidation actually increases with increasing Gibson, R. E., Gobert, A. & Schiffman, R. L. (1989). On
stress, presumably because the length of the Cryer's problem with large displacements. Int. J.
drainage path (the current radius of the sphere) Numer. Analyt. Meth. Geomech. 13, 251-262.
Hill, R. (1950), The mathematical theory of plasticity.
then becomes shorter.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
These results taken together demonstrate that Mittal, H. K. & Morgenstern, N. R. (1976). Seepage
it is the (differential) decrease of permeability control in tailings dams. Can. Geot. J. 13, 277-293.
during consolidation that is of dominant impor- Schiffman, R. L., Chen, T.-F. & Jordan, J. C. (1969). An
tance. This is, no doubt, because the throttling analysis of consolidation theories. J. Soil Mech. &
effect of a sudden and early drop in the skeleton Fndn Div., Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs 95, 295-312.
permeability close to the drainage surface on the Terzaghi, K. (1943). Theoretical soil mechanics. New
flow of pore water there, reduces the rate of con- York: Wiley.

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