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Advérbios de Freqüência

100%- Always – sempre

Almost always – quase sempre
Usually - geralmente
Often - Freqüentemente
Subject 50% - *Sometimes - as vezes + verb
seldom - raramente
I, you, we, they rarely- raramente
Hardly ever - dificilmente
Amost never – quase nunca
0% - Never - nunca

Os advérbios de freqüência são usados para mostrar freqüência de algo que está acontecendo..
A seqüência para se usar os advérbios são:

Sujeito + adverbio + verbo + complemento

EX: I always study English.

Se o sujeito for : he, she ou it o verbo precisar ser conjugado com ( s )

Ex: He never plays soccer

Quando se usa o verbo to be a seqüência muda..

Sujeito + to be + adverbio + complemento
Ex; I am always happy

Exercise: Change the verb into the correct form,

1. I usually go (go) to school.
2. They visit (visit) us often.
3. You play (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom works (work) every day.
5. He Always tells (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never helps (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin swim (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually dance (dance) a lot.
9. Linda take care (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely leave (leave) the country.

Position of adverbs of frequency

Rewrite the sentence putting the adverb given in brackets into its proper position.
Example: He plays on the computer. (always) - Answer: He always plays on the computer.

1. He listens to the radio. (often) He often listens to the radio.

2. They read a book. (sometimes) They sometimes read a book.
3.Pet gets angry. (never) Pet never gets angry.
4. Tom is very friendly. (usually) Tom usually is very friendly.
5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) I sometime take sugar in my coffee.
6. Ramon is hungry. (often) Ramon oftens is hungry.
7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) My grandmother always goes for a
walk in the evening.
8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually) Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.

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