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Reading 1: How Society is Organized

This is a famous poet that was wrote by John Donne “No man is an island, entire of itself; every
man is a part of the continent, a part of the main.” Every people in this world needs someone to talk to,
to interact with, to share experiences, worries and other things that bothers them or the things that
they been worrying about. Talking to other person is a need in every human’s life because if you don’t
talk to other people your mental health might breakdown because according to Gordon (2021), finding
someone to talk to provides not only a sense of belonging, comfort, and understanding, but also the
opportunity to share common experiences and avoid feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Talking to other people can help one person in shaping his/her characteristics. If a person
interacts with other people, he/she would feel the feeling of being belonged and he/she will never feel
that he’s/she’s alone. A group where you can be in can be categorized based on the same experience,
interest, characteristics, and other things that can cause you to be connected to each other.
Reading 2: Types of Groups According to Influence

Groups are made up of the number of thing or people that is being tied by some relation to one
another. We have two types of Groups according to influence, the first one is the primary group. Primary
group are a small group of people with an intimate type of bond. The people belong in this group is tied
to one another tightly and their relationship last longer. Their bonds not only end up in physical bond
but they are also emotionally attached to one another. If they lost a member of the group, it will affect
the whole group, that is how strong they are attached to each other. The best example of this group is a
family. The second group is the secondary group. They are formed because of a purpose and goal-
oriented. The members interact to reach a goal in life. The secondary group members are not really tied
to each other and they only have few knowledge about each other’s personal life. This kind of
relationship mostly don’t have a goal of maintaining and developing the relationship (Lumecandela,
n.d.). In contrast the primary group last longer than the secondary group. And the primary groups are
tied tightly than the secondary group. According to Cooley (1909), it was called secondary because they
emerge later in life and have a lower likelihood of influencing one's identity than primary groups.
Reading 3: Types of Groups According to Membership

When we feel the we belong to a certain group it feels really good because you know in that
group you are being valued but when you feel like an outsider in a group if feels like you are competing
with the group member. In 1906, sociologist named William Sumner develop concepts in-group and out-
group to explain the phenomenon more (Openstax, n.d.).

We have two types of groups according to membership. The first one is the In-groups, ingroups
are a type of group where the member feels like he/she belongs in this group, it is where he/she feel
valued by other members. While the out-groups are where a member doesn’t feel like she belongs, it is
where the member feels like he/she is not needed in the group.
Reading 4: Reference Group and Networks

Reference Groups is where a person set a standard that he/she will follow. Reference group are
used as a reference for a person they compare themselves to them. It is a group that the individual
relates. According to Libretext (2021), individuals use reference groups as a frame of reference and a
source for organizing their experiences, perceptions, cognition, and self-concepts. These groupings serve
as a point of comparison and evaluation for drawing comparisons and contrasts, as well as evaluating
one's look and performance. For example, a student looks at his/ her schoolmate at the higher grade as
his/her reference group.

Network are the social connection a person takes part in for whatever purpose. According to
Behir (2021), it gave people a method to think about not only familial relationships, but also migration
patterns from tribal communities to cities.

Link /Sources

Reading 1

Gordon, S (2021). What to Do When You Need Someone to Talk to. Retrieved from

Reading 2

Lumencandela (n.d.). Types of Social Group. Retrieved from

Cooley, C. (1909). 6.1 Types of Groups. Retrieved from


Reading 3

Openstax (n.d.). 6.1 Types of Groups. Retrieved from


Reading 4

Libretext (2021). Reference Group. Retrieved from

Behir, M. (2021). Network. Retrieved from

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