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Description of Event:
 Pantomime is a performance exercise focused on using the art of movement and facial
expressions rather than primarily the spokenword to portray a short scene. The
scene should be original in composition and establish clear character(s), a
situation or problem and a solution to the conflict.

1. The performed scene should last between 2-3 minutes. This includes the
introduction,which should only include a title for the scene. The title may be spoken,
the rest of the performance should be silent.

2. Each actor may portray only one character throughout the performance.

3. Material must be the original work of the contestant(s). 

4. You can used stage props or costumes like posters or slogans for scene transitions
(Letter must be large enough to be read from the audience. Example: “Later that Day…”
“Oh no!” “A long time ago in France…”

5. You must have background music that matches the storyline/mood. The music you
choose must also have no words. Hint: the music is best used when the action
happening goes with the song

6. Mouthing of words and any use of sound effects (recorded or live) is prohibited.

7. It should be done individually.

8. Actions, contents and characters being portrayed should be in accordance with the
theme of the culminating activity, “Alab Sining, Alay Sigla”. The presentation
should depict the importance of physical fitness, arts, health and music in the everyday
life of students.

9. It should be done virtually and send your output via messenger to your subject
teacher in MAPEH.

Criteria for Judging:

1. Characterization & delivery – 30%
2. Concept – 25%
3. Originality -20%
4. Music – 10%
5. Props & Costumes – 15%

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