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Three little pigs set out to find their fortune in the real world.

They all meet a man with straw, furze

(sticks), or bricks after they all go off. The wolf approaches the first pig and asks him to let him into his
house, which he does. When the pig refuses, the wolf destroys the house and devours the pig. The
second pig builds his house out of furze, which are sticks, and the wolf comes along and asks him to
open his door, just as the first pig did. When the pig refuses to eat, the wolf destroys the house and
devours the pig. Finally, the wolf goes to the third pig's house and asks if he can go inside again;
however, when the pig refuses, the wolf attempts to blow down the house. When he fails, he asks the
pig if he wants to go to a turnip field at a specific time in the morning. The pig agrees, but he arrives at
the field an hour earlier than expected in the morning. When the wolf realizes what he's done, he asks
the pig to meet him somewhere at a specific time in the morning. Before the wolf tries to go down the
chimney, where the pig has a boiling pot of water hanging over a fire, this happens two more times. It's
where the wolf comes in.

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