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Innovation Synopsis

The Virtual Inheritance Comic (Komik Pewarisan Maya) that has been developed is

an online product that contains inputs involving Dihybrid Inheritance content standard

in Form 5 Biology as well as re-strengthening students' understanding on Monohybrid

Inheritance content standard in the past learning. Interestingly, all the content is

loaded in this product through a different storytelling path in compared with the

textbook, which is in form of comic strips. This makes the Inheritance topic now more

exciting to be explored by the students! The Virtual Inheritance Comic can be applied

both during the class for teaching and learning as well as students’ revision aid as it

can be accessed anywhere, anytime! Coming with Malay Language version, this

virtual comic in total consists of 36 pages excluding the front page. The 36 pages

consist of an introduction to the characters in the comic strips followed by the comic

strips and finally a glossary section regarding the comparison of significant terms in

the Inheritance topic. For the comic strips, students will go bit by bit on the Dihybrid

Inheritance content standard by exploring the learning journey of a naïve kid, Omar

accompanied by his father, Nestler towards the Father of Genetics, Gregor Mendel.

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