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ia La tes Ldn By 40. Simkins The Talibans media wing has wased le ime seeing doves of new propaganda inthe wake ofits !scenson ro power, Ti one parla image reese chs week members of he Talis Badri 313 Batalion appear mos Joe Rosenthal iconic 1945 image ofthe Bag sing ‘Mop Mount Saibachi duting the Battle of Jn. Inthe Tala imag, fighters Belonging othe Bade 313, which some ate calling the Taliban’ elte commando wire shown wear fll xtc ‘uniforms, combat boos, tactical gear and night vison peg. Similar photographs lesen recent day show Taliban fighters canying weapons and equipmene i sued by the United Sate rallied ations, including Xd carbines and what appear to be Tejcon advanced bat apa gansights, or ACG. Alona depictions of Taliban fighters who seldom appeared with henry wespory ria all lary tt pole behind by the Afghan army. "When an are group gee cher hands on Amet nrenade weaponry, is srr oF ataas sre” Elis ns depuny distor ae the 32 AimFORCETIMES.COM Seen 202 Poli’ ScutsyAstance Monitor tld ‘The Hill Thad“ popeeagial win, Cheat tht it an indicment of the U.S ccurity cooperation enter pre broadly. realy shold aes lov of concerns about what the wider enterprie tits ging on very single day, whether ha ia che Middle Eas, Sub-Saharan Aft, Ease Ai "Yousif add she much of the equipment would ey go unused, gven the group dearth of ning svhen comes o posing acolletion of tera thet a of July included 45 UH-60 Black Hak hlicop ters and four C-190 tore planes, according toa repor by the Special Inspector General for gh sean Reconstruction. "Wedant have a complete picture, obviowy of wher vey ale of defense materia as gone, but Certainly a fr amoune of has fallen ino the hands the Taliban?” Whit «Jae Salva tld repress st week. And lou we dai ave u sense ht they oe sping oreiy hand ic ove tous athe airport ge was reinforced by the sppesance ofthe Bada bata tame from the 7th encury Pr ctor daring the Bate of Bade Inan Aug 17 video shared ro Tier depicting the Bada 313 fighters, Qari Saced Khouy a wel known roTaliben social mea infuences,claed the the Afghaisan-ised detachment merely in Kabul 0 Sullivans grim mes seth deve it het Muhammad eared 2

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