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discussion 8

1. What is Productivity in your description? Is that culture?


Productivity is the main source of economic growth and competitiveness. A country's ability
to improve its standard of living depends almost entirely on its ability to increase output per
worker, that is, produce more goods and services for a certain number of hours worked.
Economists use productivity growth to model productive economic capacity and determine the
level of capacity utilization.

2. Does high-level productivity contribute to a country's economic size?


Yes, because productivity is the main source of economic growth. Economists use
productivity growth to model productive economic capacity and determine the level of capacity
utilization. However, productivity is not always an indicator of economic health at any given
point in time. For example, in the 2009 recession in the United States, output and working
hours both fell while productivity increased - because working hours fell faster than output.
Because increased productivity can occur both in recession and expansion

3. With the emphasis on Human Resources in our next 5 years government, can this plan
increase the productivity of our employees? Do you think this plan will meet the cultural
challenges of the Indonesian people?


Yes, with an emphasis on human resources, can increase employee productivity. Where in
productivity is needed a country's ability to improve its standard of living in its ability to
increase worker output by producing a lot of goods and services for a certain number of
working hours. With qualified and trained human resources will increase employee productivity
in meeting the cultural challenges of Indonesian society that is different culturally / culturally
which becomes an obstacle in productivity. But by emphasizing human resources, people will
have education, quality, and broad thinking about the importance of productivity in increasing
worker output.

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