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-O) Bi 10040 O)5) 0197S ISEeECON D/ACGCeE \ Y MY Your. te 4 aD the “a ge a re Prima’s Bmicar Guroe to - Ultima Online BETEKEE PARTAM A XPM OOTAMING BREMAK TINY i The Pentameron Credits Hines GENERAL TIPS .. Magi : Firs, Second and Tid Cres. Temples — Pros od Cons... Fourth ond Fifth Gides £32 Mathing Templates Sich and Seventh Cis. 3g Saving fo oRiy Doyen Eighth Gide... 34, Geowth ond Matty... Potions... 34 ROLEPLAYING. : Communication Crystals 34 If ot your Do’ Dungeon Cov. Non loyer Characters 35 Roleplaying egies ale... Roleplaying is wht you make of. + ©1997, 1996 Origin Systems, Inc [No pat of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanic, includ ing photocopying, recording or by any information storage or revival sytem ‘writen permission from "Electronic ars except for the indusion of quotations fora review. Origin, the Origin logo, Ultima, Britannia, The Second Age and the Ultima Online logo are tradematks or regis tered trademarks of Origin ystems in the US. and/or other countries. Al rights reserved. Origin is an Electronic ‘Ants company. Made ia USA. in Syters, Inc 5918 West Courtyard Dr * an ria Publishing ate feghtered ademas of Pa Pima Commiistions In ‘nd tncan Monkey God, Sao are wademare SLIMGS. Ie ‘Austin, 78759) Important: Prima Publishing has made every effort to determine thatthe information contained in this book is accu- rate. However the publisher makes no warranty either expressed or implied, as tothe accuracy, effectiveness or com- pletenes ofthe material in this book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, ether incidental or conse- ‘quental that may result from using the information inthis book. The publisher cannot provide information regard- {ng game play, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Questions should be directed to the sup- port numbers provided by the game and device manufacturers in thei documentation. Sone game ticks requite pre ‘ee timing and may require repeated atempts before the desired result is achieved, ISBN: 7615-1771 Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 98-6688 Tasle of Contents OTHER PLAYERS... ssse44 | SKILL DESCRIPTIONS Pring... vee 4 ev trem Identification 115 ‘Stealing 7 cues lockpcking ..... 116 Looting & Genel Obnoxiuses 4 fond Loe Lumberckng 117 PP The Fie Points... a cell hind eka. Moce Fighting .. 118 REPUTATION. ceeeeeeeeees 50 | ther Mogery ...... 119 Reputation Matix... 50 | Ams Lore Mining... 120 Reputation ond Inert 58 | Begging Musiconship 121 LUVING IT UP IN LIMB 2.54 | Bloksmthy Forming ....... 122 Newly Dead? cecsesessssesesss 5H | Bowanft/Ftching ..100 Peacemaking... ..123 Ghostly Pronk. ceceeeeeee A | Comping 022.2101 Poisoning... 124 Dect ond Resuecton 55 | Copenty a MOONGATE TRAVEL. veces. 56 | Cotogrophy 103 Resisting Spells. ...126 Rings... nates si evita) kee) || Conky 104 Snooping Aa Timetoble sevessees 57 | Detecting Hidden ...105 Spit Speok ......128 Shorts 257 | Eaiement 106 Steding ..... 129 Fvalotng Intellect 107 Swordsmanshp 130 anee 3 encg 108 Tatts ..........131 Fisting... 109 Taloing 132 Forensic Evlvoon ..110 Taste Mentfication 133 Lore of the Land Heating .......-111Tinkeing 134 THE STORY SO FAR......-... Heng M2 Wocking 5.135 NAMES TO REMEMBER ting Veterinary 136 PLACES OF INTEREST. . . Wresting ........137 THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS............76 | Sicking....... ul SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ites Used wih Skits a Blacksmithy, Copenty, lodging «alah, sty aay. Skills wee one aes Mage 85 Starting Equipment List a Ai Tie... 79 Rar so 8G IMMA CBS. n sess neeeenen es MB Assossin........,.80 Shepherd. 87 Hats... 505 Tiel BB Bloch. Tinker 89 Bowyer 83 Ter 90 Heder 84 Woman oS nr. Economics Cost Adjustments... .. Prices and Resources. Fconomic Moifiations .. Reputation Pricing, Guild Dscounts. How Much Does it Cost, Automatic Droftng . MERCHANTS & VENDORS: {ntroduction, Getting Stored. . Choosing oLocofion . Buying an =e Contot | thom nani Stocking Your Vendor. Seting Pies Pricing Guide... Naintiig Morene Keeping Your Customers Hoppy GUILDS... KEYWORDS. Usoge Guidelines. Gene (Al NPC); iis Creatures and NPCs gan AND NON-PLAYER BEHAVIOR. . 170 skget a7) taevnoui m Production an Avesons. ‘CREATURE DESCRIPTIONS. .............175 Animals ree Aigo, Ba (ck, Brown, Gah)... 176 Bear (Pla), Bul Fog, (Ot... eeeeseses MIT Cotte (Cow, Bl), Cougar... 178 Deer (Hat or Sog Hin), Dog a) Dolphin, Goat, Mouton Goat... 180 Gail, Hos, lama, veces IB] Osod (Ok, Om, Zstich) «182 Foner, Fg, Boor... esses eceeeee se 188 Robb, odebbi, Ro, Sener Rat, 184 Sheep, Smal Soke, ke Sake, av Soke... 185 ‘Snow Leopord, Walrus... ... 186 Gey Wal Tiber Wol, White Wo... 187 Bis (Chicken, Cow, Eagle, Mooi, Rover)... . 188 Monsters. . “i Ai Elemental, lod Emel, Coser ops, Daemon, Eder Demon (Boon) ‘Dragon, Drake, Wyrm (Elder Drogon), Ice Dragon... 192 Forth Element, Et, Ein Fire lame Frost Ooze, Gago. Stone Gargoye, Gre, der Gazer Ghoul, Gos or Spectre, Hoy, Stone Hapy. 196 Headless, Hella, Pedtr Heat 197 Hell Hound, Ice Elementol, ce Fiend . we 198 Im, Koken, Lovo Uizod 199 lich, ihe Lor, Lizrd Man esse 200 Nangbat (boreal ond Sbteraean), Hr 201 Nighmoe, Og, Oge Lod... 2... sees ee. 202 Or, Oc Cp, Oc Lor, Oc Mage 203 Option Mage, nn Acoge, thn de 204 Optidon Wor, Opin Hoght 28 Phoenix, Poson Element, Gant Rat Rot Man, Reape, Giant Scorpion. Serpents — Girt, ke ond Lovo ond Seo Sapent. 08 Sh Sep, Sb th ag ed Rag) 20 Asa 4 2 Sime, aow Bement, Gicnt Sidr Frost Spies, Swamp Tents. . Terthon Wario, Avenger and Drone. Terthon Matiach, Tito, Gint Toad Tol, Frost ol, Water Elemental, Wisp... 214 Dire Wolf, Wyvern, Zombie... 25 NNON-PLAYER CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS. 216 Typical NPC... 06 Gud of cane ts... ar (Nehemist, Mages Evil Mages, Guilémaster) Batic Colegium (Bard, Guimaster). 2.218 Society of Cth (Tar, Weover,Guldmaster)... 218 Saocey of Cooks ond Chas (Cook) Order of Engineers (Tink, Guidmaster) Guid of eles (Hece,Guikimaster) ‘Martine Guid (Fisherman, Mopmaker, Sailor, ... 220 ‘Shipwiht, Harbormastr, Guidmastr) ‘Merchants’ Assocation (innkeeper 20 ane, Poin, Tvenkoee, Golde). 21 League of Rangers . oli Chima Ter, Bowyer, Roger, Gust) Say of Thies (Beggr, Ti, Guloste) Worirs’ Guid (Fighter, Mercenary, Paladin Wario, . Weopes Tint, Weoponsmih, Guimastes) Aer, Ahit, Ati, Boker ns Banker, Beckeper, Bignd, Butcher... 226 Copentr, Coble, Famer. 226 Fur Td, Goble, Glsblower, Guard, Gypsy... 227 Herbs, Joy, ldge, Magica Cuncl Member... 228 Nina Servant, Mayo, Mile, Mint, Monk, Noble 228 (clo Cosuo, clo Pstss/Piest, Odo Rune... 229 Pecsnt, Pie, ison, Rc, ce. 29 Sculptor, Shepherdess, Tamer, Town it... 280 Vegetal Sle, Veterinarian, Woiess/Waiter .... 230 Combat COMBAT SYSTEM Bl Physical ws. Mogi Combat. 282 How Combat Works S BI WEAPON, ARMOR AND CLOTHING DESCRIPTIONS .. BI Procte Weapons. Aes, knives and Daggers. ‘Mace ond Hommes, rams Stoves 1 Sill GLEN Wiese teal oc AT Tasle of Contents SPELL DESCRIPTIONS. aaa Reacive Amo, Cus, Create Food... 258 Font a ro gS Wake 759 Aly Cig Cu, Hor. z iM fot Tebkines, Ioan, Uc, Wel of tne... 263, ‘chcure, Achroecton, Cuse, Fre Field 164 Greater Heo, Lighting, Mona Din, Real... ...265 Blade Spits, spe! Field, naga, Magi Reflection 266 ‘Mind Blast, Porayze, Poison Fil, Summon retue 267 Dispel, Energy Bot, Explosion Inst. 268 Mark, Mass Cuse,Paroze Field Reveal... 269 Coin Lghning, Energy Fel, lmestite, Got Havel 270 ‘Mana Vamp, Mas Dispel, Meteor Swam, Pohmarph 271 Earthquoke, Energy Vortex, Resurrection 22 ‘Summon fr lemenol m2 Summon Doemen, Summon Eorh Element... ...273 ‘Summon Fie Elemento, Surman Water Elemental. 273 ‘MAGIC ITEMS m4 Mogi mor. m4 agi Weapons, Hog Bes and Sos... 275 ‘Magic Wonds ond Stoves, Magic Ching... . 275 ‘Hogic Rings, Mogi Scrolls 6 Flas. scape 6 Dungeons er Secret Places ‘Abandon Al Hope (Mop Key) 7) Pathways fo the Lost Lands Pi Sewer. Terathon Temple Bucconeer’s Den. . 304 Ej ood reader, what you have before you is not SEA original material. Rather, it is five tales of mirth and moral performed by the greatest jstonytellens of the land in honor of Lord sixth biathday, and then reconded by this humble scribe (with but slight stylistic embellishment, | ‘assure you). It is done so in the interest of posterity for ‘our king's future enjoyment and, mayhaps more importantly, for the amusement of any. unfortunate enough to miss our liege’s exciting celebration. Each story contains not only elements of danger and excitement, but also perhaps a bit of insight into the dealings and difficulties faced daily within our very society. Read on, good londs and ladies, both young and old, and see what lessons may be learned to help you succeed in the roles of life that you play. * The Pentameron The Tale of the Guilo Master he flames from the logs crackled and paisked about [the inside of the fireplace as the woman stood before Byeqche mantle, seemingly concentrating on the very U stones of the wall. Though no longer wearing her hauberk and coif, her left hand resting on the hil¢ of her sword gave away her profession. Seated at the small table by the door were two men, also warriors. “Gi Master?” asked the first. She turned Co regard them, her pursed lips an obvious sign that she still focused more on her thoughts than on her audience. “Guild Master, we need an answer,” urged the other male. “The Knights of the Ankh have shown us great dishonor. Do we issue challenge or not?" Both fighters looked anxiously at each other, yet another minute passed before the woman responded. “I have spent years fighting wars for other people,” she began. “My first post was with a caravan, whene little more than food and a sleeping pallet was my pay Co fend off brigands. I've since battled headlesses, ogres and drakes. I've even faced the undead skeletons of warriors | had slain the very day before.” “Aye, Guild Master.” “And yet never have | known such an outrage as what you say the Knights have done. Our guilds were formed for the very same purpose, fo help spread Lond British’s eals throughout Britannia. But now they speak blasphemy towards the very king himself! Why, €0 challenge them would be like challenging siblings. Yet such words cannot go unpunished.” With hen final statement, the Guild Master leaned on the table, looking her lieutenants in the eyes. “We are warriors all, and warrions we shall die, one day or another. Send notice to all our members — tomorrow we, the Protectors of Virtue, demonstrate oun loyalty €0 the realm, and put an end to the Knights of the Ankh.” “Aye, Guild Master.” Ie 010 not take long for the news to spread to the other guild members, and by noon fighting had already started. The skizmishes in the streets were small, for neither side wished fo draw attention from the guards, but in the surrounding countryside, the ringing of steel on steel was a common sound. Bug even after a month had passed, the conflict had not ended. “The listing of the dead, Guild Master,” the lieutenant said, handing her the scroll as she paced within her office. She took the parchment, unrolled the skin, and began to read the names of the deceased. As the lieutenant turned to Leave, she stopped him at the door. “Wait, warrior. These dozen names at the end ... | know them not. They are members of our guild?” “Guild Master?” The fighter peered at the list. “Nay, milady, they are not.” Her questioning look told him to continue. “Conscripts, Guild Master.” “1 80 not understand. The Protectors of Virtue 0 not take ‘conscripts.” ¥ “Our members battle with heart and soul, Guild Master. It takes much to keep morale high between battles ..." “I know about the effects of warfare, lieutenant,” she said between clenched teeth. “What does this have to d0 with forced membership?” “Well, Guild Master, when some of the others are on hunt, they ‘ane oft times inclined to stop any who cross their path, and,” he paused in anticipation of her wrath, “those who do not Beclare loyalty to the Protectors are put to the blade.” “What?” she asked with alarming coldness. “They are given a choice ... ¢o join the guild as friend, or be slaughtered as foe.” “By the Virtues, what have | done?” the Guild Master exclaimed as she sank to her chair. She swallowed hard and then spoke plainly. “This will stop, Lieutenant. The challenge was made by our The Pentameron guild, and cur guild alone. We chose to band together to further our cause, not to bully peasants. I¢ is our fight, and if we cannot face it alone, we d0 not deserve to win. When | gave command to confront the Knights of the Ankh, my intent was ¢o defend the welfare of the people of Britannia, not threaten it. You will control your warriors, Lieutenant, and if you cannot, you will answer to me.” “Aye, Guild Master.” As the lieutenant moved for the second time fo leave, a knock came from the door. “Enter,” said the Guild Master. The door opened and in walked half a dozen royal guards. The captain stepped forward Co speak. “Guild Master of the Protectors of Virtue, you have brought bloodshed into the town of Trinsic, and as leader of your guild you are hereby charged by order of the King with multiple counts of slaughter. You are to come with us.” Turning to the lieutenant, he added, “you are now charged with the leadership of this guild. It is not a role to be taken lightly. | suggest you consider the larger ramifications of any actions you or your guild may take in the future, for as your Guild Master has just learned, i¢ is easier to inspire and enforce ideals within one man, than in many.” & & This story focuses on the hazards sometimes hidden to those inexperienced with the responsibilities of leadership like the Guild Master. It demonstrates the need Co imagine the consequences resulting from one’s actions, and of realizing how widespread they might be. This is an excellent example of the decisions Lond British must make on a daily basis, but applies equally well to any leader of nearly any sized group. *& & The Tale of the Merchant Basilio held his wine glass high, waiting for the man across the table fo raise his drink in return salute. “To War,” replied the other, and both drank. “Tell me, Basilio,” he asked, setting his glass on the polished oak desk, “what is i€ about this guild war that pleases you so?” A wy smile crossed the merchant's face, but he paused ¢o check the sleeve ties of his robe before Responding, seemingly to let the question sit momentarily before sharing his wisdom. “What pleases me sot Why, | will ¢ell you, my friend. Gold. Gold is what makes this petty war so welcome ¢o me.” “You speak of profit, obviously, but from where? How?” “Why, prom the very guilds themselves. Ah, | see by your puzzled look I must explain.” Basilio reached for the carafe of wine. “The Protectors of Virtue have challenged The Knights of the Ankh, yes? And so they battle. And those who battle need ‘azms and armour, yes? So they come to me. It is a simple matter of demand. “But you are not the only merchant to sell weapons and ‘armour to one of the guilds. Why 00 you seem to profit so much more than the others?” “Ah, and there you have if, my friend. | d0 not sell to ‘one’ of the guilds — | sell €o both. I have found a few scavengers who are willing €o collect what the dead lose in these battles. They bring the azms to me, | pay them a modest price, and then sell ‘them again to either guild at a profit. OF course, since | rarely have to make new wares, | can sell more in less time, so | can afford ¢o charge a little less than everyone else. Thus, | get mone business. Same cost outlay for me, double the customers, half the time ... if adds up. See,” Basilio shrugged, palms held upwand, “who is hurt but my competitors?” The Pentameron “Ingenious,” admitted the companion. “To war, then!” “To war —" again Basilio raised his glass, but stopped his words mid-sentence. “What is that noise coming from outside?” His friend opened the shuttered windows to the din below. “Apparently, the fighting is over. | can see wannions with markings from both guilds shaking hands and banging shields. | would say your bit of profiteering has come to an end.” Basilio's brow furrowed for a moment, then with a sigh he took @ drink. “Tis li¢tle matter. There will always be conflict. If not in our city, than with the orcs in the hills, or trolls in the mountains, ‘on the brigands on the plains. My profits will nop fo normal, but | have driven enough others out of business that I can keep up with the demand af little cost to myself. As long as the guilds continue to purchase from me, | am set.” “Then perhaps you should take a look outside this window, Basilio. | see the fighters trading weapons with each other, and there seems to be recognition on their faces, as if they ane reclaiming the arms of brothers lost.” Basilio'’s eyes grew wide. “Indeed, the Guild Masters themselves are inspecting the pommels of their swords. | think they are comparing the blacksmiths’ markings, Basilio. Basilio nose €0 his feet with a look of panic, his hands pulling his gown around him protectively. “And now they point and come this direction. Basilio, | think they come to speak with you. Basilio?” But Basilio was gone. « # This interesting tale illustrates the error of practicing indifference and exploitation, especially at the misfortune of others. In a world sometimes as harsh ‘and violent as ours, there is little long-term benefit gained from taking advantage of one’s fellow men and women, and will ultimately, in fact, lead to one’s ruin. Lond British was particular pleased with this anecdote for its example of the fallacy of greed.

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